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Messages - amberdoggoneit

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Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Question on Hip Dysplasia?
« on: May 20, 2008, 01:53:05 pm »
can something like this just show up in a line?

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Question on Hip Dysplasia?
« on: May 20, 2008, 11:56:32 am »
Buble is 15 weeks old.  We were really just planning on showing him but I know the breeder had asked us if he finished and became a champion she would be interested in breeding back to him one day. 

But can I even show him with me knowing that basically his brother has a mild case of it. 

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Question on Hip Dysplasia?
« on: May 20, 2008, 11:10:21 am »
The breeder of our two springers called me this morning and told me that she went to get her male's hips certified and he came back with a very mild case of hip dysplasia!

He is litter mate to Baxter our 2 year old springer and from the same breeding of our 3 month old Buble!  Baxter has had his hips checked since we have been taking him to the vet and everything has been checking out fine. 

We have not had them certified though. Should we? Is that the best way of finding out if he has it? 

He is nuetered so I was never going to breed him but because his full brother has it I worry about him.  Also Buble is from the very same breeding.  When can I have his hips checked?  I was told I could do a preliminary  test but it was 100% accurate!

Also should I show him or even think about doing anything with him since now it is in his line? Both parents, grandparents, and great grandparents all came out prefect with thier hips on mother and father's side. 


Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Introducing - the 5 hounds
« on: May 14, 2008, 04:06:19 pm »
I LOVE greyhounds!!!  I think that they are ver majestic.  Welcome to the board!!!  My name is Amber and I am mommy to three "fur babies" Bell an almost 3 year old Wiemeraner, Baxter a 2 year old English Springer Spaniel, and Buble (BooBlay) a 3 month old springer.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: cleaning question?
« on: May 09, 2008, 03:51:08 pm »
Realy I will have to do that.   We have Carpenter bees that are trying to nest on the sides of our house.  They have ruined a tree next door.  It looks like someone has taken a nail and driven them all through it. 

You just spray it on there nest?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: cleaning question?
« on: May 09, 2008, 03:40:14 pm »
Yea let me know how the borax works because we are going out of town this weekend and I am going to try it when we get back. 

We are also going to take our Eureka vacuum back and try to get a Bissell lift off pet vac.  Hopefully in a couple of years we can get a Dyson because lord knows I want one!!

I dont know anything about the wieght of Mastiffs but just wanted to say welcome to the board!!!!

I am Amber and I am mommy to 3 "fur babies" Bell a almost 3 year old Wiemeraner, Baxter a 2 year old English Springer Spaniel, and Buble (BooBLay) a 3 month of English Springer Spaniel.  I also about to be a new mommy to our first "skin baby" Payton. 

He love pics around here so feel free to post as many as you want!!! ;D :D ;D  I love mastiffs!!!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: cleaning question?
« on: May 09, 2008, 11:18:19 am »
do you use the Borax IN the steam cleaner or do you just putit on the stains?  It would be great if I could use it in the cleaner (by the way I just went and bought some hahhah) 
Ver ycheap for the amount that you get.  I was very impressed!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: cleaning question?
« on: May 09, 2008, 09:51:25 am »
Yea it is the same.  I like it.  It seems to work pretty well but my vacuum is horrible so I dont think it works to its full potential becuase of that.  Yea I have heard about the Dyson are they really that good?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: cleaning question?
« on: May 09, 2008, 09:26:01 am »
I know that you are probably laughing at me right now but what kind of vacuum do you have?  We have been through 3 vacuums now and are about to go through the 4th.  I dont know what it is?

I dont vacuum everday like once a week and everytime it starts smoking and then wont pick anything up after having it a couple of months to a year.  I am going crazy over it.   >:(
Our vacuum is a Eureka and our carpet cleaner is a Hoover Steam vac. 

I am just trying to make my life easier before Payton gets here! I am tired of being on my hands and knees cleaning.

definatly praise and potty treats are key!!!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: cleaning question?
« on: May 09, 2008, 08:50:51 am »
Where do you get the Mule Team Borex and does it work in any carpet cleaner? 

I have the vinegar but does it also take up the pet hair?  I know that you will know this with your bunch of furry babies!! ;D

hhahaha yea Buble is the same way. We were taking him out on the leash for awhile and he would never go poop so we finnally took him off and now he runs behind the bushes and sticks his head out as if saying "Some privacy PLEASE!"  then proceeds to do his buisness behind the bushes where you cant see him! ;D :D ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / cleaning question?
« on: May 09, 2008, 08:44:49 am »
How does everyone keep their carpets clean?  I found some great stuff to clean up puppy prints when they come inside but what about the hair? 

I use the arm and hammer powder but didnt know if there is something else that works better.  Just trying to get ready for the little one!!!! ;D

My best friend has an american bulldog that got parvo very badly as a puppy.  They took her to the vet and she was on an iv for a while but survived. 

Now she is 5 years old and VERY healthy but I agree with everyone else I would definatly get your vets opinion.  I am SO sorry

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