Author Topic: Drake vs. Galluping Horse  (Read 4996 times)


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Re: Drake vs. Galluping Horse
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2006, 06:27:57 pm »
I would have probably pulled her off of her horse and beat the living crap out of her.  But then I have a pretty hot temper...I'm Irish after all.  As a horse person that also likes to ride trails I have to say that was totally uncalled for.  I have also been chased, run down, run off the road/trail by inconsiderate louts but that doesn't mean that irresponsabili ty is acceptable anywhere.  You are right...on a public trail someone - a child for instance - could have been seriously injured.  That was simply dangerous for everyone involved.  I know there are trail in this general area that are primarily for horse use and if you are on foot you are basically taking your life in your own hands but that wasn't the case.  I can't believe you didn't beat her head in.  Can you find out who she was and I'll come do it for you????

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Re: Drake vs. Galluping Horse
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2006, 07:56:18 pm »
I would have probably pulled her off of her horse and beat the living crap out of her.  But then I have a pretty hot temper...I'm Irish after all.

Seeing as she was a woman and I'm a man, that wouldn't have looked too good.  I guess I should have let Sarah do it, she's 5'10" and in extremely good shape.  Now I know why I like tall women!  This experience showed me that the "tying the can to the dogs tail" trick really is true.  If frightened enough, a dog will run itself until it dies of exhaustion.  I swear he would have beaten any Greyhound or Whippet in a race that day, he was just FLYING!!!  But it's all over now and if someone tries that again..... ooooh boy they're gonna get it!
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Re: Drake vs. Galluping Horse
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2006, 08:02:39 pm »
Oh poor Drake. Glad to hear he was not hurt! What an idiot that woman was.  I would have lost my temper with her, for sure.

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Re: Drake vs. Galluping Horse
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2006, 08:14:17 pm »
I've been thinking about it and don't get me wrong from the previous post what she did was wrong and reckless.  But if it happens again I suggest yelling whoa and if the horse was trained for verbal commands it could work to slow or stop the horse and thereby foil the riders attempts to be a nuisance.  At worst the rider will go through the windshield but they deserve it if they're out to make trouble (I don't know if it'll work but it's worth a try in that situation).  But you should definitely report her to the rangers.
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Re: Drake vs. Galluping Horse
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2006, 08:38:59 pm »
Well, I'm female so I would have gone for her butt.   >:(  However, I have to say in that situation I don't know that gender would have made a difference to me.  I am totally amazed at your self control...At the very least I would have scared the beejeezus out of her.