Author Topic: Caucasian Ovcharka  (Read 19450 times)

Offline meg

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Caucasian Ovcharka
« on: March 18, 2006, 09:09:46 am »
Hi, I have a friend interested in this breed and we don't know much about it.  Wondering if anyone owns one or has any informtion on them.  Should mention she wants this as a family dog and already has one other dog and a cat. 


Offline jabear

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2006, 02:53:44 pm »
Although I am not to familiar with this breed from what I have learned here at BPO from someone who owns one, they are very protective dogs. They guard all that is theirs and really are not suited for strangers. I know that one on here is great with the oter dog and their child but when strangers come over the dog has to be put in another room with the door locked. Also, I have learned that this breed does take some strong handed daily training to keep them under control and not aggressive.

Good luck and I hope that others can hellp you out.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2006, 03:24:12 pm »
Thanks for your information.  She has been trying to research the dogs herself and seemed to receive conflicting information from the breeders she has spoken to.  One told her it would be a great dog for her and the other told her she would not sell to her because they were strictly guard dogs.    ???

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2006, 05:35:19 pm »
This breed is an extreme LGD & not suited for owners unexperienced with LGD's...BabsT has one & can provide greater insight...I'll p.m. her to chime in here! :)

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2006, 01:41:22 am »
Hello, I own a Caucasian Legend Anchara (aka Chara) and was once Misha until my husband preferred Chara LOL

Anyways she is will be 10 months old on March 28th (110 lbs )and is a Caucasian Ovcharka, I also own a male 16mth Central Asian Ovcharka named Zero.

If you have a high traffic household this is NOT the breed for you and you need to know everything that is going on around your ovcharkas at ALL times... If you want a big fuzzy teddy bear a Newfie maybe more of what you are looking for

Here is my take on the breed granted I only own one but I have around several of them now because I visit my breeder.  CO's are not the man eating beasts that you read about but they are very serious dogs that shouldnt be taken lightly.  They go from 0-100 in the blink of an eye.  Both my dogs are so serious with keeping my son safe, anyone outside of family has to get 'rules of engagement' in regards to interacting with my son Noah...  You cannot pick him up, give him big squeezy hugs, chase him dogs think you are harming him... Meanwhile he could torture them if I let Noah and they would never do anything to him.

Proper introductions need to be done upon entering my house and if anyone is hesistant, then you dont get introduced.  You need to control you emotions because the moment you get upset, they know you are not right and they are ready to keep you safe

If not trained right a threat can be anything from the newspaper boy, mail man, UPS driver, cardboard boxes, flags to an actual robber..

My 7 yr old son at first did full time care taking, which included, putting her in and out of crate, feeding, some OB and calling them into the house, so she would respect my son as higher ranking than she is... Both my dogs know they are bottom of pack in my house and I am rather strict on my animals

I spend 90% of my time socializing her and Zero to the world in which I live and have done a lot of OB with them...She see's every day the people that I need her to do wonderful with which is my extended family.  She has been to stores, machine shops, sheetmetal shops, gun club, ocean, elevators, different houses with friends in it, bridges etc...

Chara is hard headed and stubborn, willful and does challenge from time to time (not in an aggressive manner).  She hasnt challenged me since our last issues LOL which was about 2 months ago.  They both dig craters in the yard, they do bark, fur storms during shedding season, very suspicious of strangers, drooly if food is around, love to be muddy, dog aggressive,

She investigates EVERYTHING and gets into EVERYTHING lol and has confidence out the wazoo.  She doesnt like other dogs except for zero and will make it known if a strange dogs invades her space, she also wouldnt mind eating my cat...that was something that I couldnt male is fine with the cat but not chara LOL...

She is extremely gentle with my son and intune to his emotions as well as all of ours...  She is extremely loyal to us but a serious guardian...she hits the window like a mac truck if she hears something suspicious. 

I take her to my sons school fairly often and she welcomes all the love from the kids..I have been taking her there since she was 15wks old

I just asked my husband to describe her to get outside opinion LOL  He said, you really need to know how to read your dog because the cues they give that they are about to react are very very suttle and if you cant read them, it will be too late.

You also need 6' fencing that is secure anything less they will get out of.  Both my dogs are in the house when I am not home. In my house I know that my home is very safe, my dogs are safe and the outside world is safe.

I am not quite sure on exact information this person needs but my girl is still only a puppy and will under go more changes in regards to her personality but to sum her up in one word, bitch would have to be it... 

Incredible with my family, mellow in the house and I trust her 100% with the people I need her to be great with and she is...she kisses their ears, plays with my brothers beard, gentle to my 2yr old nephew along with my other relatives.

100% housebroken, doesnt counter surf, sit, down, recall, leave it, no, shake, up, crate, no food aggression , no resource guarding,  To be honest, she is everything I want in a dog along with Zero..  With CO;s you either click with them or you dont and by the way and you have to connect with their soul to see how they really are.  If you piss off a CO, this is what they are like..My two are 'family dogs'

Here are my two dogs

Zero 23mth  Central Asian Ovcharka
Anchara 16mth old Caucasian Ovcharka

Offline meg

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2006, 04:10:19 am »
WOW, they are absoluetly gorgeous dogs Babs.  I can't thank you enough for all the information. You covered just about all the aspects there are I think. I calling my  friend to share.  She lives in a country setting and already has a blue heeler and a cat.  Her thoughts were she could just let the dog have the run of the place, but it sounds to me like some fencing should be necessary. Thank you again.  Your dogs are gorgeous, look like big teddy bears.  Love the way they are with your son, that would be a great sense of security.  What is the difference between the two would be my only question.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2006, 04:53:04 am »
Great info. & insight into this proud breed Babs!...& as always I loved seeing pics of Chara & "my" Zero! :)

Offline Senghe

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2006, 05:46:40 am »
Meg, owning a LGD breed myself that isn't as full on as Babs two Ovcharka, I'd make sure your friend seriously asks herself what she wants this dog for and what work she's prepared to do with it so that it grows up mentally stable and contraollable. If she hasn't the will, knowledge or ability to do it, she may as well go and buy a lion and expect it to behave like a domestic cat.

And I would think with any LGD, your first priority would be sturdy fencing at least 6 feet high to keep everybody safe. Many LGD's would presume the whole street or even small town is theirs to keep safe from interlopers and you can imagine the trouble that would cause. I'm actually pretty confident my Tibetan Mastiff could clear 6 feet from a standing start if he wanted to - he's not allowed in my back yard alone as even at 6 months old I've seen him spring like a cat and had I not grabbed him and pulled him back in, he would have cleared the 5 foot high back gate easily... now he can stand up on his back legs and see over it. These dogs have been bred for several thousands years to work on their own initiative and protect their families and posessions with their life. Add to that the fact that they have been bred in the West for a very short time and their instincts are VERY strong and primitive. It's not like having a GSD or a Rottweiller.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2006, 05:48:44 am by Senghe »

Offline meg

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2006, 06:47:23 am »
I very much agree and that is why I was asking for information from knowledgeable owners.  My first clue was the info from the two different breeders.  I have tried to explain that I feel that the breeds all differ so much and it is unfair to try to take their insticts away from them.  I would hate to see a dog be homeless becuase it didn't meet owner expectations.  I LOVE large dogs myself and that is why I have always owned them.   Another point I am trying to carefully express to my friend is that with her having a bad back that these dogs are strong and she would need to be able to hold on to them.   Thank you all again so much.

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2006, 08:38:02 am »
I dont know if this sounds silly but owning breeds like this is more of a lifestyle than just a breed of dog or family pet.  I put work into my two everyday to be great dogs and great dogs they are and I will always have breeds like this in my life...But you truly need to be dedicated into raising them to sucessful beautiful adults
Zero 23mth  Central Asian Ovcharka
Anchara 16mth old Caucasian Ovcharka

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2006, 08:52:44 am »
I dont know if this sounds silly but owning breeds like this is more of a lifestyle than just a breed of dog or family pet.  I put work into my two everyday to be great dogs and great dogs they are and I will always have breeds like this in my life...But you truly need to be dedicated into raising them to sucessful beautiful adults
That doesn't sound silly at all Babs!...Even though my Pyrs are a less extreme LGD than your dogs I totally understand what you are saying...We just got back from a walk with all 3 dogs....My 8 yr. old son is able to walk Pippin & my 7 yr. old daughter walks Rosie...I am constantly reminding the kids to stay on alert for other dogs, people walking, cars going by, etc...We need to be aware at all times of what might be coming up & what the dogs might react to...We do not have nice relaxed strolls...We have constant training & awarness...I feel we need to stay one step ahead or at lease abreast of the dogs in being aware...Us noticing something too late that makes the dogs uncomfortable may be the difference between a successful walk & disaster...You know what I mean! :)
« Last Edit: March 19, 2006, 08:56:03 am by Gypsy Jazmine »

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2006, 01:22:46 pm »
Gypsy, Babs....I have nothing but respect for you guys!  To maintain that kind of vigilence is amazing.  Of course, you get it back multiplied from your wonderful pups , but the commitment to training is awe-inspiring! Babs, that picture of the dog in action was amazing!  WOW!!! You are so right!  You'd never have to worry about anyone coming in to your house!  That pic made a believer out of me!!! :o :o

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2006, 03:50:48 pm »
Gypsy, Babs....I have nothing but respect for you guys!  To maintain that kind of vigilence is amazing.  Of course, you get it back multiplied from your wonderful pups , but the commitment to training is awe-inspiring! Babs, that picture of the dog in action was amazing!  WOW!!! You are so right!  You'd never have to worry about anyone coming in to your house!  That pic made a believer out of me!!! :o :o
Thanks for the compliment but my dogs are teddy bears compared to Babs & I mean that with the highest of respect for her & her breeds of choice!...Samson was my very 1st dog ever...I did a ton of research on the breed but research in no way really prepares you for oth of my Pyrs came from gaurding families where the dogs were working dogs & I got Sam at 3 & 1/2 months & Pippin at 5 months...I would guess that Pyrs bred from pets to be pets would be a little less extreme but I truely would not have it any other way...I rarely do anything half measure. :D

Offline BabsT

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2006, 04:16:16 am »
I think the working lines are harder in temp myself...  Zero just recently started shutting down on that anyone new really isnt accepted anymore...  I love my LGD..  mellow easy going but serious... :)
Zero 23mth  Central Asian Ovcharka
Anchara 16mth old Caucasian Ovcharka

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Re: Caucasian Ovcharka
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2006, 04:31:38 am »
Wow Babs Chara has gotten so big! ;D I remember when you first got her she was so little. She is beautiful and Zero is as handsome as ever. I can't wait to see more pictures of them.

Nina and Tim
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Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
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