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Messages - aggghgmom

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Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Miles is One Year Old Today!!!
« on: June 20, 2008, 08:24:29 pm »

We hope you have the best first birthday EVER!!

Randy and Harley

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: few pics of rose
« on: June 17, 2008, 05:07:00 am »
She is just darling!!  I Love the color of her hair.
To this day my 16 year old takes his sheets off while he is sleeping!


Thanks everyone - It makes me feel better to hear from everyone - something I didn't make clear is that we already have invisible fence and Harley is on it.  He does OK but sometimes chooses to escape if he sees something he REALLY wants -

When we moved in this house it was here and since the town is so strict about fences it seemed the way to go - I generally investigate everything but didn't on this I just went with it - when I started to look into RETRAINING Harley because we moved the fence lines is where I started reading all the articles about heart issues, current etc.

So we redid the lines to give Harley some extra room and so that he could run around the perimiter of the house but he WON'T we put his leash on and offer treats to try to re-train him but he won't cross the lines - any ideas of how I can re-train him - should I reflag the property?  I want him to be able to run around the pool and the house it gives him some room to run now that we have taken away a large part of the backyard for pool.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!


Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: What is this girl?
« on: June 10, 2008, 10:31:28 am »
Is she housebroken?  Where did she come from?  Do you know how old she is etc...  how does she get along with other dogs - etc etc etc...

My husband LOVES springers - and she looks like an overgrown springer!!!

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: What is this girl?
« on: June 10, 2008, 09:36:47 am »
OMGoodness - I definately see springer spaniel in her - I LOVE the freckles!!  She sure is a cutie are you watching her or is she yours??


First let me say I have invisible fence I have it inside and outside.  It was in the house when we bought it.  I was looking up retraining invisible fencing boundaries because we have rewired the yard to give Harley more room to run.  For whatever reason when the fencing was installed they cut the yard pretty small and the yard isn't big to begin with.

Anyway while searching I kept coming across articles that got me thinking...ele ctrical current going thru the body...heart condition...fe ar against kids, dogs, critters that may be in the road and when your dog goes after them the dog gets zapped.

Our town has very strict zoning laws and no fences are allowed in the front yard - so Harley would have to stay in the back - where we have a large in ground pool and basically no yard - he can run around the pool but thats it - is that better?

I'm feeling sooo badly that I have done this to Harley, he doesn't seem to care - but current going thru his body.. :'(

Sorry so long


Is it possible to put plexiglass windows in the fence?  Our springer spaniel did the same thing because she HAD to see what was going on so we put a few "windows" in and she was better

Good luck!!


OMGoodness - that is awesome.  It doesn't look like something that someone could draw - what a special memory for you - from such loving people!!

I'm sure Zoey is smiling down looking at her beautiful portrait!!


Great Dane Discussions / Re: Haw eyes
« on: June 04, 2008, 12:22:41 pm »
I don't know if Harley has that condition but he has very droopy eyes and lots of eye woogies (usually on my pant legs and couch!)  I have attached one of the photos I took recently of him - and yes he is pathetic looking and gets lots of cookies!!


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: What is WRONG with me??????
« on: June 04, 2008, 11:39:44 am »
I am so sorry that this happened to you today.

I have to agree with the other posters you need to take this further - if the campus security won't do anything, take it further, local police, your boss, the president of the school.  All the females on that campus are in danger and something needs to be done about it.  

As far as you not doing anything you did the very best thing you could you got that creep away from you!!

I will be thinking about you today.


I generally can't get a decent picture of Harley he usually looks like a big black lump with no eyes - but I borrowed a very nice camera from work to take prom pictures of my son this weekend and snapped this one of Harley

Isn't that the saddest face...and its not because there is a hole in his bed!  We tried to get him a new bed and he likes this one best!

Randy and Harley

I don't know that I can read it - I am an emotional wreck I traditionally don't watch movies or read books that will depress me - or upset me - Marley and me pretty much put me over the edge.  Right now I'm reading a ridiculous book about the devil inhabiting someones body but it is written funny not scary - I'm such a scardy cat, whiney baby  :P

What a beautiful thread

My Dad WWII - Air Force

To Michaels Mom who is now raising her 2 grandchildren since never made it home from Iraq

To those who have served: thank you for allowing me the life I am living and to those that are still serving - G_d bless, stay safe, come home quickly and know that you are appreciated.


That is certainly a cute puppy - BUT I would be leary.

Even if you pay her half what is to say she is going to show up at all if it is a scam 1/2 of the money is still a loss.

I don't know what my answer to this would be I would want to have more information like her home address, home phone number etc.  if you had that you could do a reverse search on white pages . com to see if at least the last name and address are legit.  Also can she e-mail you a potential contract so if you do have to hunt her down you have some documentation?

I'm sorry I'm such a skeptic but I have read to many things about to many wonderful people getting scammed - that said I did have Harley shipped in from Texas sight unseen??


Oh and a really big Springer Spaniel  - Ha Ha Ha - my husband loved our springer maybe I can sneak a landseer in and tell him it is an oversized springer ;D

Harley is a flat coated retreiver and believe me even when I tell people what he is they still look at me like I have 3 heads - but I did have one person talk to me quite sternly about how little I must feed that emaciated lab!!

Randy and her starving pup Harley

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