Author Topic: Zena and her puppies  (Read 4306 times)

Offline poseidon

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Zena and her puppies
« on: March 15, 2006, 10:24:05 pm »
Just wanted to let everyone know that Zena and new babies are doing great.  They have grown so much just in four days.  I'm sorry I have not had time to post some more pistures.  With the puppies and my skin children (soccer,homework,dinner ect.) we are pretty busy.  But anyway we are all doing great!!!  As soon as I can I will post more pics, cause they sure are cute.

Offline cuttles/sadieMay

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Re: Zena and her puppies
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 11:11:50 pm »
Ok we have been in suspence long enough! I think you are just teasing us now LOL
Cant wait to see pics, Im sure they are beautiful.