Author Topic: Ang's MP3 Player Saga  (Read 1842 times)

Offline Anky

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Ang's MP3 Player Saga
« on: February 20, 2006, 11:50:15 am »
A few weeks ago I bought Matt an MP3 Player as he has wanted one for a long time and the Christmas present I got him (With money I took from his ATM card) was really crappy.  It was about $200 at Wal-mart and I got it because I can put pictures on it, as I fully intend on stealing this at every opportunity because I am gadget obsessed.  You can see it here.

ANYWAYS I got him this MP3 player 3 weeks ago, and the lady in the electronics section informed me that if I didn't have my sales slip and the original packaging I couldn't bring it back.  So we kept the original packagina and sales slip until Friday where Matt's mom threw them out.  Lovely.  But everything was working fine so it wasn't that big of a deal. 

Until last night.  I had stolen the MP3 player and taken it to work, where it was fine.  I go to listen to music while reading a book (Because Matt was watching some weird @ss IFC movie) and it wouldn't turn on.  Hmmmmmmmmm.... ....  The battery was fine earlier, so I hook it up to the charger, where it is supposed to automatically turn on and inform me that it is in fact charging.  Nothing.  I go downstairs and hook it up to the computer where it is supposed to automatically turn on and inform me that it is in fact hooked up to the computer.  Nothing. 

So I am kind of freaked out at this point.  I look on line and it tells me to use the Philips Device manager, which, of course, I don't have, so I must LOCATE the Philips Device Manager, Download it, and then put all the music back on because although the Philips Device manager is a miracle worker it will erase everything.  Joy.  So I find it, DL it, and hook the MP3 player up to it.  Philips Device Manager in all it's infinite wisdom tells me to hook up the "Device".  "I did!" I tell the Philips Device Manager.  It calls me a liar.  Stupid head. 

Matt has at this time meandered downstairs to see what I was swearing about.  Mostly because he was bored and his stupid movie was over.  We swear all the time at my house so long loud strings of profanities aren't really cause for concern.  "What are you putting on MY MP3 player Gadget Hog?"  "Nothing"  "Well what are you doing?"  "Nothing"  *Silence*  "What the **** did you do?"  "It just won't turn on!"  "AGHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN'T EVER HAVE ANYTHING NICE!"  "I'll fix it Honey!"  "Grrrrrrrrrrrr"  I try some other things, which don't work, and Matt asks if he can throw it against the wall.  I glare at him.  "It's mine, I can break it if I want to......"

We locate a tech service number, which by some miracle is still open.  YAY!!!!!!!!  I call and am informed that they now use Voice prompts, which promts me to utter "Sh*t........"  "Sorry that was not one of the options listed."  So I listen to the options, which were obviously created to keep you on the phone until either you die of old age, or get angry and, choosing not to waste your time, hang up and then they don't have to deal with you.  I, being young, and as such stupid and not afraid of death, braved the evil insiduous options.  Instead of asking "Are you calling about a TV?"  They asked "Are you calling about a 50" plasma flat HDTV Pixel Plus, a  30" real flat progressive scan widescreen HDTV, a 27" real flat SDTV........"  Then they ask if I'm calling about a DVD Player/recorder, a DVD Player with no recorder, just the player, a DVD/VHS Combo Player/recorder, a DVD/VHS Combo with no recorder, just player, a remote, a cable box...."  This is where I started crying.  Then I heard the belssed words "Are you calling about an MP..." "YESSSSSSSSSS!"  "Please wait until all the options are listed before you answer."  I started crying again.

I finally get to wait on hold for 15 minutes where I am repeatedly told that my call is important, but then they put on heroine laced Mariachi music to make me hang up.  I stuck through the music, although I think I need therapy now.  I get through to a woman.  I am very miffed right now, and I unload all my miffedness on this individual lady.  I inform her that this device I bought will not turn on, that I have tried to charge it, tried to hook it up to the computer, tried their little Philips device manager, and nothing works.  The woman is quiet for a moment and asks "Have you tried to reset it?"  I, in all my enraged glory, blurt out "How the **** do I do that?"  The even voiced woman at Philips tells me to hold the Volume + and the power button for 10 seconds, which I do, and then when I release it the screen lights up, happy to see me and assure me that it is in fact Go Gear and it's ready to assault my eardrums with soundwaves.  YAY, AND all my music was still there.  I thank the Philips lady, and inform Matt that I fixed it and I rule.  Because I do rule, even on general principle.
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."


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Re: Ang's MP3 Player Saga
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 11:55:54 am »
Poor Phillips lady;  getting the brunt of all your miffedness.  Even tones are good things though.  Very soothing. lol  YAY for Ang, queen supreme of the gadgets!

Offline nickerbokker

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Re: Ang's MP3 Player Saga
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2006, 05:40:00 pm »
wow ang, a new computer AND mp3 player!  you're rollin in the dough now aren't ya girl!  my goodness, i need to go get myself a job at a hair salon!  i've always wanted an mp3 player...wanna buy me one too?  please?

Offline Anky

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Re: Ang's MP3 Player Saga
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2006, 05:48:02 pm »
wow ang, a new computer AND mp3 player!  you're rollin in the dough now aren't ya girl!  my goodness, i need to go get myself a job at a hair salon!  i've always wanted an mp3 player...wanna buy me one too?  please?

Not so much the job as the insane hours.  :P  AND I get paid bi weekly which is very bad, because you're rich for about 3 days, then it dawns on you you have NO money till a week and a half later.  Muchas suckiness
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."