Author Topic: Aussie question  (Read 4206 times)

Offline AimeeSedlock

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Aussie question
« on: April 02, 2006, 09:50:02 pm »
I have an 11 month old Aussie mix, he seems to be mostly Aussie from what I can tell. first he looks like an Aussie.
My questions are, I know they are a herding breed, so is that why he LOVES to chase my cats. I yell at him he stops, but only until the next time, he really seems to love the chase. He also loves to mouth me and my husband. another thing if we yell he stops but again only until the next time.
His biggest problem is he will bite if restrained.he's been like this since I got him at 7 weeks. although I didn't really have to restrain him till about 5 months when he went in for x-rays. The vet had a hard time with him, she said he really is a good dog, just has this problem. And at home we really don't try to restrain him because there is no reason too, but I would like to change this behavior.

Anyway, I would appriecate any thoughts on this, I have had dogs all my life but never had one with so much energy, he is a little handful

Thanks for any help or thoughts

Offline chaos270

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Re: Aussie question
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 08:14:24 am »
We have an aussie and we knew that restraint is an issue with the breed so we've worked on it from when we got her as a pup.  She still is bad about being restrained and we're the only ones that can do it. But we're always careful with her.
  Lacey will go after our cats and be glad he listens cause Lacey doesn't half the time.  If you've done basic obedience you can add a leave it command by having him on a leash and giving a correction each time he goes after a cat.  The main thing with this breed is exercise, excercise and more excerise.  The less you entertain them and drain their energy the more apt to be aggressive and destructive they'll be.  I strongly suggest frisbee, flyball, or even taking him on daily runs if you're a runner.  Also teach him alot of tricks to occupy his mind and the more obedience you do the more he'll pay attention to you.  Also you need to give him a 'job' something they do a couple of times a week as a routine.  Lacey's is to go to the dump with my dad, and to go with him to get the newspaper at the end of the driveway.  It makes her alot happier at the end of the day. 
  And for the biting give a firm no or leave it then ignore's a way for him to get attention...ev en better would be to send him to a place with a command for time out.

Good Luck with him and keep us updated.  Moni'll probably be able to help you more since she has aussies too.
Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
Gabby ~ Holsteiner mare
Fire ~ Appendix Quarter Horse/Belgian gelding
Lilah and Hannah ~ Kali's kitties

Offline AimeeSedlock

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Re: Aussie question
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 10:22:02 pm »
Wanted to thank you for your post, it helped me more than you know!! 
I WILL exercise Kobi more now, he DOES do better when he runs more.. I have ordered more out door toys and will continue to exercise him. heck it will be good for me too..
He can be a sweetie pie, beautiful boy, but he does need to run more..

Thank you again for writing, it really did help me
