Author Topic: It's snowing! It's snowing!  (Read 9768 times)


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It's snowing! It's snowing!
« on: February 07, 2006, 02:36:22 pm »
Now what does this have to do with my dog?  The fact that she knows it's snowing out, and LOVES the snow.... she will be standing at the door every five minutes for the rest of the day thinking she needs to be outside in it!

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2006, 02:44:03 pm »
You are killing me!  I wish it was snowing here.  The high today is supposed to be 82 degrees.  Wanna trade?
*Founder of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club*


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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2006, 02:47:51 pm »
Now what does this have to do with my dog?  The fact that she knows it's snowing out, and LOVES the snow.... she will be standing at the door every five minutes for the rest of the day thinking she needs to be outside in it!

That's right! there's no snow that's good snow till it's yellow snow.


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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2006, 02:55:01 pm »
My dog is a maniac!  She will go out, dancing on her back legs and bit the snowflakes as they fall.

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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2006, 03:00:38 pm »
You guys are SO lucky!  We have almost 90 degree weather, winds and fires.  YUCK!  This isn't supposed to happen in Feb. in SoCAL!!! :(

Offline nickerbokker

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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2006, 03:38:27 pm »
ummm, yeah it is!!!!!!!!!!!!

i woke up to white everything.... and was then lucky enough to get COVERED in it while flying around the yard attached to the other end of angus's leash lol.  the boys LOVE the snow, and nothing calms them down.  angus will start on one end of the yard, take a stance, stick his face into the snow, then run as fast as he can across the yard until he can't run anymore and then fall on his side and roll around.  then cody will B line for him, and take a running leap and smack into him, and then they will fight and wrestle until neither of them can move anymore.  i love when they are this happy!  but man alive my shoulder hurts lol


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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2006, 05:03:54 pm »
Yep, it has been snowing all afternoon here too. But thin flakes, not the fun stick-around stuff.

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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2006, 05:05:25 pm »
it flurried here for about 5 mins today  :P

You are killing me!  I wish it was snowing here.  The high today is supposed to be 82 degrees.  Wanna trade?

I would so love to trade!!!!!!!!!  ;D
"The more boys I meet the more I like dogs"

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion"

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Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2006, 05:27:04 pm »
it flurried here for about 5 mins today  :P

You are killing me!  I wish it was snowing here.  The high today is supposed to be 82 degrees.  Wanna trade?

I would so love to trade!!!!!!!!!  ;D
Well, come on down!  I am sitting at my desk in my office sweating to death. 

Not only is it 82 degrees outside, but every day from about 12:30 until 3:00 PM or so, the sun shines right in my window, falls on the back of my chair and desk, and fries me like a vampire at first dawn.  I call it The Blinding Ray of Death.  Today I have on a skirt and a velvet blazer - nothing that heavy, but I think I might have to just take it all off and cover any offending bits with duct tape.   :D
« Last Edit: February 07, 2006, 05:28:13 pm by grumpybunny »
*Founder of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club*


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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2006, 05:53:45 pm »
Big flakes are falling like mad here.   It's sticking too.  It's pretty to watch out the window. lol


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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2006, 06:05:09 pm »
it flurried here for about 5 mins today  :P

You are killing me!  I wish it was snowing here.  The high today is supposed to be 82 degrees.  Wanna trade?

I would so love to trade!!!!!!!!!  ;D
Well, come on down!  I am sitting at my desk in my office sweating to death. 

Not only is it 82 degrees outside, but every day from about 12:30 until 3:00 PM or so, the sun shines right in my window, falls on the back of my chair and desk, and fries me like a vampire at first dawn.  I call it The Blinding Ray of Death.  Today I have on a skirt and a velvet blazer - nothing that heavy, but I think I might have to just take it all off and cover any offending bits with duct tape.   :D
I'm dying here you sound like my husband "blinding ray of death"...
It flurried here this a.m. - Sam HAD to go out in it!
He snapped his jaws at the huge flakes trying to eat them - of couse he did this while sitting down... wouldn't want to waste energy, you know.
I couldn't get my camera quick enough - I almost died laughing.
Personally, I love the snow - but HATE the cold!
We're supposed to be moving South soon!


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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2006, 10:46:26 am »
Ours get giddy too in the snow ::)  Puck bites at the snow and Farley runs like a crazy dog..But Farley gets cold really easy so he finds it hard to stay out. He will stay out 15 min come in for 10 min warm up. Then want out again.. He thinks you should be his doorman all day long......Not :-\


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Re: It's snowing! It's snowing!
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2006, 03:38:06 pm »
I used to have a rottie too - same problem...
He had no fat for insulation (one of the leanest rotts I have ever seen) & the road salt killed his paws -  he wore a coat & boots when we would go for walks.  He looked silly, but he loved to go out in the snow! :D
He was a great dog... ;)