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Messages - ratdog

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Snow Danes
« on: January 31, 2008, 05:48:24 pm »
They sure do look like they are having a grand ole time. I am sure it is fun to be out there with them.

Talk about a "cold wet nose"!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Cody is sick
« on: January 31, 2008, 05:41:45 pm »
Hi, everyone. Cody went to the vet today (Friday). She's had the runs and has been throwing up plus she has been listless. She has Giardia again and some kind of single cell organism. We tested for parvo and x-rayed for obstructions both negative. They put her on 3 medications. One for each of the stomach problems and one to keep her from throwing up. (She kept throwing up the meds I was giving to her Thursday.)

This actually began Thursday. Her first and only symptom was her diarhea. I took her to the vet that morning and they gave me some meds for that. Later she started throwing up. This morning she acted like she didn't feel good so I took her back to the vet. They are keeping her overnight and I pick her up in the morning.

Just to let you all know what is going on ...

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Pee-Pee question
« on: January 30, 2008, 05:28:13 pm »
Cody pees in her crate every night. And last night she pooped in it for the first time in 2 weeks. She is in there for 9.5 hours at a time (while I go to work). Mom says that she usually wakes up around 5am and starts whining. She is probably going then. She has gotten so strong that mom can't take her out anymore.

But at the moment she has diarea and just threw up about 30 min ago. She saw the vet this morning and I have a call in to him about her throwing up. He's in surgery right now but I feel sure that he will call me when he gets the chance.

Please forgive my spelling :^)

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Mommy? Can I move yet?
« on: January 30, 2008, 10:24:52 am »
Can I suggest the movie "Cats and Dogs"?


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Pee-Pee question
« on: January 30, 2008, 10:17:46 am »
Thank you. I think I am probably overprotective of her. I obcess over every little thing. I hope I'm not bugging everyone. I just want her to be healthy and happy.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Pee-Pee question
« on: January 30, 2008, 05:08:43 am »
Hey, everyone. Cody will be 4 months old Feb 1. For the most part she still needs to go out every couple of hours. And tonight she peed in the floor after taking her out about an hour beforehand. Is this normal? I know I post about this topic alot, sorry, but I'm just confused. Am I doing something wrong? Is there something going on with her? Am I being to paranoid? Is it just that she is still young and those are normal needs for her?


Food Discussion & Information / Re: whole dog journal
« on: January 23, 2008, 07:46:10 am »
For future reference, when Cody goes to big girl food, is Eagle really a good brand and is it grain free? The store that I'm currently getting her food from carries Eagle and highly promotes it. I know that some of the breeders around here use it.

Sorry, I'm not up on this subject.

I would certainly like to be in that position for a while! I don't get much sleep with Cody.

Is she very active? Will it be a challenge for you to keep her quiet?

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Is that a bone in your mouth
« on: January 23, 2008, 07:01:31 am »
What a beautiful girl you have! She looks like she'd be so sweet and cuddly.

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: I sew need to get my paws on that.
« on: January 23, 2008, 06:54:09 am »
Grace looks very comfortable on that beautiful quilt. Cody's idea of "helping" is to tear it apart so you have to sew it up again, whatever it may be. LOL

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Myth Or Truth
« on: January 22, 2008, 07:05:47 am »
Hi. I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as the rest of these folks on the forum but here's my 2 cents.

Cody eats at 2 certain times each day. My schedule is crazy. I eat when I can.

I go through the door first. The stairs just depends. Cody is still getting used to them. They are carpeted but are steep. Sometimes she likes me to go in front to encourage her and sometimes she likes me to be behind her to help "control" her descent.

The only people food she gets is some yogurt with her morning meal and that the vet said to give her. I don't know if at a later time she will get people food but if she does it will not come from the table. I don't want her to beg.

And this, too, is contraversial (sp?-sorry) - I let Cody sleep in the bed with me. Some people would highly disagree with that while others don't think it is a big issue. I love to cuddle with her.


Great Dane Discussions / Re: New Puppy, Suggestions
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:23:53 am »
Hi, there! Welcome to BigPaws! Congrats on your new puppy! What a cutie!!! It is so exciting to see them for the first time. And believe me, they don't stay little for long so take lots of pictures. I have a 16 week old Doberman. She is already 36 pounds. My suggestion is to get him into puppy kindergarten as soon as allowed. I'm enrolled in it and just started last week. I've already learned a lot of what to do and what I've been doing wrong. It is a lot of fun and great for socialization. I'm really happy for you. They really are a joy.


Great Dane Discussions / Re: DANE DYSPLASIA
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:00:49 am »
Man, that is a lot to be going through for everyone. I don't know anything about the hip issue but just know that my thoughts are with you on this. I hope it is nothing serious with Sam.

Doberman Pictures / Cody says HI and THANKS
« on: January 21, 2008, 04:32:31 pm »
Hugs and kisses back from Cody with many thanks. She is pretty much back to her old playful self. She ate and drank this morning and is playing now.

Terri thanks everyone, too.

Doberman Pictures / Re: Cody has the "girlie" surgery today
« on: January 20, 2008, 08:08:41 pm »
Hey, everyone.

We are back home now. Cody went through it just fine. We have a pallet on the floor in front of a heater and cover over her. (She loves laying in front of the heater!!!) She is not shaking anymore but is sleeping. She makes funny sounds once in a while. Doc said that she can do whatever she wants - eat, drink, play. She'll get her stitches out in about a week. He said that she can go to puppy kindergarten Saturday.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and concern. She told me to tell you all HI!

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