Big Paws Only Dog Forums

BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : jabear July 11, 2005, 09:01:47 AM

: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear July 11, 2005, 09:01:47 AM
It has been a while since we have had topics on our board that get everyone's blood rushing! It seems as though the opinions and feelings expressed are all over the place. Some general feelings have been good, bad, strongly for, strongly against, loving, hating, liking, not liking, being appalled, being enthralled, being intrigued, being frightened, feeling safe, feeling uneasy, feeling judged, and feeling free to express yourself. All of these feeling are expected when you have hundreds of people sharing their own opinions and experiences, yet one thing binds us all together: WE LOVE OUR DOGS!

Whether they are giant, large, or medium sized, clean and shiny, or dirty and smelly we LOVE them and couldn’t imagine our life without these wonderful creatures. Most of them have 4 legs while some have 3, most are full grown though some are brand new puppies, most are multi-colored but a few are solid,  most have long hair that gets everywhere yet some have fine coats that don’t break your vacuum. Regardless of the dog and the owner- tall, short, rolly-polly or skin and bones, dark hair or light hair, long hair, short hair, or no hair at all, pink, blue, purple, brown, black, white, or yellow skinned, clear faced or pimply- we are all humans and all have feelings.

It is not fun to get your feelings hurt because of what is said or in our case what is written. Words can make your day like when my husband calls out of the blue to say, “I love you” or when I ruin his by saying “We’re having spaghetti for dinner”.  In either case, it takes less than 10 words to change your mood. So, if we all remember that this is a fun place to hang out, chat, ask questions, share your knowledge, good, bad, frightening, or fantastic experiences, as well as hopes and dreams, then, in the words of Rodney King we won’t have to ask, “Can’t we all just get along?”

Here is a link to the "rules" in case you need a little refresher:,399.msg2604.html#msg2604
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: Nina July 11, 2005, 09:28:00 AM

I'm glad this was posted, I haven't had my feelings hurt or anything like that, and this is one of the few sites that I am nor afraid to post. I am not scared that someone will make fun of me or say nasty things. This is a great and fun site, and I hope it will stay like that
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: Saintgirl July 11, 2005, 09:35:27 AM
Due to a crazy past month, finally it is over... I haven't had the time to post. Of course I still would jump on to read what was going on if I could find two seconds here or there, but I was becoming disapointed in the way some of the topics were becoming heated with the occasional insult being tossed about. This is what I love so much about this place, everyone is so friendly and helpful. A place to come to when someone needed cheering up, or when they had questions to ask. The highlights of my day are looking at all of the great pics that are added.

Thanks for the gentle reminder on what this place is all about! There are lots of other forums out there to get into heated discussions and toss about needless insults. This is the best place for dog lovers to come and share their wonderful experiences (and sometimes not so great) with their dogs!!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE July 11, 2005, 10:15:02 AM
Ty Jaba!...I love this place too because I don't have to be afraid to ever ask questions, share my feelings, state my opinion in a friendly way, give friendly advise ot just plain say "man!...I messed up"!!!...I belonged to another dog web site for awhile when I was researching breeds & finally hd to tell them that I never saw so many self riteous, pompous, know it all, condemming ******** in one place in my life!...Yup, I was promptly banned. ;D  It was awful!...People came for advise & were just slammed...Peop le said I messed up help me fix it & we crucified!...It seemed that the majority of the people there were there to chastise others with no answers on what was needed for the DOGS!...That's why I get upset when I see a post with that kind of feeling behind it!...This is truley an awesome bunch who obviously love & want what's best for their dogs!...Lets keep it up!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: GR8DAME July 11, 2005, 10:59:52 AM
Been gone in the North Woods for a week, no phone, no lights, no motorcar, not a single luxury. Glad to see that you all haven't changed, and the wonderful atmosphere here is still just that, kind, caring and wonderful.
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear July 11, 2005, 11:39:41 AM
Glad we are all one big happy family!!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: greek4 July 11, 2005, 11:47:47 AM
I agree.  I know I am guilty on occasion for that I am sorry.
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: rockettgirl68 July 11, 2005, 04:48:37 PM
i do believe i am guilty as well im sorry if i affened any one at any time i must agree this is a top notch place to be when i got my chance i caught all kinds of h*ll in a pit place because he wasnt a rescue it seemed that i was supposed to risk my children from a dog that was full grown an not much known a bout i cant do that they flipped because he was out og the paper but what they dont realize is chance opened my heart back up as some here know the problems i have with a shelter dog i was going to pack it in where dogs where concerned because i could not find a dog in my price range or even free who was right for us then came chance a dog who has done more then change our lives as i told a friend today i sometimes forget i have only 5 kids because chance his reactions are so human i have started to think i have 6 kids an i have found i say that to in public if i see someone i havent seen in awhile lol ty jaba for this site
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear July 11, 2005, 05:32:08 PM
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: shangrila July 11, 2005, 06:48:49 PM
Beautifully well written jaba. Bear would be proud of that post  :D
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: mamadog July 11, 2005, 07:01:07 PM
I guess there's not much to add to this, except to say I love this place. And Jabear, I too have been a part of other groups where things like that went on and the moderators said/did nothing. It's great to know you're here to keep us in included. I don't ever try to be offensive, but that doesn't mean it's never happened. I like that you would say something about it, incase I didn't know I was being that way rather than have everyone think I'm a jerk and me not even know it!
That's what makes this such a great place, that you're involved and care about what goes on here. Thanks Lady!

: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear July 12, 2005, 11:11:03 AM
Thanks Vicki and Shangrila for the kind words. This site has turned into such a wonderful place and is way more than I imagined it would ever become so I really want it to remain this way...and of course get even better with time!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: dgodden5459 July 17, 2005, 07:12:00 PM
This seems like a very nice site. I am looking forward to exchanging information and getting help from everyone.
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: pitas July 17, 2005, 09:21:58 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  You guys do a fantastic job with this web site and I know I certainly appreciate all of the information, posts and ideas that come from this wonderful forum you have created.  Most times it seems that we all get along and  laugh, share and as we have seen the past few days too, cry with each other.  It is obvious by the # of members that have joined since early on, this web site is superb! 

Keep up the great job everyone! Especially Michael, Jaime and Bear!

We love it here in Newfie Nuthouse in Jersey!

Anita & the 3 goofy Newfies from NJ
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear July 21, 2005, 05:54:46 PM
Thanks for the all the kind words everyone!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE July 21, 2005, 06:05:39 PM
You know, I don't post a whole lot here but I lurk nearly every day. Kudos to you all for providing such a nice atmosphere. As Gypsy Jazmine said, I, too, have been on boards that are just down right self righteous. In fact, we may be speaking about the same one...Anyway, I love it that you all try to phrase your responses in a nice, positive way instead of just slamming one another. I've only seen it a few times and I think that it's great that SO many people can be on one site and still treat each other with respect and empathy--maybe not agree but still respectfully disagree. I'll be sticking around...even though my dogs aren't that big. :)


Julie, Hi!...What kind of dogs do you have?...I'm just wondering...i may have missed it if you posted before or, imagine this, forgot! :-\ LOL!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear July 29, 2005, 03:53:02 PM
I enjoy all posts on here too!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE July 29, 2005, 04:21:11 PM
Thanks Julie!...Porter from just dogs...o.k.... I remember. :) I am no longer there though....I love your avatar...He looks so happy! :)
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: dgodden5459 July 30, 2005, 05:24:34 PM
I have to say that this is the BEST site I have ever belonged to!!!!Everyone is GREAT!! I use to visit a site that condemed (spell?) me for rescuing Gretchen at 4 weeks. A woman basically said I was lying when I explained that her mother was hit by a car and killed. She was more concerned that I got her from a BYB than the truth. All I can say is you all are very nice and do not make me afraid to post anything. Other sites seem to put other members down for not owning a champion dog. A GREAT BIG thanks for letting me join.. Deb
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear July 30, 2005, 05:38:52 PM
Welcome Deb and Gretchen! We will listen when you talk, support you when you need it, giggle when you tell a funny story, and give advice when you ask for it. I hope that you have a great time while here on BPO! 
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: zimas_mommie July 31, 2005, 07:35:03 PM
Today is my first day on this site and I love it!!! Jaba is this your site? IF it is Thank you!! I feel so welcome here and everyone has been so positive and helpfull and nice so far!!! I will of course always show the same courtsy!! Thanks again!!!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear July 31, 2005, 08:34:41 PM
Thank you so much for your kind words Nicole and Zima. This site was started out of a love for big dogs that my husband and I have. We want all of you here to feel as comfortable as we do. Welcome again to the BPO family and I look forward to many more chats with you!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: slickerk August 01, 2005, 08:53:06 AM
ooh ooh ooh, I love it here too! he he
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: cue755 August 10, 2005, 02:51:25 PM
One Thing For Sure about This Site that I personally like!
Is no matter wether your Dog is registered or not We all Love Them Just For Who and How They Are! Some Sites if not registered they aren't talked about much! Here Every Dog has its own personality! I Really enjoy this site and I Know for a Fact Ice does tooo :o) Take Care All, Ices Dad
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: sarnewfie August 13, 2005, 07:37:56 AM
Well i for one, need a healthy debate to make me think about things sometimes, as long as it is done in a mature manner.
so far it apears this site is doing that :)
though at first i came on strong on the web and very opinionated, i have learned that words typed do not come across as it would if i was talking to the people instead and many misinterpretat ions happened wich lead to confrontation on the net.
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear August 13, 2005, 05:16:01 PM
i have learned that words typed do not come across as it would if i was talking to the people instead and many misinterpretat ions happened wich lead to confrontation on the net.

That is exactly what we are trying to avoid Sar. Things are said that sound rude/mean even if they are not written  with that intention. I am glad you are here and were able to notice how "nice" people are on our board. It is really one of the best places to be when online IMO.  :D
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: mcenter September 03, 2005, 06:06:35 PM
You know, its amazing....I have two teenage girls who have had "issues" with internet conversations. ....typed words dont always come across the way they are intended...and I think that happens here too....but since I have been here, I've felt very welcome and I dont think that anyone INTENDS to come across as judgemental. I am very grateful for this group and look foreward to its posts each day. Keep up the incredible work, Moderators.... ...! :)
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: yogibear October 17, 2005, 11:32:03 PM
Jabear....what does *BUMP* mean? I really don't know, but it always seems so funny to see...please advise. (see how safe I feel here asking a silly question)
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear October 18, 2005, 03:03:27 AM
Jabear....what does *BUMP* mean? I really don't know, but it always seems so funny to see...please advise. (see how safe I feel here asking a silly question)

Hahaha Mia! A bump is just a word that lets everyone know that you think the topic is important. When you bump it, the topic just goes back to the top of the forum list.
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: yogibear October 18, 2005, 04:14:28 AM
That's my new word now.....*BUMP*  :P
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: Nina October 18, 2005, 04:18:07 AM
That's my new word now.....*BUMP*  :P


I love your avatar picture

: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear October 18, 2005, 04:29:26 AM
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: Newf Lover October 18, 2005, 04:41:54 AM
That's my new word now.....*BUMP*  :P


I love your avatar picture


We loved that picture so much that Mia had to use it for her Avatar.  Yogi, or Joah-gi as we like to call him, is such a ham.  He just looks so PO'd in that pic!  :D
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: Nina October 18, 2005, 04:47:18 AM
That's my new word now.....*BUMP*  :P


I love your avatar picture


We loved that picture so much that Mia had to use it for her Avatar.  Yogi, or Joah-gi as we like to call him, is such a ham.  He just looks so PO'd in that pic!  :D

It is such a funny picture. I would make and awesome calendar picture.
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: yogibear October 18, 2005, 04:49:20 AM this is REALLY funny.....I just had to look up the word "avatar"
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: waffles717 October 19, 2005, 10:47:19 AM
SAY WHAT A MUST READ!!! O,K, As long as you tell me how much your new baby Weigh's know I will read it!!!After,our Nap  Time !!!Sorry about your Bump BeSafe!Watch your STep,Fri 13 is coming!! I Don't want to scare you BOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: princessnmi December 04, 2005, 10:51:34 AM
I also want to thank you so much for such a wonderful site full of loving, caring, understanding people. I do rescue a lot of dogs and nurse them back to health and then adopt them out. I have kept a few of them. I have also "babysat" a few for servicemen who get deployed. My husband is in the Air Force and I have watched a few dogs of guys he works with. I was at another website and would share my rescue stories and stories of the dogs I would babsit and got yelled at ...and people telling me animals are not disposable. I always thought by me "adopting" puppies or dogs that are in bad situations, or on death row and cleaning them up and then taking the time to find them a great home (i still keep in contact with every dog I have adopted out) I didn't think that was a bad thing. I thought I was helping people out. I left that site though when my 8month old great dane got VERY sick...we spent my husbands ENTIRE paycheck plus some to try and figure out what was wrong with him. We were then told that it was going to be another $5,000 I couldn't afford it and decided that it would be best to end his suffering and let him go. When we decided to let him go a nurse at the vets said that she would cover the rest of the bills if we signed him over to her. So rather than end his life we decided not to be selfish and sign him over. I made her promise me that she wouldn't let him suffer. I never did find out what was wrong with him, or if he is even still alive. But I think for my sake I am fine believing that he is very happy wether it be in heaven or this other family. The people at this other website were VERY rude and mean about it saying it was my fault. That is when I left the website and haven't been back since. I love this website even though with a 7 week old baby and the 3 dogs I don't get on here very much. I enjoy every minute that I do get to come and read. Thanks again for such a WONDERFUL website
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: ZooCrew December 04, 2005, 03:26:02 PM
I cannot believe the other website was so rude to you there.  There are lots of people on here who foster and rescue dogs, so you're not alone.  Rescuing, fostering, finding homes for animals in need is a wonderful thing to do.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is very close minded and selfish.

My hubby's in the marines, so you're not alone there, either........
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: Scootergirl December 04, 2005, 03:42:57 PM
Gees Louise! I can't believe that other site said those things. The only thing they seem to have right is that "pets are not disposable", but DUH! it's the people who had them BEFORE you who "disposed" of them, not the person who rescued them and made sure they were placed in responsible homes (a.k.a. YOU!).

And, we all know how difficult it is to make a decision like you had to make with your great dane. Thank Goodness, the vet tech stepped forward and offered you another alternative. I imagine I would have made the same decisions you made every step of the way. And, I can understand that you want to respect the fact that the great dane is not yours anymore and not threaten the vet tech with suspicions you would want him back when healthy by inquiring about him. I'm sure that must be very difficult, but I also find it extremely courageous.

So, welcome to a board that not only cares, but understands and listens without prejudice.

: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: princessnmi December 04, 2005, 06:35:15 PM
You guys are great. Thank you so much for being such supportive and understanding people. I feel like Ive finally found a website that is not only a TON of fun...VERY addicting, but is full of a bunch of AWESOME people. Thanks again
: Re: Well Poor Maggie she is sick little tummy ache!!!
: waffles717 December 04, 2005, 09:46:15 PM
 >:(She got sick sat,so i took her to the vet today but he said she will be fine tomarrow, :D,Also Next week is her Birthday!!She will be one!!and molly went to the vet also today,she Weigh's 85,pound's ::)she is just 6mo!!! ;)She is alway's eating!!! :molly&Maggie!!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: tvsjessica December 10, 2005, 08:33:10 PM
I know the agreeing posts are voluminous, but can I add another one?  I'm new here, but I noticed right away how people phrase responses here that are, for the most part, nonthreatening and helpful.  Most people really do love their pets, and to ask and honest innocent question and get attacked is what drove me from several boards when I just wanted some sense of community and support.  I am TERRIBLY guilty of asking stupid questions, and it's not because I don't want to do the best by my animals, I just honestly don't know.  A rude reply simply makes the person resent the advice and try to go it alone, which in the end is less beneficial to the animals.  I once asked a question on another board based solely on some bad advice from my vet, and was completely attacked for being an idiot who had no clue what was best for my animals.  That said, I apologize in advance for asking stupid questions (and posting where the posting has been done), and thanks in advance for getting patient replies.
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: jabear December 11, 2005, 12:34:52 AM
  I am TERRIBLY guilty of asking stupid questions, and it's not because I don't want to do the best by my animals, I just honestly don't know.   That said, I apologize in advance for asking stupid questions (and posting where the posting has been done), and thanks in advance for getting patient replies.

Didn't anyone ever tell you that there was no such thing as stupid questions? We're all learning here...some people have more knoledge in certain areas than others but when the group comes together the amount of knowledge is overwhelming. Don't ever hesisitate to ask anything here.  :)
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: marinafb February 11, 2006, 03:13:59 PM
 ;D Well i m surly honored to find this site! T he people and the dogs are a wealth of information! Sometimes people i meet or even my friends think i pay way to much attention to my dogs! Well like anything else in life it's what you put into it well how does it go is what you get out of it! I have spent alot of $ and time on my dogs and i really don't give it much thought. If there is an after life i hope my pet gives me the love and care that i give them! I love reading your stories and advice i also enjoy everyones pictures!   Marina   Freya-Milo-Bryce
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: MommyOfSchnauzers February 11, 2006, 05:58:57 PM
I appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that goes into this site.  I am thankful to have found friends who are as crazy about their pups as I am about mine.  Jamie, I applaud you for posting this to remind people to think before they type.  While I think that it's not necessary to be sugary sweet or insincere, I do think that sometimes we get the attitude that our way is the best way and try to shove it off on someone.  That's not necessary either.  So, anyway.. that's my 2 cents worth.  Good job Jamie and Michael.  Thanks for creating a great place to hang out!
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: smsmith February 13, 2006, 01:16:52 PM
Having information to share isn't the same as being wise. 
Sometimes the only power people have is in their knowledge (say, like about dogs).  Unfortunately, they can't handle the power and start believing they're "wise." 

I'm glad this website is here and I'm convinced there are a lot of "wise" people here -- sharing their wisdom, not making snap judgments or spouting out criticisms of those of us who don't know much about Big Dogs.  I've received more important information from this website than I ever imagined.  And I've been referred to other websites with even more information about my breed (Einstein's that is).

And the fear is always in the back of my mind that Einstein will show signs of a devastating disorder not seen before and I'll have to make those decisions .  .  .  having fallen in love with him in less than a month, it would break my heart to have to choose between money (which I don't have) and his life.  Somehow I can't imagine anyone around here condemning me no matter what the outcome. 


: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: wiss329 February 15, 2006, 12:29:19 PM
I’ve really grown to appreciate this site in the last couple of days.  I’ve always been a frequent visitor/lurker/reader, but never really a poster.  Actually, I’ve never really been much of a poster on any board.  I’m shy online as I am in real life. 

However, recently I’ve found how intentionally cruel people can be on message boards (another board, not BPO).  Long story sorta short, a group of volunteers from a rescue group where we adopted Max are working as part of a fundraiser to win one of those “Vote for my dog” contests.  As part of the campaign for our dog, one of the volunteers posted on a message board asking people if they would vote.  A person responded claiming our campaign was just a scam, had done this last year, that the person was going to use the money for a shopping spree, and that they would do what they could to keep our dog from having a chance to win.  I posted in defense of the volunteer (a calm defense…or rather a plea to stop with untruthful posts).  The person then responded with the same lie, not taking any time to research any of the links/information provided which show the group is a legitimate rescue group. 

I’ve cried over sad movies and sad books, but never over a post on a message board before.   I just couldn’t/can’t understand why people lie and intentionally like to stir up trouble.  Naive, I know.

But that is what makes BPO stand out—it just overflows with support and kindness (and cute pictures).  No internet trolls lurking around to throw insults and cause pointless drama. 

So this is my thank you to Big Paws!  Thank you for the hard work!  Thank you for creating a place to go to that provides helpful advice, smiles and laughs, and at times a virtual shoulder to cry on.
: Re: Say What?? A Must Read!!
: smsmith February 15, 2006, 12:36:46 PM
I posted in defense of the volunteer (a calm defense…or rather a plea to stop with untruthful posts).  The person then responded with the same lie, not taking any time to research any of the links/information provided which show the group is a legitimate rescue group. 

Good for you!