Great Danes > Great Dane Discussions

Dog in the Bed

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I know this makes be a very very bad dog mommy.  But I have to get Rocco out of my bed.  I dont' mind sleeping with him but the over abundance of black hair all over my bedspread has to stop.  I am probably selling my house soon and I really don't want to have to change the bedspread everyday.

Any advice on getting the beast off the bed.  I was semi successful in getting the dogs off the couch when I got new furniture.  Though ocassionally I will get out of the showing as Rocco is sliding off the couch.  Like I can't tell he was there by the black hair on the tan slip cover.

I have thought about getting him his own nice comfy dog bed.  Letting him sleep in his cage like Maia does, but that would make us both sad.  Locking him out of my room but then he will sleep on the couch which is just as bad.  I'm sure I will eventually just cave and get a black bedspread and keep letting hiim sleep on the bed.

Or if there is a quick way to dedog hair my bed every morning, share please!?

Maybe you could use a different bedspread at night when he sleeps with you and in the morning when you make the bed just take it off and put on the nice, dog hairless one.  That way it looks great to everyone who sees it during the day and you don't have to get rid of dog hair everyday either.  I can't stand the dog on my bed only because I cough up hair balls all night long!  Good luck to you!


Hmmm...I dunno. We gave up trying to get Bear off the couch too because we felt bad. He looked so sad and made us feel guilty for taking away the place we all share. As for the bed, Bear isn't allowed under the covers. Our duvet cover is washable and that is all he is allowed on...unless the sheets are off and then he feels the matress is his. Good luck!

I dont seem to have that problem.Spotak iss lays in our bed but he never wants to sleep with us.I wish he did.Maybe its the fact that we have a full size bed and he knows there just isnt room enough for him.Go figure

Changing the bedspread is a good idea.  I try to make sure he stays on top of the covers but many a nights I wake up to him on the sheet next to me and the covers all shoved in the corner.  We are rough sleeper, I guess.
I get the sad look when I catch him getting off the couch but I ignore it.  My dogs have their own room with their own couch, plus he has a chair he is allowed in.  He knows where he is allowed and where he is not.  He just likes to see what he can get away with.
It is nice to cuddle up to him when he decides I can stare at his face all night instead of his @ss but usually I get the back end.  I guess so he can see the door better. :)


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