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Topics - schelmischekitty

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Ladies This Is How You Are To Function During Spring And Summer.  After 4 long months of cold and winter, we are finally coming up to summer and BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking event as it's the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved.

When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion:

The Routine:

1) The woman buys the food.
2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.
3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - drink in hand.

PS you need to see if he needs a fresh drink!  Now here comes the important part:


4) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.
5) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will bring him another beer while he deals with the situation.


6) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the table.
7) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

And now the most important thing of all:

Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.  More routine.

8) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "HER NIGHT OFF."
And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no way to please some women..

i came across this ad, and thought i'd share it.  i e-mailed the people, they said they're still accepting people.  i'm waiting on them to e-mail me back with more information (and any stipulations), but if you want to go ahead and e-mail too, here's the addy.

Laminate flooring manufacturer is looking to test product in homes with Great Danes. Company will provide one room of new flooring and installation free of charge to any Great Dane owner willing to let the company monitor the performance of the floor in their home after a few weeks of living with the floor. Interested, qualified parties should contact

hi again  :D  ha ha.  i need advice on peanut.  is it ok for chi puppies to be a little fluffy?  i've been feeding him 3x a day, because i know they can have problems with their sugar if they don't eat often enough, but i was just wondering if he should have a gut still, or if he should be getting the chi tummy now (will be 5 months on the 11th).  i'm gonna get a pic of him, but i saw you were online ha ha.

Anything Non-Dog Related / we have newborn babies in the house! *pics*
« on: March 29, 2007, 05:02:42 am »
for non aquarium keepers it might seem stupid to be so excited about baby fish, BUT this is my first brood and i have a second on the way of a different species also.  i'm so excited, the mom just showed them to us this morning.  apparently she's been holding out for a while b/c their egg sacks are gone already!  so, here we are introducing the baby kenyi cichlids!

the 3rd and 4th pics are of when she got upset i was taking pictures and sucked them all up in her mouth again, i thought it was funny.  (she's a mouth brooder and will hold her babies in her mouth until they hatch and will continue to do so when she feels threatened until they just can't fit anymore!)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / macybean's birthday
« on: March 29, 2007, 01:35:35 am »
OoOoOoOoOoOoOo OoOoOoOoOo did we miss your birthday yesterday or is it today?  or did i just miss the post  :'(  either way happy (26th?) birthday, hope it's a great one!

just thought i'd share a few pics.  they're not very good, i had to take them while he was wrapped around my shoulders and neck.  i found out this morning why he was huffing and puffing in my face, he has a "cold" from being without heat, etc.  today he's a TON better with being handled he's not bowing up at all, but that's prob a lot to do with not feeling good  :-\

Anything Non-Dog Related / hubby must be trying to knock peanut off?!
« on: March 27, 2007, 04:54:10 am »
hubby felt sorry for yet another creature and brought it home just now.  don't get me wrong, i feel sorry for it too,  it's a 4 1/2 foot-ish columbian boa who is very darkly colored.  apparently, the guy (at least i'm assuming, haven't checked) has been living in a Tupperware container that when he is balled up tightly isn't even twice size and only about 4" tall for an undetermined time with no heat, etc.  don't get me wrong, i LOVE snakes (especially columbian boas / "red tail boas") but he's semi aggressive and i'm kinda worried he'll try to eat peanut if given the chance.  he's pretty grouchy bowing up at my legs etc when i give him water or let him stretch.  hopefully once we get him into his new enclosure he'll be happier.  i know he'll feel better being able to stretch out and actually having a heat source, and stuff to get up on instead of being in that tupperware box.  this is my 4th columbian boa, and i've had ball pythons, rat snakes, king snakes, etc also but unfortunately had to rehome them when we had to move on post (couldn't sneak my snake room in there).  the columbian's have always been super sweet, so it kinda took me off guard when he bowed up like that.  any tips on how i could go about making him more comfortable with being handled would be appreciated.  the guy sent a handling stick with him that he says he used to move him around, telling hubby to hold his head down when he goes to grab him.  i'd like to get where one day we don't need it, and even now we just put it under him, lift him and then work up his tail to his body.  that seems to work well for now.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / tummy troubles
« on: March 27, 2007, 02:41:01 am »
just had to take a second to gripe.  diesel was doing SO great with his weight, and now he has tummy trouble.  he's had booty blow out (nice wake up call at 2am) the past 2 days, and so we're holding his food for 24 hours now.  you can really tell it's effecting him physically, if it's not good by tomorrow we'll be making a run for endsorb or something of the sort to help him be "normal" again and see what exactly is causing this.  he was puking, but has stopped, hubby thinks he may have just gotten too hot the past week b/c it's been SO warm here, and when diesel's outside he insists on laying in the sun (if he's not ready to come in, he won't let you grab him and just finds a new sun spot away from you, we may do the rope thing starting soon) and comes inside super hot and drooling a hellacious amount.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / i need tooth advice for the puppy!
« on: March 26, 2007, 08:17:59 am »
since we got peanut, he hasn't let us look at his teeth and i just marked it off as he wasn't used to it.  well, today i actually got a look.  i've noticed that peanut had an under bite, but not a bad one.  at least i thought not  ???  well, today i saw that his top k9 tooth is half way back on his top jaw, and his bottom ones are in the right place, in front of his top ones??  is this normal, should i wait until his adult teeth come in to see what happens?  has anyone else had this happen with a dog??  attached is a picture.  it's like this on both sides of his mouth.  he doesn't have any problems eating, he's actually kinda porky.

earlier i brought axle inside from his potty break, during which i NEVER heard them bark to tell me someone was around.  he didn't bark last night when he went potty either, so i don't know who did this, but it must have been someone who knows our dogs.  i know the kids didn't do it, so it had to have been an adult.  either way, whoever it was, axle's hair has a HUGE chunk that was cut with scissors (you can tell it wasn't plucked, because you can see where the pieces were cut in separate sections).  i'm trying to call hubby and see if he knows what happened or if he heard the dogs barking, or what.  i'd like to know what happened, esp if it was something like axle got gum in his hair and hubby cut it out or something that way i won't be upset over it.   >:(

diesel told me not to tell you that he is doing this willingly, but that he was "forced" to  ???  ;)

Group Discussions & Photos / new pics
« on: March 19, 2007, 11:11:34 am »
here's some new pictures of everybody but caine, who once again i couldn't get far enough away from the camera to take pics!  oh well, maybe next time!  peanut is getting SO big, kinda makes you wonder about his breeding.  poor axle is no longer the biggest pooch in our house, diesel definately has him beat on height ha ha.

Specific Website Information / paw print question
« on: March 19, 2007, 05:47:07 am »
i know jack's mom said that the paw prints may have been accidentally erased, should we redo them or just wait for now?

just a question.  my mom's chihuahua does this same thing if you don't watch him, so i'm not sure if it's a chi thing or if a lot of dogs do it, as none of out big paws do.  whenever me and hubby get drinks out (i drink strawberry daiquiris (sp?) or whatever mixed drinks i want at that time and hubby drinks beer) peanut is OBSESSED with the drinks!  we don't drink often, typically maybe once a month (if that often, we just had one drink each the past two nights after 11 months of none at all) we will have a drink or two.  if i use a paper towel he will run off with it and hide under a chair licking it until i can manage to get it away from him, assuming he doesn't run under a different chair when he sees me coming.  he chases our glasses, even if we switch them from hand to hand, and he gets SO irritated at you for not letting him have it.  if you manage to keep it away from him in your hands, he then goes to trying to lick your face, or anything that remotely smells like your drink.  he's never had any of our drink, and we don't intend on letting him either, so i don't know if maybe it just smells sweet or what.  he doesn't do this with coke, or anything else, ONLY alcohol.  anyone else have this experience with their dog(s)?

Humane Society agents on Wednesday were searching for a woman wanted for animal cruelty.

Prosecutors said Maureen McLaughlin admitted killing 650 puppies, dogs, and cats by drowning them in a trash can.

McLaughlin recently told authorities she would fill a trash can with water, put the animals in a crate, and place the crate in the water.

"She would keep fur from each animal that she killed and write the name and date and descriptions of the animals," said assistant city prosecutor Bill Hedrick.

Many of the animals MacLaughlin drowned since July 2002 were received through people thinking that she was a rescue.

"No one would expect this going on and basically she's just a mass killer of animals," Hedrick said.

Authorities were working to determine why McLaughlin killed the animals when they say she knew that what she did was wrong.

McLaughlin was charged with one count of animal cruelty because Humane Society agents recovered only one carcass.

Prosecutor Hedrick said he was concerned that she could be volunteering with local veterinarians or other rescues.


Prosecutors are trying to find Maureen McLaughlin, who they said confessed to killing 650 animals.

They believe she drowned one animal after another in her north Columbus apartment.
A Columbus family doesn't feel complete without their 3-year-old Shi Tzu, Baby.

They were in the process of moving, so 10 days ago Patricia Brown and her daughter Toni (pictured, right) left their dog with McLaughlin, a friend and animal rescuer.
"Toni, my daughter, would find lost cats," said Patricia Brown. "She would come and pick them up. She'd always been there for us."

"She was a nice, kind lady," said Toni Sullivan. "We called her cat lady because she loved cats. I never knew she would do this to cats."

Three days ago, McLaughlin told them Baby was in foster care, but then Brown saw the news. Animal investigators found a dead cat inside McLaughlin's apartment and they said she confessed to killing 650 cats and dogs.

The family went to her apartment, but there was no sign of McLaughlin or Baby.
"If you can hear me Maureen, let me know where Baby is. Please," said Brown.

When they're not crying, they're praying. They hope Baby will return and that they weren't betrayed by a trusted friend.
"If anyone can find him, please call us or let us know because I want my dog back," said Sullivan.
Animal investigators are trying to track down McLaughlin. Anyone who knew her and is now missing animal is asked to call police.

here's the petition link

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