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Messages - patrick

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Such a hard decision but the correct one.  You just cannot rehab every dog and resources are better spent on those dogs that are salvageable.  Temperament problems in Filas are not uncommon and lack of proper socialization and who knows what else from her previous owners just set her up to be doomed. 

Doberman Discussions / Re: Doberman, small help
« on: April 07, 2009, 01:44:57 pm »
Standard treatment for coccidiosis is 28 days so she needs to stay on her meds. It is not the meds causing the diarrhea but the underlying infections. Treatment for giardia is a different medicine but for a much shorter period of time. If you use Panacur for the giardia that will also thoroughly deworm her as well. Both need to be treated adequately.  Plus some time will be needed for her gut to heal and not be inflamed.  Special attention to her diet will help her out- some yogurt and pumpkin can both help with the loose stools.  She also should be getting frequent small meals- a pup this young would be prone to low blood sugars as well

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: need medical advice now
« on: April 04, 2009, 01:11:35 pm »
She should be fine  Benadryl is a remarkably safe drug and usually the worst side effect is sleepiness  it is actually used as a mild sleep aid particularly in geriatrics.  It is damn near impossible to ingest a lethal dose and 50 mg is still a fairly small dose, even in her size. 

I wish you weren't so far away  I am looking for dwarfs this year to keep my Pyrs company!

Tranquilizers (for you) will help a lot!

Actually the answers to the questionaire do not say that the dog will never go to the vets, nor does it say the dog will get no exercise and they won't play with it.  Perhaps they told you that verbally.  I agree that you need to have your fiance on board with this, its always difficult to intervene in family matters especially if you are not part of the family.

Sorry but I have placed dogs in homes with developmentall y disabled and it has worked out fabulous for the dog as well as the handicapped person.

Australian Shepherd Discussions & Pictures / Re: Kedge's First Show
« on: March 22, 2009, 12:27:03 pm »
First time in the ring?  You both did GREAT!!  Showing boisterous puppies is not for the faint of heart!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: miss my pyrs
« on: March 22, 2009, 05:04:24 am »
I think it is unfair to try to make a LGD into a housedog.

???????  Pyrs make wonderful house dogs- the reason the farmers raise them outside is so they will bond with livestock to encourage the guarding instinct.  Most Pyrs would MUCH rather be in the house with the humans.    Mine did have the opportunity to guard sheep - even in the midst of lambing if I invited them into the house rather than staying with the sheep they would knock you down getting to the house!!!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Newfoundland wanted for free (Eden)
« on: March 22, 2009, 03:40:19 am »
And they would scream the loudest too if there were any health problems!!

You could also donate it to your local rescue if no one else takes it.

Children inadvertantly usually do provoke a bite- at least in the dogs mind.  An unfortunate incident for sure.  The only disturbing thing is that Pogo has growled at children before  There is no such thing as 'not a mean growl'  A growl is a warning - bites don't just come out of the blue and Pogo has warned of intolerance.  Although well behaved with adults this is a dog that cannot be trusted around children.  22 stitches is not a nip - the next time it could be even worse.  

Although he is just playing it is true that a dog chasing the sheep can kill them just by over running them and the stress can also cause an abortion. So the neighbor does have a valid concern.  And more sheep are killed by the neighbors dogs than predators in many parts of the nation. The underground fence doesn't work with all dogs- many find they can run through without any serious consequences. A cable run will work in the meantime until you can make your yard escape proof.  Good luck!

The perfect toy- a roll of toilet paper or paper towels!  Even better if they get ahold of a multi-pack!!

Rare Breed Mastiff Discussions / Re: New Rare Breed Mastiff Mom!!
« on: March 05, 2009, 02:31:26 am »
If your avatar is a pic of her she is GORGEOUS!!

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