Author Topic: PETRA IS ALIVE!!! OMG!  (Read 34326 times)

Offline jabear

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« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2005, 02:06:27 am »
OMG!!!!! I don't know what to say Smohr! This is seriously more than one person or dog should have to deal with. I don't know what to say but maybe this is a sign? Maybe you and Petra are meant to be together?  :)

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Offline Moni

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« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2005, 02:07:30 am »

I don't know what to say except I'm sorry for you having to deal with all this. 

I agree that you should call the police so that they have some type of record of this and also have another unattached vet check her asap so that you have proof.  If you have a camera or video camera, maybe also take some shots of Petra. 

This is just a sick and horrendous thing for anyone to have to go through, and you especially after everything else.  I'm so sorry..  Sending lots of hugs your way...

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« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2005, 02:26:48 am »
I am so sorry to hear about all of your pain. I will keep you and Petra in my prayers


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« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2005, 03:00:39 am »
Sherry, I'm going to bed...but, I just want you to know that I feel awful for you. I know that this kind of thing happened to me before, but as I think about it, it was minutes after, not hours, and this all seems so fishy. It truly seems like this vet is a shady character.

All those things don't make this any less painful, however. Please don't feel guilty. The vet  I talked to at Purdue told me to tell you that above all, you should feel as if you did the right thing. She said that she knows that it killed you, but that you did a very responsible thing by allowing Petra some peace and not making her issues someone else's problem. She was very impressed with your fortitude and your desire to not put Petra through some other kind of difficult or painful situation, and just give her peace. That being said, she feels as if you have been severely wronged, and Petra has been severely wronged. She wants you to do all the things that you can to get this guy reported, call the police, call the state vet licensing agency, write a letter to the n't let this jerk do this to another loving pet owner.

I hope that everything works out the way that it is meant to, Sherry. This is unbelieveable, and you've been through so much already. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY! You are a top-notch, impecable dog mom. You have an immense amount of love to give, and Petra knows it, no matter what.

Offline ZooCrew

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« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2005, 03:35:32 am »
Aaarrggh!!  I cannot believe I am even reading this!!  First the thread stating the vet already sent off her head for testing (which I can understand under certain circumstances) and then to find out she was never pts, therefore she was never sent in for testing.

This is inconceivable and totally illegal.  This may sound a bit far fetched, but someone mentioned using her for research.  When I was going to school, I worked breifly in the medical building.  Filing some paperwork, I found out that certain humane societies are setting aside certain types of dogs for research/practice for medical students.  Mostly practicing heart massage and using those electic paddles directly on the heart.  Research was the first thing that came to my mind.  I would hope to God that it's not the case.

Of course you did nothing wrong.  You need to stop blaming yourself.  I agree with everyone else.  Please call the police.  Report the vet to the licensing board.  Please get Petra in to another vet to have her checked out.  Besides the vet, his assistants are to blame as well.  At least the ones that were directly involved with her and knew what she was there for.  I am simply at a loss for words as to how this could happen, and I hope that everyone at fault will be severely reprimanded.

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« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2005, 07:30:21 am »
I am stunned.
I can't find the words.

I'm not sure if it's OK to ask this (according to message board rules) but can you share the name of this so called vet?   I'm not sure where you live and want to be sure that I  am not using them nor is anyone I know.

Give Petra a hug for me.

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Offline Senghe

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« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2005, 08:29:15 am »
These vets need to be struck off. Everything about what they have put you and Petra through STINKS! If it hadn't been for the woman and their lack of notes, you'd have never found out about this and god only knows what they'd have put poor Petra through. And to be honest, the fact that there were no notes written up starts the alarm bells ringing. I bet you they'll try to cover it up too!

Please get her to an independent vet a.s.a.p. to verify if she has been given just sedation. Police, attorney - throw everything you can at them. Local newspapers, the lot. Also it might be worth having a look on Google to see if anybody else has gone through the same thing and what they have done or even for complaints about this same stupid vet.

I'm sure Petra is just fine and not suffering anything worse than feeling like she's had one beer too many.


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« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2005, 09:07:06 am »
OMG. Wow. This is such an incredible incident. I am so sorry this is happening. This IS NOT your fault at all.

 I would be contacting a lawyer for sure. No one should have to be put through this, nor should any animal. Let the local authorities know etc. I would search around and see if what kind of experiences other  people of had with those vets. Contact Better Business Bureau( that what it is in Canada- I don't know if it is the same in the US) to see if anyone has made complaints about the Vet business. Contact the papers, local tv etc once you find out what is really going on and what happened. ( You don't have to give your name)Expose them for what they really are. I bet there will be others come forward too.

I would take Petra to another vet and get blood work done to see what drugs she has been given etc. Then it would be documented for legal reason if need be( if you can lay charges or if it went to trial etc). That way you can verify that you had not given them consent to administer this drug to your dog.

Again, I am so sorry this happened. Please let us know how Petra does. Give her a big hug.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2005, 09:13:19 am by Icerotti »


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« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2005, 09:15:10 am »
Holy Smokes!  I don't know what to feel!  Bad for her or good for her!  I think that's a horrible thing to have happen ... I mean to see the dog you expected never to see again walking around ... knowing someine didn't follow your wishes.  I would be stark raving mad at that vet's office. 
you let us know what you need...letters ...calls...wha tever! 
This is just over the top and to see you go through this breaks my heart! 
« Last Edit: December 14, 2005, 09:16:30 am by lins_saving_grace »


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« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2005, 09:36:38 am »
OMG!! I don't even know what to say.  >:(

They probably told you they sent her head off for testing because you had asked for her ashes. They needed to delay. How long did they seriously think they could pull this off. Word can't even discribe what I would like to do to that vet.  >:(

Sherry, I can't even imagine the range of emotions you must be going through right now. Ditto on what Lins said.. letters, calls anything. Just let us know.


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« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2005, 09:43:32 am »
do you have a local/state SPCA office?  I'd call them.


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« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2005, 09:59:35 am »
I'm going to say this publicly even though I don't know for sure, I've got a sneaking suspicion...

I don't know the exact circumstances of Smohr and Petra. I've never met either one of them. However, after setting all of the dedicated, loving, passionate pet moms and dads of BPO into a frantic tail spin last night, Smohr simply disappeared. I PM'd her my number, and asked her to call me, as I had spoken with a very good vet regarding the situation. I also offered to call her at my expense, if she'd be interested in e-mailing or PMing me her number.

I recieved no response. Granted, she could be overcome with grief and anguish. If that is the case, I'm going to feel terrible for posting this. And of course, she truly doesn't owe us anything. However, I guess I feel that if all of this were true, and she BROUGHT it to us, dragged us through this, asked our opinions, shared her grief, etc., she could at least give a follow up or respond to my PM.

I'm just starting to feel a little suspicious, and you can all hate me for being the big cynic here. I wasn't...obviously. ..I called thet 24 hour emergency clinic at Purdue.

So, Smohr, if  you're out there, please give some indication that I'm wrong. I'm concerned that I didn't hear back from you, although I admit if something happened to Cabeza I probably wouldn't be able to post updates constantly...
« Last Edit: December 14, 2005, 10:11:03 am by Nicole »

Offline MustLove Dogs

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« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2005, 10:03:06 am »
either way you like at it, it's way bizzare :o
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« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2005, 10:05:13 am »
yeah...bizarre is the word. And I don't like it....

Offline Anky

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« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2005, 10:05:30 am »
I can only assume that Sherry's not on here right now because she said she was going to take Petra to the vet ASAP in the morning, as the 24 hour vet is associated with the vet that she's been having the problems with.  All I know is that if something happened to Nee, as much as I love you all, I wouldn't be able to give up to the minute updates, although most likely I'd call some of you and have you do it.
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