Author Topic: TB  (Read 36415 times)

Offline moonlitcroatia

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Re: TB
« Reply #75 on: May 31, 2005, 07:46:04 pm »
ooooooooo how nice!

i love that photo!!!!!!!!!!

did u take it?  and where?!?

The first photo was taken at an arboretum near the U. District in Seattle, WA.  The second was taken in my back yard - also when I was in Seattle.  I used a Nikon camera, but most importantly, a Tamron 90 mm Macro lens which made all the difference.  :)
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.  For me they are the role model for being alive.  ~Gilda Radner

Offline NatsaintB

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Re: TB
« Reply #76 on: May 31, 2005, 07:54:36 pm »
I got here as fast as I could!!!  All I can say is.....  I think I feel a cough coming on here?  Does someone here on this board have TB or something?

NOOOOOO WAY, Nick!!!!!!!  I thought for sure you would be way to stubborn to have this!  But I will be in denial with you and talk about it later.  But you know we are here if you need us :-*

Tell me everything about the Paramount job so I can live through you remember!?

Offline new2saints

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Re: TB
« Reply #77 on: May 31, 2005, 08:59:21 pm »
I can't believe it!!!  I am so sorry to hear that Nicki!  I will keep you in my prayers, also!!  I am sure my kids will, too.  They are always peering over my shoulder when I am on her and checking out all the dogs.  My oldest wants to steal your Golden, so Bailey has someone to play with.  When I tell them you are the one with the Saint and Golden, they will be praying for you also!!  Keep your chin up and laughter truely is the best d on this site you are the QUEEN of that!!!


Offline ting1sf

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Re: TB
« Reply #78 on: May 31, 2005, 09:46:15 pm »
i know what ya mean by not wanting to see your mother cry.. for me i just tell myself they have to vent somehow :) i still can't believe they could do such a thing!!!. come on everyone start teaching the terrorize command to the doggies and lets go and say hi :) hehe..... j/k. but i do think you should tell the school the little girl is going to. i wish their was a website you can warn ppl about crazy families... Anyway keep smiling.. don't let this get to you... just laugh when you can and once you can ... go get wasted with friends....... once the hang over hits TB would seem like a no biggie hehehe.
I rather love a dog than a human. Because you put  100% into a dog , you get 200% back. As for humans you sometimes you get nothing back.


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Re: TB
« Reply #79 on: May 31, 2005, 10:22:42 pm »
Well, I don't really pray (I'm not a Christian) but I do a cool meditation/focused energy thing that not garenteed to do anything but make me feel rested! But I will give it a shot for you....and have a glass of wine, which also does nothing for you but I will think of you as I'm drinking it!  If all else fails I pledge to laugh with and at you whenever appropriate (and often when it's not). THIS I'm sure will make you feel better. But I'm still gonna have the glass of wine!
Did you find out for sure yet?



I just came on line.  I'm so sorry.  I think I can speak for Marit, and Jamie, and Gypsy and tings and everybody.  Say the word babe, we're there (with our big @$$ dogs) to kick some snotty Hollywood butt.

Seriously Nicki, I think these people do have to pay the consequences for their total disregard for your health.  If you don't at least make their life uncomfortable now who's to say they won't do it to someone else.  They probably have another nanny there right now who has no idea the danger she is in.  Anyway, off my soapbox now.

Good luck, and remember your in a city with some amazing doctors so you are in good hands.

And about the age posts:  I'm going to be 40 in July.  So all of you teenagers now have to call me and Marit "Queen" since we outrank you.  And Marit, you and I are two of the hotest looking 40 somethings around.



vicki-i swear to gosh, i laughed super hard at your post!  i love that everyone here is an open alcoholic now!

QUEEN TINA-i bow down to you!  and i cannot wait to see you kick some hollywood butt!  h*ll, i'll record it, make a crappy movie of it, and you will be the star!  YOU AND NAT!

anyway....ever yone have a nice glass of wine, i will have a bottle, and all will be well in the morning!


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Re: TB
« Reply #80 on: May 31, 2005, 10:30:10 pm »

there is bad news about the paramount job.  my F*#&$^% neighbor called me on friday when i had my TB test, and dumb me told her i had to get stuck with a needle (i was very upset about hat fact LOL) now shes been calling me every two minutes (SHE IS ONE OF THOSE ANNNNNOOOYYYIN INNNNGNNGNGNGN GNGNG PEOPLE, IN A HORRIBLE WAY) THAT ALWAYS HAS HER NOSE IN OTHER PEOPLES BUSINESS.....A ND WHO ALWAYS HAS TO BE PERFECT....

example:she had a work evaluation and on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest, she got 4 fours and 1 three.  WELL SHE WENT STRAIGHT TO THE HEAD OF THE COMPANY saying she was better than that and they needed to re-evaluate her and give her a higher score or she wouldn't leave them alone....for a week, she hounded them, and then they changed her score.  (sorry if any of you are like this, just dont tell me and we will be cool...i just cant stand when people whine about getting something instead of earning it)

so e calls me saying "DO YOU HAVE NIGHT SWEATS, FATIGUE, FEVER, SHAKY LEGS, MEMORY LOSS", im like WHY!...well, she is now CONVINCED that i gave her TB so she is doing research on it.....CALLED PARAMOUNT AND TOLD THEM I HAVE TB, and told them she isn't coming into work tomorrow because she is sure she has it and has to go get tested.......I HAVE NOT SPENT MORE THAN 30 SECONDS WITH HER IN THE LAST MONTH!  I WALKED PAST HER DOOR WHILE IT WAS OPEN....THATS ALL......

well, now paramount knows that i am a walking disease (which I WOULD HAVE TOLD THEM if need be), but she took it upon herself to do so.  so im guessing i wont get the job....because she is annoying. really pissed about that.  forget everything that is going to happen for the next 24 months, and the rest of my life....but then she has to go freak the h*ll out and CALL PARAMOUNT AND TELL THEM MMMMYYYYYYYYYY YYY BUSINESS!  arg!

im pissed off today!

Offline NatsaintB

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Re: TB
« Reply #81 on: June 01, 2005, 07:18:40 am »
Oh my gooooosshhhh.. .  You have the same neighbor as me!  I'm telling ya, you described my neighbor (on the left) to a T!  I always call her Mrs. Hooper from Desperate Housewives bc she's so nosy!  We had a huge down pour a few weeks ago and it flooded our cul de sac and got up to her garage -- ACT OF GOD!!  Well, she has to have someone to blames so she sets up a meeting with the city and is accusing them of putting the wrong drain pipes in our neighborhood.  Mind you, the whole thing drained in less than 45 min. and there was no clog or anything.  The rain just came down hard and fast and big.  I personally thought it was cool and went out in my boots to have some fun!  I just shake my head at her, but if she ever went anywhere near my bidness, I would unleash HOLYHELL ON HER A__!!!!!  You should have a friend go knock on her door and when she opens it, jump out from hiding and cough all over her!!!  Throw in a sneeze too for good measure!  NOBODY MESSES WITH MY NICKER!  I outta come down there and... and.... and.... damn I don't know what I'll do til I get there, but people shouldn't be able to be annoying like that. 

I have to go make a head dress now....

YAAAAAAYAAAAAA A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: TB
« Reply #82 on: June 01, 2005, 11:14:32 am »
update on heather.....

so i was pissed all night that she used my name....and when i called her last night to talk, she didn't pick up her phone.  so i called her today to talkabout it and she picks up and im like "hey" and shes like "hey...whats up" and i was like did you go to the doc and she said yes.  and i was like i just wanted to chat really quick (I WAS BEING TOTALLY NICE AND RESPECTFUL), and she was like what......

i said, i JUST found out less than 24 hours ago that i have a disease that i will deal with for the rest of my life....and i was thinking maybe out of respect of me and our friendship that you could NOT use my name in the future and just say neighbor or friend or whatever.....w ell, she started yelling and said i dont have time for this and hung up on me.  SOOOO then she called back 5 minutes later and started yelling again saying that its not like i have a STD, its not my fault, but to do the responsible thing is the respectable thing and that i exposed her who exposed everyone at work and so on and so on and so on....and i YELLED that its my damn business and i will tell people, ESPECIALLY IF I AM WELL ENOUGH TO GOTO THE INTERVIEW, and its not her place...and she said yes it was and i said F$%K YOU and hung up......she called me back when i was walking the dogs and left a message saying that i just lost a job, that i obviously wasnt responsible enough to be able to handle a job and hung up.  i called her back, at that point not even concerned about the job, and much for friendship hey!....and she said i dont have time for you anymore, have a good life. 

lmao.  is it wrong that i want her to not be around anymore?

i never "liked" her anyway......bu t i was her friend for a while since she was new to the area and didnt know anyone else. 

i cannot believe someone who claims to be my friend would run around and do that.....or blow something up like that!

whatever.  PEOPLE SUCK LOL, REMEMBER THAT!  nickis advice for the day


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Re: TB
« Reply #83 on: June 01, 2005, 02:34:46 pm »
Okay.... I was scared there for a minute.  I was off BPO last night (brother in law just got seperated and came over to get some support) and today has been h*ll at work.  So, when I got into this post and saw that Nicki was mad at "Heather" I was thinking....wh at in the heck?  LOL!!

Oh, Nicki, I am soooo sorry!!!!!!  This TOTALLY SUCKS!!!!  So, what is the next step... besides you being shipped off to Leper Island and me finding a Haz Mat suit big enough to fit over my BPO Ya-Ya Headdress?  Do you start taking medicine?   How often do you have to go to the doc?

I am ready to UNLEASH THE DEVIL on that woman and I am an Irish readhead, so y'all can only imagine what that looks like!  ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!! 

Anything we can do, besides unleash the demonic chihuaua??!!??



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Re: TB
« Reply #84 on: June 01, 2005, 02:54:45 pm »
lol...nope, you got the wrong heather!  i was talking about the snot from upstairs not you dear!

i am going in for my Xrays tomorrow morning at i will know by tomorrow about leper island!  depending on the x-rays, i will be on meds from 12-24 months....WITH OUT MEDICAL that isn't great.  BUT, tb is fairly easy to take care of.  its the drugs that will kill me.  SOOO, after i go blind in 6 months and my legs fall off, i wont be able to walk to the compueter OR read what you wrote me.  im thinking michael needs to make this site blind people friendly.....m ake it a talking site okay?  great, thanks.

other than that, no new news.....just waiting for the snot to come home from work so my friends can jump her in the alley!

Offline morticiaangie

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Re: TB
« Reply #85 on: June 01, 2005, 03:44:33 pm »
So the land of denial is still intact - take it all you can sister!!!!
Things will work out they always do - hope I don't sound like a Pollyanna - just wanted you to know that I'll be thinking of you - good luck!!!! Screw the neighbor and the job - you would miss the site and they would miss you if you became some bigwig at Paramount!!! ;)
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal."
~ Cicero 106-43 BC

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: TB
« Reply #86 on: June 01, 2005, 04:09:53 pm »
So the land of denial is still intact - take it all you can sister!!!!
Things will work out they always do - hope I don't sound like a Pollyanna - just wanted you to know that I'll be thinking of you - good luck!!!! Screw the neighbor and the job - you would miss the site and they would miss you if you became some bigwig at Paramount!!! ;)

morticiaangie, morticiaangie, morticiaangie (dang.... has anyone tried to type that three times in a row  :P) it is WE, on this site we dont use words like they......  ;D ITS WEEEEEEE K.....???? We are all one big paw happy family

what the lion is to a cat, the mastiff is to a dog


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Re: TB
« Reply #87 on: June 01, 2005, 04:15:44 pm »
there's no I in THEY......wait ......


and now i can hear the league of their own theme for all, and ALL FOR ONE

Offline pndlake

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Re: TB
« Reply #88 on: June 01, 2005, 04:27:57 pm »
Hey, Niki and I are soldiers with you all, lets get her.  When all of this is over and x-rays are in (am praying they are fine, somehow I really believe they will be) and you are a big-wig at Paramount we will expect a big doggie part for my Hollywood dog. Hee Hee - keep the faith :-*


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Re: TB
« Reply #89 on: June 01, 2005, 04:29:27 pm »
oh ive got the faith lol.  IM FINE, i know that much.  but i can't get rid of this urge to kick some A....some mother A and some HEATHER A.  that is my problem now, controlling my ANGER LOL.