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Messages - my3dogs

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Car Accident
« on: January 06, 2006, 03:18:36 pm »
Let's just run away and then no one will know.
Don't you just love people who think that the rules don't apply to them?
I hope you feel better quickly.
Thank God it wasn't worse. 

Neapolitan Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Daisy is ONE today!! 1/6/2006
« on: January 05, 2006, 10:41:01 pm »
We adopted Daisy from the shelter when she was 5.5 months old.  I can't believe that she is already ONE!  It's difficult to remember when she wasn't a part of our family.   

Unfortunately Daisy had to go to visit Dr. Anna (our vet) today. 

Good news......Dais y weighs 111.9 lbs.   

Bad news.....Bad news comes in threes right?

1 - Daisy's  left ear has a bad infection. I thought it was yeast but it's worse. When Dr. Anna flushed it Daisy whimpered and began to shiver.  It obviously hurt quite a bit.  Poor girl.   So....Ointment morning and night & a solution to flush it out at noon.  Recheck in 2 weeks. 

2 - the bump on Daisy's leg is either a bug bite or a bacterial thingy of some sort (I don't remember what Dr. Anna called it ) but the ointment for her ear can be used on it for the next 2 weeks and it will be rechecked. 

3 -  The famous anal sacs.  Dr. Anna says, "Everything on Daisy is BIG and her anal sacs are no exception!"   yea...I'm so proud.   ::)   Usually Daisy doesn't mind having this done but since her ear hurts so badly she isn't very cooperative and it takes 2 of us to hold her plus Dr. Anna doing her thing in the back end.  ugh!    Here's the worst part....Dr. Anna got 1/4 CUP out of Daisy!!   I don't know anal sacs but that seems like a lot to me!!! my birthday girl is asleep at the end of the bed.   She smells a bit better.  Her butt is washed, her ear is lubed up and she had a special dinner.   
I wanted to take a special birthday pic to post but I just don't have to heart to bug her.   Poor stinky girl.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Keep fingers crossed
« on: January 05, 2006, 10:26:51 pm »
It's so important  to have the right job (especially to not be threatened) , to have insurance, to have the $$. 
I hope it all works out.......cros sing fingers, saying a prayer, sending good vibes, doing a little dance...whatev er it takes.   

Jilly is our rotti mix that we've had since she was a pup.  Geesh did she challenge me.
There were days I wanted to send her back.  I did many of the things mentioned here.
Puppy class is very very helpful.  I did the muzzle grab for correction.... like a mom dog does to her pup.
Also......I wouldn't look away first when she would stare at me.  Sometimes my eyes would water like mad.  Eventually she realized she wouldn't win. 
I would lay on her and hold her down.  Sounds weird but recommended by the pup class teacher and helped establish my role as alpha.   The first time my husband saw me doing that he freaked out.  Thought I was killing her.   We laugh about it now.  Those first few months (yep...months) I honestly thought she was evil.  Now she is AWESOME.
She is the best behaved dog.  She's sweet and well behaved.  Well worth everything we went through.
Good luck. 

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Foster Kitten gone
« on: January 05, 2006, 05:53:17 pm »
I'm so sorry.   The foster lady who trained me told me that this sometimes happens.   
I'm so sorry it happened to your baby.
Extra hugs for the brother kitty.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Some nice news I want to share
« on: January 05, 2006, 05:27:23 pm »
Meds made me a bit dizzy and "off" but no seizures and there was NO WAY I was going home.  Dinner was great.   I found out that I love grilled pineapple.  Who wudda thunk it??   
The play was WONDERFUL!!!
I've seen Peter Pan before.  This was terrific.   The woman who played Peter Pan was wonderful.  She had just the right boyish features to pull it off and could she sing!!!! During the last number I found myself thinking, "oh no...I don't get to hear her sing any more!"   
And Capt. Hook was cast perfectly too!   A large, pompass, flashy, funny man with a huge shiney hook!   The others were great too.  Wish it was playing longer so the kids could see it.

Yep....a great Xmas gift!
Wish I had more grilled pineapple!  :)

Games & Jokes / Re: Ever wanna know how the other half does it?
« on: January 04, 2006, 03:28:49 pm »
Once again......
I have passed this along to so many people and it has cracked them up.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Needing to vent & get support
« on: January 04, 2006, 02:14:29 pm »
I'm so sorry about your neighbors who just don't understand.

I do have to say......that pic is so adorable.
Who could complain about either of those sweeties?
I know....only one barks...but they are both soooooo cute!

Anything Non-Dog Related / UPDATE - Some nice news I want to share
« on: January 04, 2006, 02:11:16 pm »
I asked for a date for Christmas.  Sounds silly, huh?  But I've had a rough ing with newly diagnosed seizures resulting in no driving, no work...blah, blah, blah.   My hubby has had to pick up all the driving responsibiliti es of taking me to doc appts, grocery shopping, christmas shopping, vet appts and running our 2 teens leaves little US time.   
Believe it or not...he hasn't complained once.  He's great.

Tonight I'm cashing in on a great Christmas gift from my husband.
He bought tickets for US to a play.  Not just any play but Peter Pan.  A play that I will totally enjoy but one that wouldn't be a top choice for him.  How cool is that? A totally unselfish choice.  We are going to dinner first.  Dinner without KIDS!!!   YES!!!  AND our kids are old enough that I don't have to arrange for babysitters.   ;D

I'm so excited I could burst.  This is the best Christmas gift.
He's so wonderful.   He even got a small bottle of water so that I can take my seizure med right on time during the play at 9pm.  (it's essential that themeds are taken right on time)

I love love love him. least for now.  ;)

Ok....gushing is over now.

Oh my!   What a beauty!!

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Oasis is not coming home
« on: January 04, 2006, 11:47:35 am »
I'm so sorry.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / laser pointer?
« on: January 03, 2006, 04:51:07 pm »
Jilly & Daisy will chase a laser pointer forever.
Jilly knows that "All Done" means the laser pointer is gone.
Daisy will look for it for hours.
Jack thinks it's stupid and won't chase it for anything.

Will your pupper chase a laser pointer?

Games & Jokes / Re: Ever wanna know how the other half does it?
« on: January 03, 2006, 03:55:47 pm »
This one is getting passed along.
Too funny!!!

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: new pics of angel
« on: January 03, 2006, 03:52:08 pm »
She's adorable.
I love the picture with her big grin and her tongue hangin' out!
She looks like she's lovin' life!

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Tealk's Love Monkey
« on: January 03, 2006, 12:16:43 am »
He's so sweet.....and it's not destroyed?   
He must really love that monkey!

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