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Messages - Jeri

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Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: New here
« on: October 11, 2007, 04:41:58 pm »
thanks for the welcome.  Well to answer some of the questions.  Yes we did meet in a different forum.  Glad to see you again.  Modoc travels great in the RV, he just lays on the couch and now and then gets up in the front seat to check things out.  We had to get a security check today coming over the Hoover Dam.  On guy checks out the bins under the RV the other comes in and looks inside.  They guy that came in ended up plying with Modoc for 5 minutes and never even looked around, lol.
.  We had a 6-7 hour trip today for our next start.  Wanted to leave early.  I took my shower but figured, oh well I can wash my hair on the road.  We have a generator so I can blow dry my hair while we’re traveling.  So here we are at 60 miles an hour..  Me with my head in the walk in shower full of soap and Modoc decides he needs a shower..  Shoves me out of the way and starts getting into the shower.  Soap in my eyes, clothes getting  soaked I am trying to turn off the water, screaming at Nat to take an off ramp ad get off the freeway.  He has no idea why.  He does.  He stops.  I’ve got Modoc out of the shower.  I am sitting on the floor laughing my butt off.  Oh well,, Nat needed to use the bathroom anyway and he took Modoc potty.  Now I know to close the door to the shower room or get my butt up earlier to take care of the vanity things, lol, lol.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: New here
« on: October 10, 2007, 07:57:07 am »
Hi, thanks for the welcome and I do recognise your dane too, lol.  I think there can't be enough boards for Dog lovers.  Glad to be a part of this board,

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / New here
« on: October 10, 2007, 07:24:00 am »
I'm Jeri.  I have owned Great Danes for 28 years, one at a time.  I am not a breeder, just a Dane lover.  My first dane,Miwok,  was a brindle who lived to be ten, My second dane,Maya, was a harl how lived to be twelve, my third little girl, Inca, was from a BYB and had congennital problems and only lived to be four.  My current boy, Modoc is a Blue from the UK so he's quite stocky and a sweet boy.  He has dog issues that we have been working with a behaviorist for and having some sucess but he thinks if you have two legs you walk on water, lol..  He loves humans.  We're in our RV on a road trip, with Modoc , right now but just wanted to introduce myself.  Look forward to meeting you all dog loverfs,

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