Author Topic: Depressed Doggy  (Read 2525 times)

Offline Kelly89084

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Depressed Doggy
« on: March 17, 2006, 04:05:53 pm »
Holly has been depressed since yesterday and I don't know what to do to pull her out of it.  We went for her daily trip to the dog park which she LOVES and as soon as we got there two dogs (aus shep I believe) attacked her before she even got through the gate.  they just ganged up on her snapping and snarling for no reason!  The stupid owners hardly even did anything.  The lady called them but they didn't listen and with her soft voice I understand why.  The man didn't even do that much.  I finally got between them and my dog and got them off of her.  As soon as I let go of her and she started off they got close to her so I called her back to me which she did instantly and they went after her again!  and again the owners did nothing until *I* got their stupid dogs to back off by getting in between and blocking them with the leash.  They decided to leave but the damage to my Holly was already done.  Since then she has been moping around.  She doesn't get excited to play, she isn't excited to eat.  She just lays around looking so sad I want to cry for her.  When we went to the park to play today she barely even wanted to play ball and that's her alltime fav thing in the world!  She wouldn't go have anything to do with the other dogs either, even the ones she knew.  As soon as we came back home she just went back to laying around.  This is VERY unusual for my active and loving dog. I don't know what to do to perk her back up. :(  Is there anything I can do to make her happy again?  I hate seeing her like this.  It just breaks my heart.   :'(
"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer." - Alfred North Whitehead

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Re: Depressed Doggy
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2006, 04:48:37 pm »
Have you noticed any change in her eating/pooping? 

From what little I know about dogs -- I don't think having a bad experience one day (at the park) is enough to cause a dog to go spiralling into depression.  Dogs seem much more "live in the moment" than that.


Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Depressed Doggy
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2006, 06:05:01 pm »
I'll bet she just needs a couple of days to get over the rush!  Being repeatedly attacked like that had to have put her adrenaline response in overtime mode, and it can take a bit to get over that.

Give her lots of love and kisses, play somewhere else, and give her the weekend.  I'll bet by Sunday, she's back to normal.

Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: Depressed Doggy
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2006, 08:40:01 pm »
Timing could very well be coincidence.  It's possible that the 2 ganging up on her caused this but don't rule out the possibility that she could have come down with doggy flu or something.  Keep a close eye on her and just love her.  You might want to try a special trip or outing aimed at boosting her self confidence.  Maybe go hiking or something...  Petsmart?

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Depressed Doggy
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2006, 09:12:03 pm »
She most certainly could be in a funk b/c of being attacked.  I would give it time.  Depending on how badly her feeling were hurt, she may never recover totally....... ...although if she didn't know the dogs, I wouldn't be too concerned about that.

One of my clients' dogs that I take to the park now acts different around certain dogs and is on her toes alot more after being attacked and having to defend herself repeatedly  (she is just too popular and everyone wants to play with her at once, which causes problems)

My female Keiko was attacked a few years ago and required stitches.  It took her about 4 months to even start playing with anyone again.  But her attack although not all that serious, was a bit more invasive, plus she knew the dog that attacked her, so her feelings were extremely hurt.  She used to be best buds with the sister of the dog that attacked her and now she cannot stand either of them.  I wish she didn't feel that way, especially since the sister wasn't involved, but since she was there, I think Keiko associates her with the attack also.

Anyway, my main point before I got rambling was that it can take a week or two for them to get over these kinds of things.  The more sensitive the dog, the longer it will take to get over it.  Especially since it was out of the blue.  If she's still in a funk for quite some time, I might recommend Bach's herbal essences.  I put Keiko on Bach's mimulus which helps with anxiety and trauma and it was after I put her on that, that she started being herself again.  Of course after 4 months, I can't say for certain whether it was just enough time had passed or if it was b/c of the mimulus.  Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Offline Kelly89084

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Re: Depressed Doggy
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2006, 12:55:39 am »
Thanks for the replies.  She was feeling a bit better tonight after some cuddling.  Chicken little even got brave enough to "bite" her mommy.  lol  Holly is a very sensitive girl and take EVERYTHING personally.  She also gets shaken up easily over the smallest things.  We're working on her issues but since we've only had her just over 3 weeks, we've got a long road still ahead.  I'm currently trying to find a confident adult doggy partner that will show her how she should be acting and what she should and shouldn't be nervous about.  I'm hoping her new companion will help ease her stress and help her gain some confidence.  I'm going to work with her a while more one on one first but in another month or two we should have a pal for her to spend time with. ;) 

As much as her clighyness got on my nerves when we first got her, it's actully growing on me to have an oversized dog in my lap and pushing me off the couch again.  We're both learning each other's quirks at this point and she's learning to back off and relax a bit and I'm learning to accept that I own a running, ball-chasing, soccerball carrying, ball of saran wrap.  ;D

Tomorrow we're going to petsmart to get her some new stuffed sqeaky toys since she's managed to decapitate her "mailman" and rip the wing off her goose.  lol  We're taking her to the one that has animal adoptions, not to socialize so much as to get used to more new things so she won't have to be a 'fraidy cat about everything.  She's already learned to accept that the McDs drive through guy isn't trying to attack me. :D

On a good note, we were asked today if she was a show dog. ;D  While personally I don't think she's THAT good, it was a great compliment and nice to hear.  ;)

Wow!  I think I need sleep before I continue to ramble.  lol
"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer." - Alfred North Whitehead