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Topics - greek4

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Mixed Breed Pictures / Purebred Labs?
« on: December 20, 2005, 04:21:41 pm »
A guy at work's friend is giving these guys away.  The guy at work says they are purebred labs.  I can see the yellows and black one being pure but the tan with black masks.  It is a bad picture but the only one I have.  What do you guys think they are.  I though lab/mastiff, lab/boxer, or lab/shepherd.

Old English Mastiff Discussions / I am very proud of Maia
« on: December 11, 2005, 09:51:51 am »
Maia has done very well with the move into the new house, getting used to a new person living with us, and having people in and out.  She has gotten startled twice and barked and hid but I am still proud.  I had a friend from Cincy in this weekend which I thought would throw Maia off but she got so excited to see Andrea and was just trying to follow her around all weekend. 
Maia now goes willing and quietly to her cage at night instead of barking for an hour like she did the first two nights that I put her back in her cage to sleep.  If the TV is too loud or my roommate and I are moving around too much she goes and hangs out in the basement.  Rocco of course has to stay in the middle of all the action and get in the way.  When the doorbell rings she automatically goes to the basement (I put them down there when it rings as not to scare the neighbors). 
She even got loose from her tie out (we don't have the fence yet because it is like 2 degrees and snow covered ground) and didn't run she just came and stood by me like "Hey. can you fix this so I can continue to butt my head into the snow then cry because it is cold".

Our next hurdle is teaching her it is ok to turn her back on other people (she is fine with me), good things happen when you turn your back.  Then we will work on not barking because someone is walking down the stairs, they are not really trying to get you.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Rocco doesn't like Boston Terriers
« on: December 11, 2005, 09:43:47 am »
Last night, my roommates friend brought her very hyper, crazy little boston over to visit.  I knew Maia wouldn't do well at all so Maia got to go to bed with a bone and I thought Rocco will play with little Joey.  Well, all was going well until Rocco got overwhelmed with jumping, face nipping and craziness.  So, in an older dog settling a puppy fashion, he pinned Joey to the floor with his mouth and growled.  Well, I realized he wasn't going to hurt him but it freaked my roommate and her friend out.  I called Rocco of with a "leave it" he backed up sat by me and wagged his tail like he didn't just scared the poop out of two girls and the little dog. 

I know Rocco was acting normally for a dog but how to I prevent this in the future.  It didn't phase me because he would do it to Maia when she was younger and would try to show aggression towards me, other dogs, him or the cats.  I know without him teaching her like that she might have gotten out of hand.  Should I just let him do it to puppies or should I just keep him away?  What do you guys think?

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Maia and Rocco pictures
« on: November 21, 2005, 11:45:59 am »
Here are some recent pictures of my beasts.  Some are from my old house and a few are from the apartment.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Raw bones
« on: November 19, 2005, 06:10:32 pm »
Rocco swallowed two soup bones whole yesterday.  They were both decent size but obviously small enough to swallow.  Will his stomach digest them or will we be spending a few hundred at the vet because of the blockage.

He ate fine today but has yet to poop.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Ebay Junkie
« on: November 17, 2005, 02:47:42 pm »
I have declared myself an Ebay Junkie.  I can't get enough.  I buy so much stuff ranging from dog toys, tags and bones to collectible dolls.

Who else on here is an ebay junkie like me?

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Giant Size Vari Kennel
« on: November 09, 2005, 04:51:52 pm »
Where can I get the Giant size?
I can find them online for a resonable price then would have to spend another $100 on getting it shipped.  I didn't see them at Walmart or Kmart.  I'm guessing they are really expensive at PetSmart or other pet stores.  I can't find a Tractor Supply in chicago yet.

Where do I go?

Holiday Things / Cool Christmas Present
« on: November 03, 2005, 11:42:25 am »
I just got my baby nephew, my friend's daughter, and my preachers boys each one of these.

Anything Non-Dog Related / You guys
« on: October 19, 2005, 02:30:18 am »
I hope no one takes offense to this post.

You guys are the nicest, craziest, sometimes the weirdest, most supportive people I have ever encountered.  I think I would be having a breakdown during this move without you guys for support and advice and most of all craziness and funny posts. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you.   :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8)

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Maia made me proud!!!
« on: October 19, 2005, 01:38:53 am »
During our daily walk yesterday, Maia was so good.  (Rocco is always good).  She was put to the test yesterday with many dogs, kids on bikes, men (to her they are big scary monsters), and screaming kids.  She didn't bark once, she would just look but if I talked to her to distract her she would stop looking.  A man even rubbed her head as he walked by which was the dumbest thing in the world for him to have done.  My guess is he has dogs and it was just an automatic response since he didn't even acknowledge us.  A kid on a bike darted out in front of us from a driveway which startled Maia but she just jumped a little then got back in a good heal.  We walked past two different men with dark skin (which usually sets her off, I am not trying to be racist just honest) and she didn't even look twice or bark.  We walked past some football fields where the cutest little boy were all suited up playing football and tons of other kids were running around screaming that high pitched kid scream that I hate, neither dog even seemed to notice the kids beyond the initial look-see. 

She is starting to really make me proud, though if one of the kids had come up she would have hid behing my leg and if one of the men had talked to me she would have barked with her tail wagging and her fur half up.  But one step at a time.

She is even getting herself on a regular poop schedule which I'm weird and that makes me happy.

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Rescue Remedy
« on: October 18, 2005, 02:09:47 am »
Any thoughts, info, experiences ???

Does anyone know of any other rescues I could get involved with?  I love helping out and fostering and I really need to find a good local group of big dog people to lean on.  Plus, I need to get off my lazy hind end.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Morning Routine
« on: October 17, 2005, 10:42:43 pm »
I thought it would be cool to know everyones morning routine, maybe I will steal some ideas and incorporate some of everyones working ideas into my semi functional routine.

Rocco and Maia's Morning Routine

We get up at 5:45 am  :-[ and I get the dogs food ready, as they eat I got to the bathroom, drink some juice get sock, shoes, and a sweatshirt on.   After eating we leash up and head for a 20 minute stroll, to induce as many excretions as possible.  I can usually get two pees and one poop  :D between them.  After the walk the dogs go lay on the bed while I shower and get dressed.  Then they follow me around as I fix me some breakfast to go and my lunch for the day.  The a treat, bone, and toy all go into their cages with them.  To hear about our wonderful evening routine someone will need to start and Evening Routine topic.

This routine works for now but I hope to soon be able to induce 2 pees and 2 poops total since that would be more normal and that is what was produced when I would just let them out every morning.  Plus it is getting cold soon and I don't know how long I can walk around trying to induce poo in the cold Chicago wind.  I want to eventually be able to just take them out, they go, then we can go back inside.

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Stationary Bark Control by Petsafe
« on: October 17, 2005, 12:40:52 am »
I got these cool things this weekend and they work.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / The misery of Temp Living
« on: October 16, 2005, 09:30:52 pm »
Rocco's wild ride....
This morning, I took Rocco out without his gentle leader on a flexi leash to go potty.  I was shutting the patio door when all the sudden he bolted.  I remained strong and held the leash and hit the ground hard.  I have a nice bruise on my chest, a skinned knee and the a gash in the palm of my right hand.  (I am right handed.)  I held strong to the leash and when Rocco realized what he did he made haste back to my side and started kissing up.  I had the breath knocked out of me and was light headed but ok until..... a nice guy who saw the whole thing asked if I was ok.  Then came the crying fit.  The poor nice guy didn't know what to say so he made small talk, made sure I was ok and went to work.  Rocco of course knew he was in trouble and glued himself to my butt for the rest of the morning.  I can tell he feels awful but it was my fault, I should not have taken him out on just the flex without the gentle leader.  I learned my lesson.

The Poop Saga...
I can't seem to consistantly get two poops a day from both on the same days.  Maia will hold it and then poop a horse pile.  Rocco just gives me nice soft, smearable piles.  It is hard for them to concentrate on their business when there are children or other dogs everywhere.  I admit I get frustrated after walking them for a couple miles after each meal and nothing.  Maia has yet to eat both her meals in full on any day.  She just picks and the guards what is left from Rocco.  We have never had food issues before.  I am going to start mixing rice into their food to solidify Rocco's poop and to encourage Maia to eat hers in one sitting.  I'm sure once we get settled into a rountine things will work themselves out.

The Barking Dilemna...
I got the coolest things at PetSmart.  They are little boxes that let off a high frequency whenever the dogs bark.  This has eliminated their alert barking which for now is good.  They were barking when the girl upstairs walked, granted she walks really loud for such a small girl.  Other barking triggers were horns, knocks, other dogs, kids yelling, and all other random noises.  The two magic boxes I got have worked really well though every once in awhile it hurts my one ear. 

I just have to keep thinking I started out with 48 days now I'm down to 43 days, I can handle this.  I will never do it again so this is a once in a lifetime learning experience.  I can do it.

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