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Messages - rottiesNpugs

Pages: 1 [2]
Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Lady is so proud
« on: June 22, 2005, 12:05:21 pm »
She is a doll!! I know the feeling well of having them still be under a year & growing so fast!! lol Rocky is almost 18 mths old & is about 125- 130 lbs... I'm sitting in the floor w/ him taking up all of my lap & crushing my legs lol & the whole time thinking... this time last year I could still pick him up & hold him on the couch! I love him being a big ol throw rug lol but miss the wee puppy days lol

I'm in Parkersburg WV & just wondered if anyone else was from around the state?

the way I added mine was I just went into ANY of the pawprint profiles... & on the left hand side scroll down a bit & there is something called pawtools... create a paw print a new page will come up & then again on the left hand side you will find paw print profiles & under that heading you click create new profile I hope that was the thing you were looking for... if not then oops lol sorry to have directed ya into something different if it was then I cant wait to see the new pawprint!!  :D take care!! Carol

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: introducing myself
« on: June 22, 2005, 09:16:47 am »
Welcome!!! I'm new here as well day 2 lol  ;D & about the length dont worry about it!!  we love hearing about your furbabies & yourself. Cant wait to hear more about ya & your little ones & would love to see some photos some time if possible!!

lol I'm sure she'd go for it!!! lol

Ohh Honey I'm sorry lol I've been snatched of that photo many a times lol theres a pet store that has confiscated it already because they wanted proof that big dogs & little dogs CAN live in harmony... I keep telling them they dont live with them! lol No really they get along wonderfully!! the pug actually cleans up our rottie lol we call her his little parasite lol she cleans out his ears as far as her little tongue can reach (a thought alone that makes me cringe!! lol) but she also gets the gook that accumulates as the rottie eats... you know what i'm talking about... the slobber drenched food remains that falls into his loose flappy lips lol :o so gross lol but she eats it! lol he just lays there as if he's being massaged & nearly falls asleep at times lol I would love to say that the Rottie is master & comander of the house... but I'd be telling you the biggest lie ever told lol the rottie will most often step aside to let the pug through if she wants something... however if she's REALLY getting on his last nerve he lets her know it. kind of puts her back in her place. He's a very tolerant & gentle little guy... we really lucked out w/ him having the attitude that he has. they are best friends & we keeps swearing that either the rottie has a pug or the pug has a rottie... we're not quite sure at this point who's got who lol I'll make sure to keep posting pics & stories... lord knows there are many!!
take care,
Carol, Rocky & Missy the midget large breed dog lol

lol thanks... it's hard to get a pic of just one pup or the other... seems like anytime I get the camera out they turn into little hams lol we joke that WE dont have a pug... the rottie has a pug lol :D they're so silly!!

no he's not fixed... we're looking for the right female to breed with. unfortunately there's been so many bad lines or good lines for that matter that have been so messed up in the area that it's hard to find a female with a good line. so many ppl breeding w/o haivng a clue as to what they're doing.

Ohh yes!! lol my pug is even worse about it... then they gang up lol

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Pictures of my boys
« on: June 21, 2005, 06:45:51 am »
Very cute!!! I've got the big dog little dog complexes around here as well... very hilarious isn't it!! lol :)

 ;D Yes definately cant stay mad at themfor long when they do something wrong lol all he has to do is flash those big ol browns & I melt lol they're too sweet

Yeah that was a one tiem photo op lol your pic on there is too cute!! very familiar!!

Hello my name is Carol I am proudly owned by a nearly 18 mth old rottie named Rocky & a 9 mth old pug named Missy. I stumbled across this site through a yahoo group & have so far enjoyed it. I'm including a few photos of my furbabies so I really hope y'all enjoy!!

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