Author Topic: Binghamton, NY GSD's at my house Well, one is.  (Read 5429 times)

Offline gardenwitch

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Binghamton, NY GSD's at my house Well, one is.
« on: July 19, 2006, 03:28:46 pm »

I have a few questions for everybody....I went down last Friday to Binghamton, NY. About 3 hours from me. The plan was to get Kuvasz and GSD. I met the people in charge at the farm. Let me just say that the people that work down there are really great people, definetly over worked though, they got a lot to do!!! They were SUPER nice. But.....The person who was suppost to know them, was scared of them. I totally understand that nobody knows these dogs. Who knows how they will act once out of their kennel or how they will be when you go in the kennel. But you can't keep them in there forever!! I had to go in and get the male GSD, because the guy had the poor thing cornered with the pole, and hiding behind a pallet. It took me less then a minute to get him with a slip leash, and out the door.
What really gets me, is there was a pair in the front. They said the female was nice, but the male was not. They said shes pregnant. I felt bad for her because she was being left there because the male was supposly mean. I asked if I can take her, but again, they didn't want to go in the kennel. He flat out refused. He said he needed all of his equipment. ok, what equipment do you needto get, to get a dog out of a kennel?  Yes, the male was cage aggressive. He barked and jumped at the gate when you walked up. But most of them did that. that was there job, to gaurd. It could have been done. So there she sat as we left. Grrr....that was my personal opinion.

Anyway, I really, really need to get back down there!! These dogs need to be worked with, NOW! I am not to worried about the Kuvasz anymore. They are being helped, and they are super sweet. The two I brought back are great! But no one is taking the GSD's. I am not sure what has been going on this past week. I know they said they were going to move some more to the shelter.

I have a female here. She is very scared. I finally got her to eat out of my hand the past few days, other wise she just stays in the dog house. I am not rushing it though. She takes the food so gently out of my hand too. I did get her out with the slip lead, and got her brushed out. All her under coat was matted, and had dried poop all over and in the mats. She has to feel soooo much better. She looks pretty old, but it's hard to tell because all her teeth are flat nubs. Probably from nawing on the fence for so long. I will get a picture soon. She likes to watch my chickens. They went up to her plate when she was eating, and stole a peice, and she didn't do a thing.

I know this is very long, but I am just happy I am posting on a GSD forum!! We need to get those dogs out of there. The GSD rescue seems to be MIA. (I am sorry if that statement offended anyone, but honestly, these dogs have been at the farm for well over a month and a half.)  The Kuvasz  people are all over this. I didn't even know there were gsd's there. I just heard about the Kuvasz. So I want to do what I could to help. When I talked to people that were there, then I heard about the 17 gsd's.

Does anyone that lives in the Western NY area have a van that runs good to take a road trip with? Right now, I think (Don't quote me though) that they are only releasing the gsd's to rescues. That might of changed though. The rescues van is just not up to another trip I don't think. Plus I felt terrible for the dogs. It was 90 degrees, and no air conditoning. It was hot. I will cover gas personally.
Or, is there anyone down there that can transport? They told me at the shelter that a volunteer offered to transport, but I never heard about it again. I emailed about it a few days ago, and haven't heard anything. I know they are really busy though.

This is a novel. Sorry. I will post more when I think of it. As soon as my DH gets home to watch the kids, I will take a picture of "Storm" thats what I named her.



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Re: Binghamton, NY GSD's at my house Well, one is.
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 04:27:45 pm »
Does anyone that lives in the Western NY area have a van that runs good to take a road trip with?


Or, is there anyone down there that can transport?

Good for you for stepping in to help these dogs!

As far as people in Western NY, there might be someone on this thread who could help:,11223.0.html


Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Binghamton, NY GSD's at my house Well, one is.
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 06:54:25 pm »
GGGGRRRRRRRRRR RRRRR!...I shouldn't say a word because I can't physically help out but isn't there anyone who isn't scared of the dogs who would be better suited to help?...I can send a donation this week to help with the dogs...Could someone post the info. on where to send $ again if it is handy for you to do so?...Thanks!
Gardenwitch... GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!...Yes I am yelling it out!...I have been following the saga of these poor dogs & have just been able to sit here, pray & feel helpless...It is good to see word from someone that has been near the dogs!!!

Offline navarre1316

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Re: Binghamton, NY GSD's at my house Well, one is.
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 11:49:07 pm »
I was wondering about the GSD's I used to have one.  I wish I was up that way so I could help you, unfortunately I live in AL!  But THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.  I am also curious to know where the GSD rescue has been.  But who knows there has been so much going on there maybe they have been trying something but have been unsuccessful.  Good luck and keep us posted.     H
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix