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Messages - Kermit

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: she's baaaaaaaaaacckkkkk
« on: August 15, 2005, 07:40:34 pm »
Personally I'm drinking a beer. Welcome back Nicker. Can't wait to see Angus in his current form!

Golden Retriever Discussions / Re: humping
« on: August 15, 2005, 07:05:41 pm »
I just had to get in on this humping conversation!!!
Zoot doesn't hump any other dogs but sometimes he will have what I call a "hump-attack". He suddenly with no warning just goes crazy humping nothing at all, and it looks like he can't control himself, he is just standing there doing the thrusting action and he looks at me like"what's happening???"!!! After about 10 seconds he stops and checks out his weewee to make sure everything is ok and then all is back to normal. It is the strangest thing. If he were to hump other dogs I would be very upset. I think it might have happened when he was younger but I acted very disappointed and he never did it again. Nigel didn't ever hump anything until after he was neutered and I put a stop to that quick. Humping is not allowed in my house. I am very disturbed by it! My boyfriend's little terrier tries to hump EVERYTHING THAT MOVES and I just can't stand it. Maybe it is just dogs being dogs, but I don't care! I am grossed out by the ol' red rocket. No thank you!  :D ;)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Leather Collars
« on: August 12, 2005, 02:15:52 pm »
I'm going to bring the conversation back to dog collars so I can show off my landlords' products! Haha. Hemp collars are hypo-allergenic and they have really neat designs... www.earthdog.c om. I rent my house from these folks and they make everything at home by hand. They are some of the coolest people I have ever met. :D

Siberian Husky Discussions / Re: My Husky-any advice?
« on: August 12, 2005, 02:10:25 pm »
Is it very hot where you live? My old husky girl Porscha would hardly eat a thing all summer long in Georgia. She would lose about 10 pounds every year, then gain it all back once it cooled off in October/November. It was just one of those things. All my dogs now have voracious appetites and I love it- I remember trying to get Porscha to eat and I would sit there with her at every meal time and hand feed her kibble to try to encourage her! Ever since then I love the sound of dogs eating. :)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Website is back up!
« on: August 11, 2005, 10:47:06 am »
Yeah, what was I supposed to do while drinking my coffee???

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Another foster puppy - Cassie
« on: August 03, 2005, 03:54:39 pm »
Oh my Heavens, that is a beautiful puppy! And boy is she lucky to have Pup Daddy as a foster parent! Poor little sweetie is going to do great once she has good food in her belly and lots of love. What a little angel. Both of them actually. How fun to have those two cuties around!
Good luck! Give Cassie and Deuce some pats on the head from me!  :)

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Are Mastiffs... STUPID?!
« on: August 03, 2005, 03:48:58 pm »
Nigel isn't a mastiff or anything but I am pretty sure he is one of the stupidest dogs in the world. And I mean that in the most loving way possible. I LOVE THIS DOG, but people, he is dumb as dirt.  :D

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: What Mix Is Ranger?
« on: August 02, 2005, 09:22:43 pm »
How gorgeous he is!!! Holy cow!!! I can see saint and spaniel. He definitely has the spaniel look going on. But 100 lbs is a big dog! Could be that saint influence! Nigel is a saint mix and I can't wait to see how big he turns out. And no one would ever guess that Nigel is part saint. That's the amazing thing about mixed breeds. They might not look a thing like the breeds they are made of! There could be a breed in there that you would never guess. Just look at Nigel!! A Saint Bernard was his mom???

That's great! I love mixed breeds for that reason, the mystery, and the guessing!  I guess that could be the same way a Collie and a Pyrenees ended up together and created sweet Sunshine Bear! The un-altered livestock dogs!
Last night we were looking at pictures of Saint Bernards and now I finally understand where Nigel's curly tail comes from! No one ever guesses that he has Saint in him. He doesn't look it at all and if I hadn't seen his mama I'd never believe it! But who knows what he'll look like full grown! Right now he just looks like a short-eared Bloodhound.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Ranger's Rescue
« on: August 02, 2005, 07:43:52 am »
His temperament is pretty amazing. He is pretty cool, but asks for affection when he wants it, and BOY is he protective of me when I walk him outside!!! He really thinks of himself as a guard dog! He listens very well, I think he is very intelligent. But very playful too. He is such a special guy.
As far as keeping him, I am letting the forces of the Universe decide! I am taking him to adoption day on the 13th, and I would love to see a nice family adopt him. But I am not going to let any old person off the street take him home! If I don't have a good feeling about someone, they are not getting this dog! I might even require a home check. He can live with me as long as he needs to, as long as it takes for him to find his right family. I really don't know how it's going to end.
We are still working on moving, but the new place is such a dream! Can't wait to take pictures of all the boys playing in the back yard!!

Thanks for all the feedback. One of our friends just recommended a local kennel, so we are going to go visit. Our friend has an older dane who has a really hard time when they go out of town, but apparently at this kennel she does really well and doesn't get neurotic. That sounds good. I really wish I could just take everyone with me.
Several years ago I went out of town for one night and left my two Siberian Huskies with a friend. Well, when I came back in town and went to pick up my dogs, there was only one. They had both escaped in the night and only my grey girl came back. My red girl was never found.  :'(
So as you can imagine I am nervous about leaving any dogs behind. I guess even though the kennel option is more stressful on the dogs, it is probably safer, and like Joji said, they can't destroy someone's house!

Hey folks,
I am wondering you do with your pooches when you leave town? My boyfriend and I are trying to plan a vacation and we have quite a crew now, so we are not exactly sure what to do with Nigel, Zoot, Sunshine Bear, Rushmore (a terrier), Will's new dog with no name yet, and Don Gato the cat. Last time I went out of town I had my roommate take care of my guys, but now my "roommate" is my boyfriend, and he's coming with me!
What are your viewpoints? And especially, what do you think about boarding kennels?

I saw two brindle fila puppies at petsmart yesterday. My boyfriend pointed them out and I recognized their look from seeing pictures of Tigre. I said to the lady, "Oh, are those filas?" and she stopped dead in her tracks, turned to me and said "YES! HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT???" !! It was pretty funny! Apparently she had never met anyone who knew filas at all! They were pretty, probably 4 months old, but they wouldn't let me touch them! Thay looked like they might bite me too!! I thought, wow, I hope she gets those babies socialized before they weigh 200 pounds!!! But anyway it was neat to see some in person!

Hooray for Pippin! We can't wait to see more pictures! Pictures of the boys together!!  :D

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Ranger's Rescue
« on: July 30, 2005, 07:39:34 am »
I just found out that we all get to move into the new house on Monday... And we are all so excited! Here are some pictures of the crew that I will be living with... Sunshine Bear has really made himself a member of the pack!

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