Author Topic: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!  (Read 18624 times)

Offline ting1sf

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My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« on: May 16, 2005, 08:00:14 pm »
    I came home after buying some gorcerys, to find my puppy out of the the enclosement I left her in and wagging her tail at me above the stairs. Only been away for two hours. She has went to the bathroom filled herself with toliet water. Peed once in my bedroom, 3 times in another bedroom and pooed twice in that bedroom. peed once downstair and  5 times in the kitchen not including the one I just had to stop writing and wipe up. I am really at my wits in grrrrrrrr.The puppy is driving me up the wall and out of space.... I was wondering if someone had as much potty training that went wrong expirence and can tell me what there is to do. For the last wo days I wake up to find pee all over again. And if I go anywhere the same thing. i was wondering if anyone have tips anythign wil help thanks all :'(
I rather love a dog than a human. Because you put  100% into a dog , you get 200% back. As for humans you sometimes you get nothing back.


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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2005, 08:09:17 pm »
buy a crate that is just big enough for her to lay down in...and lock her butt up in it until she gets the hint.  crate training is i think the best way....its never taken me more than a month to train any of my dogs that way.  the freedom/reward of space comes after the lesson she has to learn.  then she can stretch her legs and you can sigh a pee free relief!

Offline mamadog

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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2005, 09:20:22 pm »
I feel your pain!!! I really do. Finn JUST got out of that phase and I'm so happy about it. I was ready to kick his puppy butt most days, and my husbands too for wanting to get him in the first place!!!
I would stare in wonder of how one dog could pee and poop that many times in such a short period.
At night he sleeps in our room. He has never gone in there (except last week when he clearly asked to go out but my husband and I were....busy.. he peed on the floor)
During the day I had to put him on a schedule. I would take him out every hour, just to make sure. Leaving him home was always a more than an hour at first.
Then one day he just blossomed. He seemed to get himself together one day and has done well since. No accidents, he asks to go out, he can be left home for up to 4 hours now, though I do have to make sure the trash is put away. It is work, but one day they just get it. You'll wake up one day and find your puppy is a little boy!  How old is he now?  Finn is an IW and they mature slowly, but he was about 6 to 6 1/2 months when it happened. We got him at 5 months.
Good luck, and hang in there. It gets really does


Offline ting1sf

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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2005, 03:40:58 am »
I am totally confused about the craft thing.How does it work? When is she suppose to be let out and what happens at night during bed time? I bought a crate for her. Its not that big at all compared to her. But for some reason when I wake up or check on her I would find her laying on her pee and poo and I would take her 2 baths a day. Which was a bit crazy. Hehe. Thanks Mamadog for the encougement... . Congrads on getting through it hehe :) Although when i do get upset I have my own butt to kick cause I wanted the doggy hehe.
I rather love a dog than a human. Because you put  100% into a dog , you get 200% back. As for humans you sometimes you get nothing back.


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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 10:22:09 am »
Hey there - I totally understand what you mean!  We got Ranger at 3 months old and I really thought I was going to lose my mind! The crate thing really did work for us with him.  We got a crate that had an adjustable back wall, so it was just big enough for him to lay down in.  He learned fairly quickly that he did not want to sit in his mess!  Most dogs do not want to potty where they have to sleep.  When he was in the house, roaming free, it was a different story.  Without any warning....he'd just take off with a trail of pee!  ARGH!  I felt like if I had to spray any more Nature's Miracle on my floor, I was going to scream!  Also, I cleaned up his pee with an old towel and everytime I caught him in the act, I'd clean up the pee with the towel and then put it outside.  So he'd smell the pee outside and put 2 and 2 together.  I think it helped.  Ranger is 6 months now and he is doing a lot better.  Swissys are NOTORIOUSLY difficult to potty train and can take up to 8 months.  We've only had 2 accidents for the past 3 weeks, which were our fault, so my fingers are crossed.  I agree though with is like one day, they just get it.  Hang in there!  It does get better.  ;)

Offline Leah-n-boy-os

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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2005, 01:11:23 pm »
I am totally confused about the craft thing.How does it work? When is she suppose to be let out and what happens at night during bed time? I bought a crate for her. Its not that big at all compared to her. But for some reason when I wake up or check on her I would find her laying on her pee and poo and I would take her 2 baths a day. Which was a bit crazy. Hehe. Thanks Mamadog for the encougement... . Congrads on getting through it hehe :) Although when i do get upset I have my own butt to kick cause I wanted the doggy hehe.

My little one Zeus is like that as well. Crate-training was a big failure for him. We even had the Vet check him over, because we were worried that something was wrong with him. Our Vet said that Zeus was just slow to devlope, but he would catch on. As far as the laying in his own offal, the Vet just laughed and said some dogs are just that unconcerned with their enviroments that they would do that.  ???

Funny thing though, when we brought Apollo home, and Zeus watched Apollo go to the door and "ask" to be let out, he stopped within about two weeks. He still pees himself if he gets scared or startled (my ferocious coward) but accidents in the house are non-existant nowadays.

We cannot leave the boys unattended in the house though, as they have earned their nicknames "Jaws" and "The Shredder" for a *very* good reason! We have a large dog run with a enclosed "nest area" for them to romp in during the day while we are away at work. Funny thing, neither of them will deficate or urinate in their run. Apollo treats it the same as the house, and Zeus follows along admirably. Go figure!

Best of luck to you though, I hope your little one "gets it" soon!
Leah and the Boy-os
Apollo (Akita/St. Bernard)
Zeus (Heinz 57)
Onyx (Newfoundland)
Being owned by Big Paws just indicates how big your heart is.

located - Gig Harbor, WA


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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2005, 01:52:59 pm »
We just got our dog yesterday and the crate training has been working really well for us. We trained our other great dane using the crate as well. It only took him about a month and he was sleeping at the end of our bed all night without having to go outside. I would suggest a crate. Put her in it at bedtime (next to your bed) and when you leave. Like a previous poster said, dogs don't like to go where they sleep, so they'll hold it. Try it and see....Good luck and let us know how it works!



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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2005, 08:18:34 am »
We crate trained all of our dogs from puppy to 18 months becase all of the large breeds we have had were destructive until then. They were housebroken in a matter of months, so  they were allowed free roam at night, but were crated when no one was home. Now as adults, they may occasionally tear up some papers or eat a stray loaf of bread but they are free at all times after 18 months. The biggest problem that I have had with trying to crate train a new puppy is that the adult dogs will "den" in the cage and not want to get out when I need to put the pup in!

Offline mamadog

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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2005, 09:22:50 am »
My girls are totally housebroken, but still not allowed to raom the house at night. They don't normally get into things, but they will at night if we're in bed. So when my son goes to bed they hear "time to say goodnight to Jack" and they come climb into bed with him and give kisses. When we go we tell them "it's bed time" and they all follow us up to our room. That way we know they're not getting into things and if one has to go in the middle of the night they wake me up.  Other than that they have free use of the whole house (except the's the cats zone)   At 7 months old Finn still has an accident, but very rarely...and in hind sight I can always see that he was trying to let me know, I just didn't get it. H doesn't always go to the door, sometimes his pacing means he has to go...



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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2005, 09:37:30 am »
I agree. Dane has never had free roam of the house, but I guess if he really wanted to, he could. (Although we would hear him going down the stairs - I'm a light sleeper due to my 8 month old son) He has always slept on my hubby's side of the bed or at the foot of our bed on the floor and never roamed off. Lets hope we're just as lucky with Jazzy. :)


Offline bearsmomma

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Re: My puppy is soooooo bad!!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2005, 02:41:36 pm »
Do you have 4-H in your area? I signed my 1 1/2 year old and my son for $30 for 14 sessions! It helps immensly! :)