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Topics - slickerk

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Rottweiler Pictures / picture crazy
« on: October 30, 2005, 11:35:35 am »
OK, so I have been playing with the new camera. I took tons of pics today, so I thought I would post a couple.
Daddy went shopping for her today, she got a crate upgrade, a new feeding table thingy  ???, and this wacky treat ball...

Rottweiler Pictures / lady felonious (he he)
« on: October 24, 2005, 02:52:20 am »
I am so upset with myself.. I deleted two really good pictures of my daughter with Felony. But here is a recent one of Felony. I got my new camera, but haven't had too much time to play with it.

Rottweiler Pictures / ms. stuck up
« on: October 05, 2005, 09:21:37 pm »
I have nothing really new to report... Felony is about 45 lbs (she'll be 5 months tomorrow) She is also a stubborn little thing. I finally got my new camera and the turd will not sit still for me, and when she does, she won't look at me. Some photographer I turned out to be.

Rottweiler Pictures / sweeper mania
« on: September 15, 2005, 08:59:17 pm »
Felony has figured out that the sweeper makes noise and she just don't like it. I don't know where she has been for the past three months, she has either been ignoring it or she has just grown the kahunas to attack the thing.
The other three are of her playing with my son.... (Please excuse the 197? lazy boy that I have started covering in duct tape because my hubby refuses to part with it)

Rottweiler Discussions / bones
« on: September 04, 2005, 07:17:30 pm »
Felony buried her first bone, then I made the mistake of showing my hubby a little while later. So, it is now removed. It was so cute to watch her though, ha ha ha, she was pushing all the grass back over it with her nose. I know that this is a 'dog thing', but I had never seen one actually do it before.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / speaking of puppy mills
« on: September 04, 2005, 09:20:46 am »
I made a stop at the flea market Friday for some lamb bones and clear in the back was this tent full of crates. SO, I walked back to check it out. I was looking at all the cute little puppies back there when I saw the tags on the crates that said different names like Peagle and stuff. All of the dogs in this tent were crossbred - not that I have anything against mutts, sometimes they are the best dogs (I have had some), but this guy was charging $300 - $500 for them.
I am no dog genius here, but I don't know about paying that much money for a dog that isn't papered. Does this thing go on everywhere? And what happens to the poor mutts that nobody buys, do they end up in shelters?

Rottweiler Pictures / everyday friends
« on: September 01, 2005, 08:37:38 pm »
Champ has been here almost everday this week. I feel like he is my dog, ha ha... he follows me around the house and everything.
Felony went to the vet today. She weighs 30 lbs! She got another distemper and her rabies today. She tried to play with champ a little today (pic below of her and Champ with ball), but not too much and the picture of her sleeping (she still is), she is laying up against my desk with her feet all propped up. Poor thing is wore out big time. I am still mad at her though, because she got ahold of my glasses today and chewed the one arm off and goudged the one lens.
oh, well..... onto the photos!  (I put a pic of her latest ball down there too!, this is the 4th one that she has eaten... Anyone else have this issue?)

Rottweiler Pictures / playdate
« on: August 29, 2005, 05:48:34 pm »
Champ came to play again. He is a freakin' moose. He is not used to having so much furniture around him and he bumps into everything. That and Felony just doesn't give up. ha ha ha, he is wore out laying at my feet now.
That last one is my fav. I didn't even say anything, they just both stopped and looked at me.

Rottweiler Pictures / fe-loon-y
« on: August 27, 2005, 07:51:32 pm »
Hey all... it's been a while. (My computer was being a nutcase)
Update: Felony weighed 23 lbs, that was at 3 months. She goes back this week, so we'll see. The little turd is getting big fast, not to mention bad.

Rottweiler Discussions / is it the....
« on: August 07, 2005, 09:22:47 pm »
Is it the people or the dogs?

Okay guys. Here we go - I found out yesterday that one of Felony's brothers was gonna be taken to the pound (wonder what an 11 week old puppy did to deserve this). Well, the guy who bred the dogs said for the guy to bring him back. So, he gives him to another buddy of mine to take home. So, I am excited because that is another playmate for Felony.
Well... Me and the hubby called him this morning to take her up to see him. He was off playing cards with some buddies and said Griz (that is the dogs name) was outside, no one had been there, could we make sure he had water before we left.
This is the sad part: We get there and they have this poor dog outside in the heat, in an 8 foot round babygate thing (like a yard playpen). He has poo all over the place, all over him. He had no food or water. My husband in disgust asked me to take him out. He moved the pen and hosed it down, hosed down the yard because the flies were just gross. I got him some fresh water and let Felony play with him for a while.
His wife came home and thought that this was no big deal obviously. She lets her kids get into the pen and step all over him and yank on him and everything. I finally couldn't stand it anymore and got my baby and left. We talked to the guy and he said he wanted to give it a couple days, if he decided he didn't want him he would call us.
I know I do not need another dog. One puppy is tough enough to handle. But I am going to push the issue with him. Because I am sure that I could find someone who would give him a better home than that. So, at this point, I am praying that this guys calls.
Keep your fingers crossed  for me.  :-\

Rottweiler Pictures / playtime
« on: August 03, 2005, 10:04:10 pm »
Well, Felony spent last week with this big guy. His name is Champ and he came to see her tonight. So, I captured what I could with my broken cam.
You would not believe how gentle this dog is with my baby. I was so surprised. He would play-bite with her, just gently putting his teeth on her leg or something and then let go. I am just astonished! He is about 14 months old, I think (Boxer). He is just such a sweety with her. She was so disappointed when he left.

Rottweiler Discussions / kid question
« on: August 02, 2005, 03:59:19 pm »
ok, I have a question. I know it is normal for pups to play and I am doing ok with subsiding the puppy biting. My son is almost 4, but he is a terror himself and he bolts around the house. The dog follows and tried to bite his shorts or pull his towel off, things like that. Is this ok? I was just wondering, because of the whole alpha thing I guess. The dog thinks that my son is little and kinda treats him like a sibling, climbing onto his head and pulling at his clothes.
She starts obedience classes at the end of the month. I should probably take my son with me, huh?

Rottweiler Pictures / Home again
« on: August 02, 2005, 07:35:39 am »
Here is Felony after a week at a friend's...

Rottweiler Discussions / check-up
« on: July 21, 2005, 10:33:41 am »
Took Felony to the vet today, for her second set of shots and all that other nifty little stuff that they force on the poor thing.
She weighs 10 1/2 lbs. They said that is a good weight for her, but she will probably put it on faster now that she has been de-wormed. Because it obviously was not done at the first vet visit. She said that potty training would get a little easier too.
I also got  some ideas from her about some training classes that I had been looking into. She recommended this one not too far from me, the first class is 10 weeks long.
So, we are off to a good start...

I am kinda bummed. I am taking my kids on vacation, with my mom. We are leaving on Sunday. I have to leave my new baby at home with daddy. I know he'll take good care of her, but he is definently not as strict as I am, as far as getting up from doing something to get her a chew toy or to take her to the toy box and hide that plug under the rug. I am afraid I am gonna come home and the dog is gonna have half the place chewed and have taken over my bed.
ha ha ha
I'm cool with the couch as long as I get my pillow. But that seems to be her favorite item. Oh, and yes, I have given her a pillow to call her own. But she still seems to like mine better.

Rottweiler Pictures / felon
« on: July 18, 2005, 08:26:04 am »
welp... my camera gave out on me. So, until I figure out what is wrong or get another one, I'm out of luck.

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