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Messages - zeus

Pages: 1 [2]
Newfoundland Discussions / Re: New here
« on: November 16, 2006, 09:37:39 am »
Oh thankyou all to kind, My name is Derek my wife's name is Melissa , we live in New England right on the beach so our guy does get spoiled with the water , I also love that big knot rope i got it at petco for about 22 bucks but he loves it swings it around like hes a shark eating but then usually falls ova cause he gets dizzy but thank you all to kind here cant wait to be part of the community more pics to come take care D

Newfoundland Discussions / New here
« on: November 16, 2006, 01:37:29 am »
Great site im glad i found it!!! I have an 8 month old newfie named Zeus he's about 122 pounds. I love reading all the posts makes me feel right at home with my little guy . Here's a few pics of Zeus !

Pages: 1 [2]