Author Topic: ARGH!!!!!!!! Today is turning out to be crappy.  (Read 1595 times)

Offline Anky

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ARGH!!!!!!!! Today is turning out to be crappy.
« on: January 29, 2006, 09:16:53 am »
I'm supposed to go sign my paperwork today and give a deposit.  Well the money that I DO have in my savings account is being held because it's for over $200.  I was told it would clear today, stupid me thinking that means I can have it today.  HAHAHAHA NO! it means I can have it tomorrow!  But I need it NOW!  I have to pay my first month's rent with this money!  D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I went to see my Mom yesterday.  That's always hard because all she wants to do is talk about Fram, which is fine, because that's how she deals with it, only problem is it's the exact antithesis of how I deal with it.  :P  Then she asked how the apartment thing was going and I told her and she was mad that #1 I was getting a roomate, and #2 that I found them online.  I tried to reassure her but she was still pretty mad at me.  Then she said "Do they know about Sanity?"  I said "No mom, I was gonna see if I could sneak him in."  She just looked at me.  "YES MOM THEY KNOW ABOUT SANITY!" 

She put her hand on my knee and said "Just so you know, if this doesn't work out, I found someone who'll take him."  "WHAT!?!?!?!"  My jaw dropped and I swear, if vulgarity had a way of passing through telepathy, I would've made Dennis Leary blush.  "Just if this doesn't work out........."  "Mom why did that even come up?  Why were you even discussing this with people?"  "Well someone asked if you were still living with your grandparents and I explained the situation, and they said that they would LOVE to have him, and they already have a Dane." 

Right then I figured it was someone I wasn't on an intimate level with, as if I knew someone that my mother knew with a Dane I would def know about it.  I asked who it was and she told me it was a friend of Mr Joki's.  Mr Joki is the father of one of Samara's little friends.  "So let me get this straight mom.......  You want me to give my dog up, not only to someone I'VE never met, but someone that YOU'VE never met?"  "Angela, it's not a big deal."  "No mom, to you I suppose it isn't."  ARGHHHHHH  It's so frustrating that they don't think it's a big deal for me to give up my baby!  Do they realize how much has gone on in order for me to keep him?  That I need him in my life?  Do they even care?

Oh and to top it all off I set Matt's alarm but forgot to turn the alarm on so he's pissy at me today too.  And it's raining.  Ugh

BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."


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Re: ARGH!!!!!!!! Today is turning out to be crappy.
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2006, 09:34:17 am »

Honey, snookums, baby! Its going to be fine. Awesome lady is totally going to understand when you explain the situation to her. No big deal. She will wait until tomorrow. And if she doesn't and freaks out, that should be a red flag that she is waaaaaaaaaaaaa y too uptight to be a reasonable roomate. (If she can't wait one day on this, what about when she wants the garbage taken out? Or dishes done? Or when you have to work too late to get to the bank the day rent is due, and have to pay her the next morning?)

And as far as your mom....I know it seems like she's being insensitive and uncaring...but, take it from someone who has a super insensitive and uncaring mother...and one that TOTALLY doesn't understand loving a dog....she just doesn't understand. And for that, you should feel sorry for her,not angry. How sad is it for people that have never felt the love of a dog. Especially a big one. Poor her. Oh, and she was probably asking around and talking about it to be helpful. In her eyes. Don't stress it too much, sweetie. You have so many GOOD THINGS happening in your life! Focus on those, and let the rest go.

Oh, and at least its not snowing, right?

Offline Anky

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Re: ARGH!!!!!!!! Today is turning out to be crappy.
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2006, 09:37:27 am »
It's raining.  And Gray.  And I feel like Eeyore.
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."


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Re: ARGH!!!!!!!! Today is turning out to be crappy.
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2006, 09:52:11 am »
It's foggy.  And grey.  And I feel like Eeyore too...

Honey, it's gonna work out.  We're all sending you big hugs and sunshine.  Ok, so it's over the computer but just feeeeellll  the good vibes coming your way.  Become one with the computer....uu uummmmmm....  See don't you feel better already?


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Re: ARGH!!!!!!!! Today is turning out to be crappy.
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2006, 09:54:14 am »
Look, Ang! Even Eeyore can be happy, and see? The sun DOES come out!!!!