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Messages - London_Pyr_Lover

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Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Great Pyrenesse Info Please
« on: September 03, 2007, 09:41:12 pm »
Hey, good for you on the individual research.  I'm just gonna list your questins and then answer them to the best of my ability.  Mind you my girl is still a puppy so some questions I'll probably skip.  ;)

1~How are they with children? I have a 4 year old son. I will never leave them unsupervised,and never let Shane (My son) tease the dog in any way, but I would like a dog that will get along with him and play with him.
Okay, Naja is FANTASTIC with kids, I don't have any myself, but I do have 2 nefews, an 8 yr old and a 4 year old.  The 8 yr old I don't really worry about so much, he kinda gets that Naja isn't really a high energy dog.  But the 4 yr old is a Hellion.  He doesn't quite get that although she is very large she is still delicate b/c she's a puppy.  He'll run at her sacring her half to death, but I've never once seen her get aggresive or defencive with him.  At most she'll run away and hide behind my legs.  When it comes to strange children she's also great, she'll sit there and let herself he petted and rubbed for hours, she just doesn't like rough play.
2~How are they with other critters?

I also live on a farm with lots and lots of cows, cats, farmers (They smell just like if not worse then the animals so they are also classified as critters in my books. lol  ;D)  We also have a Cairn Terrier named Moo.  Naja likes to bark at just about anything she sees move, she won't attack it (unless it's a sniff attack. lol), she mostly likes to stay at a distance and bark.  With Moo, she is again just wonderful, they are the bestest of best friends, at any time of the day (unless she is sleeping, which is most of the day...  ha ha) you will see them chasing each other around the yard/porch/house.  He is much more rough with her then she with him, although she knows she has the ability, she has never once hurt him even accidently.  Oh yeah, and she LOVES kittens, she would spend hours snuggling and licking any of the many kittens that come around the house.

3~How much exersize a day do they need as adults?

Dont' know yet, but I'll let you know when I find out!  2 yrs or so?

4~What aresome health problems Great Pyreneese can have? How do you prevent them,and/or how they are treated

Great Pyrenees Health issues from what I've been told are pretty uniform with most other Giant Breeds.  Hip/Shoulder?Elbow displacia, Bloat, HOV, Parvo, among others that I'm sure I'm forgetting.  Having all your dogs shots on time is important to prevent many things such as Parvo, Rabies, Kennel Cough.  Also keeping your Big Paw on low protein even adult premium quality food will help with the bone and joint problems, as well as Glucosamine supplements will go a long way.  It may feel like you're spending alot of money now on food and supplements, but it's alot less then you would be spending on surgeries and frequent vet visits if you did not take these precautions as puppies)

5~What are some pros and cons?

Cons- Lots and lots and lots of hair on carpets, furniture, clothes, or anything else hair might stick to.  They have a bred in nature to wander and are never to be trusted off leash.  Due to their breeding over hundreds of years, they will ALWAYS want to explore just a little bit further anything they find interesting.  They bark ALOT!!  At just about anything that moves or looks like it could move!  "Low flying satelights, butterflies" - Catherine DeLe Cruz.  They are stubborn, because they are so smart they often thing they know what's best for you, not the other way around.

Pros - They are one of the most loyal breeds I have ever come across.  They are warm and loving, and if you are part of their family will watch over and protect you to the death.  They bark at anything or one that could be a threat alerting you to possible danger, and warding off anybody or thing that thought they could get you alone.  They are SUPER intelligent, they don't take long to train as long as you are consistant, a few sessions with Naja is all I usually need to teach her something new.  Lot's and Lots of hair, the more to cuddle against, and to spend hours on end cathartically brushing.  Sometimes I just zone out while brushing her, it is relaxing and theraputic for the both of us.

6~What sort of grooming and how often do they need?

They need to be brushed at LEAST once a week to prevent matting.  Their coat will blow a few times a year (I'm told, haven't experianced THAT yet  ;D).  Never really need to cut their hair, unless you want to I guess, but it's so pretty why would you want to?  Nails especially dew claws need to be done every 2-3 weeks.  I'm told doing the nails is terrible by most other ppl, but I personally have never had a problem, I actually think Naja likes it.  :D  But for the hair thing, you could always make a nice hat or pair of mittens!  There is a guy on here that did that with his Newfie a while back.  It was before I joined but I was reading back and thought it was neat!  ;D

Good luck in your search!!   ;D

Games & Jokes / Re: My dog is a ....what?
« on: September 03, 2007, 08:59:47 pm »

LOL good ones. We've gotten black Great Pyr...Mastiff, Great Dane, Black St. Bernard

Wow, when I take Naja out I get the Albino Newf, it's funny that random ppl even know what a Pyr is, when I tell ppl Great Pyrenees, they're like "Wha??  What's a Great Perenealise?"  (They never say the name right.  ::)
I've also been asked if she is a blond Golden Retreiver, or a White Lab (Are there even white labs??  I've never seen one.)  Of course the horse comment, and the Polar Bear comments.  Where's her saddle?  Can I ride her?  You must like to vacuume alot!  Look at those paws!!!  How are you going to find her in the winter?  Hope you've got a big house!

But of course there are the ppl that are genuinly interested, and those I don't mind taking a few minutes to explain her breed and personality and such.  And I always love when kids come up to her and ask to pet her, and then just end up giving her a BIG hug 'cause she's so soft and cuddly!   :D

Games & Jokes / Re: look what i found!!! impossible quiz 2!!!
« on: September 03, 2007, 08:02:58 pm »
How many holes in a rolo?

It's the 0 in the 30.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Do the old Food Switcheroo!
« on: September 03, 2007, 02:43:31 pm »
Thanks for the advice guys!  I'll give it another week or so before I take any action.  One other thing though is that she is pooping so often.  Like way more then before, and again they are no longer liquid, but by no means are they solid formed poops though.   ???

Food Discussion & Information / Do the old Food Switcheroo!
« on: September 03, 2007, 01:19:42 am »
Hey guys!  ;D
So I've gone a switched Naja's food from Nutra Natural Choice LB Puppy formula to the Canadaie All Stages.  I figured this would get her on a better track health/ growth wise.  But I've been noticing since I mixed the two foods together to get her used to the new stuff, her pooh has been well kinda watery.  It's pretty gross.  She's had the runs a little bit, nothing that I'd worry too much about cause it clears up after the runny poop, and it's gone away now.  But her poops are definitely not solid.  Should I wait until I've got her only on the Canadaie, and see how she reacts to that, or would you say that it's not agreeing with her tummy, and I should get her off it right away??? 
Any input would be great.  I'm not in any rush, it's just she's got a pretty sensitive tummy anyways, I really don't want to push it more then I have to.  Thanks guys!!!

Good luck at the vet!  Hopefully it's just something that a simple acne cream or something similar can clear up.   ;)

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: What do you think
« on: September 03, 2007, 01:04:56 am »
Hee Hee.   ;D
I think it's cute you're picking out names already.  I waited till I picked Naja out of the litter till I found a name suitable for her personality.  But of all the ones you've listed there, I like willow the best.  I think it would suit the calm serene nature of a Great Pyrenees girl.   ;D

Oh no!  Is the dog crying because he doesn't want to share the bed with a cat?!  I'm sorry, it's horrible for you, but gosh darn it, that's cute!  Do you have kids or maybe a room mate that the cat could sleep with at night?  Maybe that way she could have the companionship she is looking for and it won't disturb your pup.

Something that I used to do for my cat when I was working night shifts that you could maybe try.  I used to put on a CD of mine that I always listen to at night while I'm sleeping.  I'd put it on repeat, very softly mind you.  He'd still be sleeping in my bed when I got home from work, and my roomates or neighbors never complained of him crying at night after I started doing this.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Great Pyrenees Puppies
« on: September 02, 2007, 03:36:16 pm »
Baby Pyrs!!!!!  I LOVE baby Pyrenees!!!  I love all Pyrenees.  With the fluffy little fuzzy faces, and the giant paws!!  Ohhhhhh...  I'm lucky I don't live down there,  I wouldn't be able to risk the tempation.  I'd have to go see them, then I'd have to steal them ALL!!!!  Moa ha Ha ha!!  Sorry.  got a little carried away there.

I must see pictures though.  Please!  I just love the little fur balls! ;D

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi, I am new
« on: September 02, 2007, 03:09:18 pm »
I've got an 18 week old Great Pyrenees puppy.  And no matter where we go, someone always has to make a comment about her looking like a Polar Bear.  Like "Ohhh, I didn't know you could walk a polar bear"  Or "Awww Look a polar bear"  or something stupid like that.  And yeah I get ppl calling her a horse alot too.  lol
Tell you what though.  She the cutest most snuggly horse or polar bear I've ever known!   ;)

Pyrs are great dogs, they are ridiculously (sp?) smart, and easy to take care of (as long as you enjoy brushing out their coat 2 or 3 times a week).  Easy to train too, it only takes a few sessions of practising commands before she's learned them, we also do hand signals which she's getting pretty good at.  They do however, because they are so darn smart, have a mind of their own, and will try to push your limits just like a child (only bigger and faster to run away).  They have a tendancy to wander so they are never to be trusted off leash unless in a fenced in area.  they do, like all big dogs though eat ALOT; and vet bills are more, I paid twice as much for Najas vaccinations then I did for Moo's (he's our Cairn Terrier).  I don't even want to think about what it's gonna cost to get her spayed, I'll get to that when I come to it I guess  ;).  However, I wouldn't trade any of that in for the world.  I love this breed, and plan to have a few more, as well as some other breeds.  That won't be for a while though, need to own my own house first.  :D
Anyways, I've rambled on for just about long enough now.  So Welcome to BPO and good for you for doing all this leg work before you find your perfect BP.  Knowing exactly what to look forward to, and knowing what dog will suit you best will pay off big time!  Can't wait to see lots of pictures.   ;) ;D

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPOers in SW Ontario?
« on: September 02, 2007, 02:35:20 pm »
Oh well, 'nother time maybe.   :)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Pit Bull Rescue
« on: September 02, 2007, 01:17:14 am »
Hey so I was messing around on Facebook and came across this great cause to donate to this great organization that rescues, treats, and rehomes Pitties (especially pitties rescued from fighting rings)!  So I thought I'd share the link with everyone here.  There's alot of neat information there, and also a place where you can donate or show your support by becoming a volunteer.

Do you have an area of your house like a mud room or laundry room that leads to the back yard?  If so you could install a doggie door there.  Keep the rest of you house locked up of course, but this way the pups can have somewhere to go out of the weather, and away from crazy neighbors.  How big is the dog pen?  You could also try gating off the area that the crazy neighbor is jabbing at, that way he can't reach them and they can bark their little hearts out without having to worry about him hurting them.

BTW I don't know if I've said hello to you yet, so HI!!  Welcome, and we must see pictures!!!  Please  ;D!!

I don't know ???, it sounds as though she is trying to assert her dominance in the pack.  You said there's no actual biting so I would just let them sort it out on their own unless it gets violent.  In that case I would try to separate them *Without putting myself at risk though*.  Her aggression may go away after being fixed.  How soon is her appointment, can you bump it up sooner? 
As for the jumping, I took the advice of someone on here actually, I'm sorry I can't remember who though.  They said when she jumps up, put your knee up and tell her "OFF" or "DOWN".  It doesn't hurt her just blocks her from coming into contact with you, it'll irritate her but she'll eventually learn not to jump.  It's been working for me.  When I get home from work, Naja will try jumping up on me, I'll do that, and although she's still super excited; she no longer tries to jump up on me.  She just wags her tail a little more forcefully, and does these cute little half jumps :D - not towards me though, just up in the air -.  I always remember to reinforce that with giving her extra attention and the odd treat when she keeps all four on the floor ;).  I'm sure someone else on here will have much better advise then what I gave, I too am still just learning what to do ;)!  But I hope that helps.   ;D ;)

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPOers in SW Ontario?
« on: September 01, 2007, 11:32:09 pm »
I'd love to meet up, but I work Thurs-Sat :(

If you work earlier in the day, we could meet up afterwards, it would be a little cooler and easier on the pups that way too.

Anybody else.  I have a mini BBQ that we could take to the dog park.  Have a little BBQ meet and greet.   :D

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