Author Topic: A walk gone bad  (Read 5612 times)

Offline dober_gurl

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A walk gone bad
« on: March 04, 2006, 10:30:43 pm »
Ugh, ok so today I get home for a 8 hour choreography/singing play practice and it was such a beautiful day I decide to take my girls for a walk.
So we go down the block and I'm walking past this house when I hear a noise like something running, no barking just like a sudden movement of running, I
think OMG dog and take off with Maggie and Roxie, well this huge
Mastiff mix comes running up to Maggie and rams right into her,
they get into it and I freak out, besides the fact t hat their in the middle of
the street, Roxie is heading right towards him and he could of easily killed her in one bite, then to add to the stress the dam dog's buddy, a rottweiler, comes flying out and goes after Roxie. Roxie screams and the owner comes running out to try and help. She chases the mastiff mix back into the yard because he started to go after Roxie, meanwhile Maggie is still in the street with the rott and I'm standing there like a stupid a$s crying because I didn't know what to do, the Rott stops and tries to go after Roxie
again, I ran over to her and picked her up, she was shaking like h*ll and I
was pissed, the lady gets her rott in the yard and I grab Maggie and run off down the street with them in tow. Maggie and Roxie weren't hurt but they were extremely bothered by the whole ordeal and I was too.
Maggie's hair wouldn't go down and Roxie was shaking for a long time.
And it hurt me so bad that I just froze there, why I did I don't know but it scared me so bad to see Maggie and Roxie in this position, it scared me not only because I thought they were going to be hurt but I thought I was going to see a repeat of what happened before(Maggie has been attacked and ripped open before and I had a previous min pin die from an attack by another dog). So I get home and try to calm myself down, Maggie and Roxie were giving me kisses like crazy, I checked them over again. Then I made us peanut butter sandwiches because I didn't know what else to do. We cuddled on the couch together and no I'm not going to do anything about the dogs.

But, I honestly think I've cried more this week than I have in my entire life, it seems like everything is going bad for me.
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Offline Kermit

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2006, 11:19:53 pm »
I am SOOOOOO sorry that happened to you. :'( I know how scary it is to see a precious furbaby get into a fight and be so scared.

I'm glad you are ok and your dogs are ok. Just hang in there, and try to keep your chin up. You've got Maggie and Roxie, you guys are there for each other. You for them and them for you. :)


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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 08:45:37 am »
Sending you big {{{hugs}}}.  I'm so sorry this happened to you.  People are stupid, aren't they?  I think I would have gone back to that person's house and given them a real piece of my mind.  Glad to know you and your babies are ok.

Offline 2dobies

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 09:19:04 am »
To be honest, when you find yourself and your dogs in that sort of a predicament, there really is not a whole lot you can do, except hope that the other dogs' owner shows up and gets some sort of control.  You were lucky that you and your babies were not hurt! Be thankful for that. When Darmok was 6 months old, I was walking her several blocks from my house, and we always walk in the street if it's in a non-busy neighborhood, cos I dont like her trying to crap in someone's yard, y'know?  Anyway, we walked past this house that had the front door open and a HUGE pitbull came literally flying out the door, leaping off their front deck and began growling and snarling and trying to start a fight with Dar! She's still on the leash, and all I could think to do was keep backing her up in circles to try to keep her away from the agitated dog! he nipped at her several times because he was as fast as we were turning those circles, and the owner came running out screaming at him! I'm circling backwards like crazy with Dar right up against my leg and I'm giving this lady "the LOOK" and I yelled at her "Lady, get CONTROL of your dog!!!"  She was crying and saying "I'm trying to"...finally she grabbed him by his collar and held him till we could walk away.  I love big dogs, and I have no problem with any breed, but the people who own them should know how potentially dangerous their dogs can be if they are agressive and make sure that they dont get the opportunity to get out to terrorize people like you and your dogs that are innocently just trying to take a walk.  You were smart to use peanut butter sandwiches for the relaxing thing---peanut butter is the Wonder Drug for Dogs!

Offline longshadowfarms

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2006, 12:49:51 pm »
I am so sorry this happened to you!!!!!!  Your poor puppers!  I've had this happen numerous times but fortunately never to a point where anyone got hurt!  People around here let their dogs run loose despite leash laws.  Usually someone is outside when it happens but obviously they don't have the dogs under control.  I never wait for the owner to get control.  I put on my toughest face and voice and tell the other dog "NO!"  It USUALLY works.  If the dog keeps coming, I put/keep my body between my dog and theirs since their dog is usually going after my dog and could care less about me.  Hopefully by that point I've bought enough time (surprises the heck out of most dogs for a stranger to tell them no) that the owner has arrived to grab hold of their brat.  I've had a few hairy moments but never had anything serious happen.  If it happens frequently or even if you just want to keep walking that direction, I'd be tempted to carry some sort of repellant spray to protect myself and my dog.  I'd spray their dog right in front of them if they don't have it under control.  I carried pepper spray for months after one neighbor was really obnoxious about their dogs.  I never had a problem (then again, I was walking a 150 lb Pyr who had no tolerance for nonsense) but they refused to hold the extremely aggressive dogs for my kids a few times and for another neighbor when she tried to walk past.  Frankly, this is one of those issues that completely bewilders me.  My dogs occasionally get out of my control but it is rare and usually happens when a gate is accidentally left open or something like that.  I do HAVE gates though.  I just can't fathom why people don't even TRY to control their dogs.   >:(  Frankly, I have no patience for such irresponsible owners and will take matters into my own hands to protect myself, my kids and my dogs.  I don't care if they are bothered by my actions toward their dogs.  Ok, done with my rant.  ;)


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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2006, 02:04:31 pm »
I'm so sorry hun. That was just awful! Sending hugs and kisses to you. :-*

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2006, 03:12:28 pm »
UGH! I know exactly how you feel. I was walking Oasis past a house where I knew they had 2 rotties. I always saw them behind a low, chain link fence so I would cross the street when I got to that house 'cause they always barked ferociously at Oasis.

One day, we got to the house and the dogs weren't in the yard so I didn't cross the street. All of a sudden one of the dogs comes barelling down the driveway out of the garage and latched onto Oasis' side, pushing him over, growling and throwing her head back and forth. I was screaming and crying and felt completely helpless until the owner came out and pulled her off.

Can you believe that dog didn't break the skin at all? She had just had puppies and the pups were in the garage. Oasis and I were both really shaken up, but the man was very apologetic.

I definitely think you should make a visit to the house of the owner of these two dogs, if nothing else just to touch base to find out WHY  they got out - maybe someone accidentally left the gate open and it's not just being irresponsible. Or, maybe she is being irresponsible and needs to know that her inaction can potentially cause not just another dog to be attacked but possibly a child!

Good luck. I know that's scary.
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Offline aggghgmom

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2006, 03:23:40 pm »
I'm sooo sorry that this happened and so glad that you are all OK - The owner didn't say anything to you??  She should have been so apologetic!! 

harley did leave our house once to greet a dog in the road (thankfully we are on a very quiet road).  Anyway, they knew Harley and weren't worried but I apologized for the next year or so!!!

Again, So sorry that those bad doggies ruined your walk!!

Offline Senghe

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2006, 06:03:22 pm »
Oh, that's just a horrible experience for all 3 of you. Irresponsible dog owners really get my hackles up. I remember many years ago my sweetheart of a chow getting attacked by an off lead dobermann that was twice his size and me booting it in the side as it had hold of my dog's neck. We were right by a busy children's play area - no dog should have been round there off it's lead, especially one with a temperament like that. Anyway, I nearly got into fist fight with the female owner which culminated in both our boyfriends dragging us apart before we came to blows. Oh, the shame! I don't like blowing my cool, but I really would have gladly slapped her.

I had a near miss with Flynn 2 days ago. I was in the middle of nowhere and this huge male rottweiller appeared out of nowhere and squared up to Flynn. It was at this point I realized how big my baby has got as he was head and shoulders above this rott. I eyeballed the dog (I'm very confident with big dogs) and told him sternly to be a good dog. Luckily Flynn isn't a fighter and he was friendly and non threatening, so I turned my back and we walked off to sound of the rottie giving us a "and don't come back" bark to save face. ;D I think we were lucky as we were on neutral territory otherwise things could have got nasty.

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2006, 10:34:46 am »
That's terrifying!  I'm so glad you are all safe.  I really think you should let the owner know of the problem (even if you just mail them a letter), and also call the local animal control people -- just to register a complaint.  It will be really sad if (or should I say when?) some younger or smaller person and their pup are ever hurt by those bullies!  At least if you let the owner know how the dogs scared you, you've give them a head's up.  Some people are so stupid they don't realize how they're affecting those around them. 


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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2006, 11:12:17 am »

WoW how scary, There are a # of home mixed deterrents you can make and carry in a spray bottle. You could mix some cayenne pepper and water in a spray bottle (the more cayenne the quicker the result). A few squirts and the offender will back off, just make sure your spray bottle can shoot a good stream instead of a mist.

Honestly, having a small defense spray makes sense for yours, and your pets safety. Any argument with the said owner you still have the solution, literally and figuratively, in your hands. Point out your dogs were on lead their dog attacked and you defended, and will do so again if they can't control their animals

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Offline paharts

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2006, 11:19:58 am »
i think calling animal control is an awesome idea! you would not have a confrontation with the idiot owner and if the dogs do something to someone else in the future, there would be record of a pattern of the owners not properly securing their dogs. please seriously think about doing this.

i have 'frozen' when something horrible happens and it is so much worse than the actual event. i really feel for you.

but i am also stupid-brave when it comes to my kids. i will try generic verbal commands to try to control the situation but will beat down another animal to protect my own, whether the other owner is there or not. i also tend to confront people when they are so stupid as to put their own dogs and others at risk like that. you know that can't be the first time their dogs has shown this tendancy.

i have been lucky in encounters that like you experienced have not happened to me often or with damaging results. if i lived or walked where there was a strong possibility of it, i would carry a very large stick, rocks, and/or pepper spray.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 11:20:32 am by paharts »
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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2006, 11:29:51 am »
Oh Megan!

Stupid Michigan City people! They SUCK! I'm glad that Maggie and Roxie are ok.

Don't worry about freezing up. You were in a really stressful situation and there wasn't much you could do. That is a totally normal reaction. I would just avoid that part of the street from now on. Those people sound like morons and their dogs sound scary.

Offline Bosmum

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2006, 11:42:14 am »
ACK!!  I hate that!  It's why I'm so paranoid about my dogs getting out of the yard.  Bo can be mean and Princess Fiona is small, so she'd probably be eaten.

One time my neighbor called me over to help her break up her dogs that were fighting.  The Akita had the Husky and she would NOT let her go.  I did everything from the water hose to actually hitting the dog with a folded metal chair, but she wouldn't let go until she was good and ready.  The Husky later had to have her leg amputated :-(

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Re: A walk gone bad
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2006, 12:01:15 pm »
OMG that is so sad!  Do you think the owner could have done something to keep that fight from becoming so serious?