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Messages - Boyle

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Is anyone involved in the Neo Mastiff Rescue? There is a 1 year old 100 lb neo listed on the Chicago Craigslist I have not contacted the poster since I have been on a lengthy conference call so I thought I would get the information out here.

My former beta, Dick (short for Moby Dick), refused to die.  We found him belly up on a number of occassions.  Every time we would bring his bowl to the toilet he would miraculously rise from the dead only to go belly up the next week.  This happened for about 3 months until one day he ran short on miracles.   ;D

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Our New Puppy Jackson is home!
« on: May 25, 2006, 03:45:34 pm »
What a doll!

FAQs about puppies / Re: Puppies are due TODAY
« on: May 22, 2006, 11:51:24 am »
Congratulation s!  Post pictures of the dame and sire if you have them. 

The wait to get your puppy is just a killer!  When we were waiting for Nola, I think I was counting down by minutes. Only 43,200 minutes to go....

That is so tragic.  My heart goes out to all the family and friends of Tracy.  It sounds like she touched so many lives.  You are all in my thoughts.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Appointment is Made for Barkley
« on: May 19, 2006, 11:26:59 am »
I am so sorry to hear about Barkley. You and your family are in my thoughts. 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Devil Dog
« on: May 18, 2006, 04:19:32 pm »
Thanks for the laugh!  I am glad to know that my guy isn't the only moron out there that does stupid stuff like that. 

An english and neo mix maybe with a little bit of pig thrown in to get that cute curly tail! ;D

Sorry, cannot get into chat right now but here are some questions for breeders.  Just substitute whichever breed for mastiffs:

Are the parents proven to be clear of the genetic problems discussed in Mastiff Health and Mastiff Health Awards? Have the suggested tests been performed on the parents? What is the breadth of the testing - just the parents? older siblings? grandparents? aunts & uncles? The breeder should be willing and able to produce copies of all test results, at least for the parents - if not offered - ask for them!

If the breeder doesn't test, ask why. Do NOT accept the answer that they don't test because they've never had a problem with something - how can they know they don't have a problem if they don't test? Do not accept their vet's opinion on hip dysplasia x-rays - a regular vet is not a trained radiologist - OFA uses three board certified radiologists to examine all x-rays.

How old is the dam? How many times has she been bred? How far apart were the breedings? A Mastiff bitch should not be bred before 22 months of age nor after her 7th birthday; nor should her breedings, other than in exceptional cases, be closer together than 12 months.

Why did they choose the stud dog they used? What traits were they looking for? What was the purpose of this breeding? What improvements were they after? Are the breeders planning on keeping a puppy from this litter? If not, why not? If yes, how did they pick which one? A reputable Mastiff breeder will have a good reason for every breeding, either to improve their line or solidify and continue traits they already have. A reputable breeder will NOT be breeding just to have puppies to sell.

What faults do the dam and sire have? EVERY Mastiff has some faults. How has this breeding served to correct these faults? What are their good points?

What breed clubs do the breeders belong to? At a minimum, they should belong to the MCOA and/or one of regional Mastiff clubs, thus exhibiting an interest in supporting the future and direction of the breed, as well as being willing to place themselves under the oversight of their peers through the mechanism of the club's Code of Ethics.

Have the dam and sire been shown? Conformation showing is intended to identify the dogs that best fit the Mastiff standard; if the dogs haven't been shown, how do the breeders know, objectively, how well they are doing?

What are the living conditions of the breeder's dogs? Do they have adequate living space and room to exercise? Are the quarters clean and well kept? Is fresh water available?

What steps have the breeders taken to socialize the pups? Are they used to children? Other dogs? Other animals? Public places with lots of people? Early socialization is extremely important for a Mastiff; the lack of adequate socialization can cause serious problems later on.

What are the pups being fed? Are they being given supplements? If so, why? Mastiff pups will eventually grow to their genetically programmed size, it is much better for their health if they do so slowly. Good, quality food is usually all they need.

What are the terms of their contract? What guarantees do they offer? What conditions do they impose on your treatment and care of the dog? What penalties are imposed if you violate the terms of the contract? See section 4 of the MCOA Code of Ethics for a list of the minimum terms an MCOA breeder must include in their contract as well as other material they are required to supply to a puppy buyer.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Happy Birthday Angus!!
« on: May 11, 2006, 09:12:35 am »
Happy Birthday, Angus.  You could celebrate with vanilla ice cream and whipping cream.  He will love it.  Plus, it is funny as h*ll to shoot Redi-Whip straight into their mouths!

From experience I would say NO treats at ANY dog park.  We tried that last year at the dog beach on recommendation of our trainer.  Nola was just a little guy (for a mastiff) and we were teaching him recall.  This is when a nasty, aggresive weim BIT me in the arm and on the bum.  >:( We had had problems with the dog and owner prior to that.  He's one of those people on the phone or trying to chat up women while his dog is snarling at other dogs.  I was told by this dog's jerk of a owner that I had been "tempting" his dog all summer by bringing treats.  What if it had been a child at the beach who happened to have treats??   Fortunately, no skin was broken but my blood pressure was through the roof.  Both b/f and Nola were ready to pound him. It still ticks me off just thinking about it.  OK, ranting over. 

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: New pup - pictures too
« on: April 25, 2006, 03:32:22 am »
Welcome.  Your pup is adorable.  I am Boyle food provider to Nola a 14 month old male English Mastiff.  My avatar is hopelessly outdated I rely on b/f to download pictures. 

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: AHHH Not Again!
« on: April 19, 2006, 04:24:45 am »
How awful.  It is so hard when you cannot get any answers. 

Nola had a runny bum since we got him last May but fortunately he gained his puppy weight and has since maintained his weight.  At the vet's office, he was called "Money Pit" because we were in there at least once a month and every test was at least $100.  In about November, we switched him to a grain-free chicken-free premade raw.  There was a noticable improvement.  In January, we switched him to prey model raw (chicken-free). I am not saying that his poop is always solid but now we can go a week at a time without having a soft/runny bum.

Have you considered a grain-free diet and/or chicken-free?  Both can be allergens.  I know there are a couple kibbles out there now that have these types of formulas. 

Good luck.

Games & Jokes / Re: BPO dogs A-Z *N-othing better than the N dogs*
« on: April 10, 2006, 08:59:02 am »
There is the beast, Nola. 

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Chicago - Bark In The Park 2006
« on: April 04, 2006, 12:25:24 pm »
I just signed up!  I would have been embarassed not to since the starting point is a few minute drive from home.  Nola, the b/f and I will be there so look for a goofy mastiff acting like a mental patient.  Now, I must shamelessly solicit friends and family for pledges.  I am really looking forward to this. 

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