Author Topic: Cherry Eye  (Read 2828 times)


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Cherry Eye
« on: March 28, 2006, 12:17:25 pm »
I have an opportunity to pick up a 6 month female neopolitan mastiff this weekend (if she gets along w/Tater). The only problem (so far) is that she has cherry eye. I was looking to get a general idea on how much that will cost to fix from some of the other people that have gone through this w/there fur kid. I know that different areas of the country have different rates, all I'm looking for is to get a general avg. of cost. BTW I'm in the Bay Area Ca. (I know some of you guys live in Ca. or near the bay area) so info from anyone in this area or near me that has gone thru cherry eye would be appreciated.


Offline roxygirl

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Re: Cherry Eye
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 07:32:42 am »
We have had a few mastiffs come into rescue with cherry eye. From what I have been told it is not that difficult of a procedure and it is not that expensive. Of course has a different idea of what expensive is. I want to say it was under $500.00 but I am in Illinois. Have you found anything out yet in regards to cost by you?
Great Lakes Mastiff Rescue,Inc.

Offline Kermit

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Re: Cherry Eye
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2006, 09:03:06 am »
I'm bumping this thread back up because I am wondering about cherry eye too. I know a Great Dane who has it in both of his eyes.
Anyone have experience?

Offline MafiaPrincess

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Re: Cherry Eye
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2006, 02:00:18 pm »
Cherry eye is a breeding defect.

Depending upon how you want to fix it relates to how much it costs to fix it.

The possibilities:

If you leave it out, your dog could get dry eye
If you remove it, your dog could get dry eye
If you get it tucked, it may not stay resulting in option one or two again or repeating number three.

The best option is usually seen in trying the tuck proceedure because there is less chance of getting dry eye. This third eyelid is actually a gland that produces a majority of the tears for a dog.  So, if possible you don't really want to remove it, but people often redo the tuck proceedure more than once.. A dog can actually go blind from eyes being too dry eventually, so if dry eye becomes a provlem while doing drops isn't a hard fix, you do have to be dilligent to make sure it gets done as many times as needed in a day.

If you leave it 'untucked' the eye can be damaged/inflamed/infected but you preserve some tear function. Cutting out means reducing tears dramatically.
You could also eventually pay to have a saliva duct moved into the tear duct to get some tear function back, but it's super costly. There's more than one type of tuck.. the most successful is stitching to the bone orbit of the eye.  Leaving it out without enough lubrication can scratch the cornea.

It's all one big what if really.. All the options have ups and downs, I'd discuss with my vet what they thought the best option was, and why.  And see that they gave me the pros and the cons in full, and weren't pushing one over the other without good reason.

Good luck to you and your fur baby.

Edit: Can't freaking spell at 3am..
« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 02:04:12 pm by MafiaPrincess »
~I'm changing my naughty ways to naughtier ones~


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Re: Cherry Eye
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2006, 07:36:27 am »
Willow will be going in this Thurs. to get her spaying done as well as getting her cherry eye resolved. My vet only does the tuck method (which I wanted to have done anyway). My vet and I both figured that while Willow was getting her spaying done that her eyes should be done as well. Her spay is included in her puppy insurance plan, but her eye surgery will cost apprx. $660.00 and that is the total for both eyes since she has cherry eye in both. Hopefully the surgery on Willow's eyes will take the 1st time around. Cross your fingers everyone.  :)