Author Topic: Project Follow Me Home  (Read 1750 times)

Offline Luvmyzoo

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Project Follow Me Home
« on: January 25, 2006, 01:33:38 pm »
Just wanted to post to see if there was anyone interested in joining this group. I think they have the right idea, so I am going to give it a try.  As a large breed owner I know they are so hard to get adopted so I want to help a little.

I copied whats the goal is:

The goal is to affect the NY Dog Loving Community through education & action to get 10-20 at-risk dogs (aged 1-2+ yrs, mixed & large breeds) adopted into well-matched families.

We will gather 20+ volunteers to enter into weekly obedience & grooming classes with the dogs in order to prepare them for interaction with potential owners at a dog adoption tour (April '06). At the end of their last grooming/training session, the dogs will be awarded a T-shirt designed with patches (a la Boy Scouts) to help express their personality (i.e., Good w/Children, w/Elderly, w/Other Pets, Great at Fetch, Great Cuddler, Energetic, etc.) to help potential owners familiarize themselves with the dogs on the tour. The idea behind this is to expose the dogs to potential owners while in their element (not sad in a cage as usual) having fun & interacting with other dogs. The tour will be promoted to generate a high turn-out at dog parks around NYC, get these dogs adopted, promote the program & get people aware of and take ownership of more than the dog, but their responsibility in the relationship with their dog(s).

Together with the volunteers, money will be raised / services & support will be requested so that the classes & products will be paid for. The ultimate goal of the project is to get these 10-20 dogs adopted into well-matched families and perhaps get this education incorporated as a standard prior to adoption in NYC & possibly the U.S.

The project was named Follow Me Home because of the common phrase in print & tv/movies "The dog followed me home...Can we keep 'em?!" This program was designed to teach at-risk shelter dogs to fit into a family, but it also teaches the owner to be a better owner. Together, we will give a new leash on life...CREATIN G THE POSSIBILITY OF LIFE WITH LOVE & JOY THROUGH EDUCATION.

Thanks Peggy