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Messages - jupiterjenny

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so what do you think!!!

nothing runs like a deer...but nobody sleeps like a dane!!!

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Best seat in the house!
« on: January 12, 2006, 02:08:32 am »
LOL!!! that is soooooo cute!! i had a dane that could get into a round papison chair- it was even tricky for me to get into it- but she wanted to sleep in it!!- someday he'll be so big you wont belive he ever even fit on that chair!

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Gentle Leaders
« on: January 11, 2006, 03:24:17 am »
i love gentle leaders!! I have always used them..of course not in a retracter leash which is how i heard dogs neck were being broke- although i strongly think this is a urban myth..

the only complant have is people always think its a muzzle and that my dog is mean. but i seem to get the same reaction without the haltie- and i end up with a sore back from pulling on daisy and her pulling on me!!! I have tried to use a choke- and even a prong as i was tought when i learned to work with dogs..but a danes neck is sooo damn long that its hard to keep it in the right spot to work-and daisy is VERY smart at popping her head back and out of any collar that is not snug ( she only did this to me the first week i had her-I had to chase her for about a mile down the beach!- and the rescue people had said they had to chase her alot when she made these escapes..naugh ty girl!) The halti/GL just helps me get her focus back to me, but shes really bonded to me and listens really good..even off leash -but i just feel a little more in control with the halti.

lets see...daisy mae is about 125 lib..and 30.5 inches at the shoulder..WOW i thought she was shorter then that...shes like crazy long..longer then she is tall- i call her my limo-dane!

Great Dane Discussions / Re: SOO PI**ED....VENT!!
« on: January 03, 2006, 02:29:23 pm »
wow! thats scary!!! I have had people ask why my dog is so thin..and other such stupidness- but to get the police involved!!
and i have learned to love the -aww poor girl dosn't know thats not a great dane- look i get from people when i tell them what kind of dog daisy is.
you just have to accept that the vast mojority of people out there are very ignorant.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Need a name
« on: January 03, 2006, 02:18:06 pm »
how about 'Odin's Thunderstruck Thor' seeing as Thor is the son of Odin- and he carries a thunder hammer..i don't know just thinkin'-and i love norse mythology!

Games & Jokes / Re: Ever wanna know how the other half does it?
« on: January 03, 2006, 02:11:52 pm »
oh my god thats funny!!!

Vizsla Pictures / Re: Just had to get it out of my system!
« on: January 02, 2006, 11:49:27 pm »
LOL!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!
i love the fringe! how long did it take to make?

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Do dogs get warts?
« on: January 02, 2006, 11:47:51 pm »
ewww is right! it kinda loks like the start of a callus- but what a weird place to be! can you move it- is it attach to bone? Has it grown in size?
my daisy has something like it on her foot- i'm can move it around - its just part of the skin- buts its located on the part of her foot she lays on- so i'm hoping its just a callus. 
i don't like the blood on that- might be worth taking to the vet and having it looked at.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: need help now
« on: January 02, 2006, 11:42:31 pm »
Have they ran a fecal test?- could be Giardia. i know that previlant in the rocky mountains down here.
also rat posion is sometimes used by people to get rid of birds and other pest- i wouldn't totally rule it out- with dogs anythings possable!
good luck!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: need help now
« on: January 02, 2006, 11:27:18 pm »
while reading this my first gut reaction was rat poison, which is green. are you TOTALLY sure no rat poison pellets are around. ask your neighbors to- maybe he ate a dead/dieing mouse?! He's at the vet- they'll know what to do- my heart goes out to you and that poor doogie!

huh!?? this whole thing smells of bullsh@t.  I have worked in vet hospitals, as well as animal shelters most of my life- and we NEVER cut a dogs head off unless required by the state for a rabies check ( meaning the dog was impounded by the city/state for suriously biting someone, and ONLY after being quarintined for the seven days it takes rabies symtoms to show up in the dogs behavior- and ONLY if the  dog actully seemed to be rabies positive.) It's really expensive to send out the brain for rabies analisis- and we always had to send it to a vet college or lab- i don't know of any vet that would ever do this for a client on a whim. or really at all.
as to the whole dog euth'd- but not euth'd thing...what ever. i really don't belive a word of it. the story is sooo full of holes. a bloodtest to test for seditive drugs..yay right. 
this dog dosn't look very neo..too small- cano corso? fila? maybe- which would explan the aggression. This dog sounds a bit young- i say get a great dog trainer/behaviorist! this dog sounds dominate- but trainable!!
ok..i'll stop ranting now.... but i hate stories the feed on our fears- when your dog is euthinized at the vet- its dead. the vet is not tricking you, or trafficing your animals. If the vet had reservations about euthinizing the dog.he would of told you.  if the story is true..then i'm sorry- but but your story is unclear as to how you figured out the dog was not put to sleep..just the whole damn thing is nutty then a fruitcake..

i had a harli dane ( she died recently..sigh) and actually got into a fight with a guy who was a dalmation breeder and that my dog was a dalmation!I could not make him belive me she was a dane! i think he must be breeding the worlds uglist dals- heres a link to a pic of her -
with the dane i have now -she gets called a hound mix all the time!the funnist thing i had said to me though was , i paint my dogs nails ( to desentitize them to nailtrimming ect) and had painted my danes nails bright orange- someone actually asked if danes nails came that color!!

Games & Jokes / Re: What kind of animal are you?
« on: December 01, 2005, 02:09:18 pm »
yay!! i'm a pony! cute..but mean. grrrrrr. well..everyone calls my dog a pony- i might as well be a pony too.

i had my previous dane do that to me, i was walkinh into a petco, and of course everone is oh-ing and aw-ing, and i reached down to get a better grip if the leash and she dropped and yelped! i didn't even touch her! and everyone was looking at me like i'm some dane beating monster, it was horrible. soon after that she started getting really weird, standing in cornors and swaying, them she devloped sezures. NOT that i think your dog is gonna do that but, in hind sight i think that was a sign of things to come wih my girl. But start watching for other behavioral clues, maybe he just didn't know it was you?   

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