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Messages - nohesnotahorse

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Games & Jokes / Re: What kind of animal are you?
« on: November 11, 2005, 10:43:44 pm »
I'm a lamb! Maybe that's why I had to have a great pyrenees! :)

For the dog quiz I'm a Burnese Mountain Dog! YAY!

______________ ______________ ______________ ____________

I had taken it one other time a while back and was a St. Bernard that time... still a cool dog, just not terribly well suited for the climate

Games & Jokes / Re: What kind of animal are you?
« on: November 11, 2005, 10:01:20 pm »
I am a duck, too... not sure if I'm all that thrilled with that or not ??? .  lol... I was almost a bear cub or a frog.  I think I prefer the 'what breed of dog are you?' test.  I am a great dane... go figure  ;D .

Heres the link:

Golden Retriever Discussions / Re: I can't believe he caught one!
« on: November 11, 2005, 12:06:19 am »
Chance, the lab/dane mix that I've been fostering (and have now decided to adopt) is reponsible for 'the great chicken massacre'.  Someone, a neighbor I believe, opened the door to my coop about a month after I brought Chance home.  I came home and let the boys out to play in the yard and went inside to watch the news.  After watching the local and national news, I went out to play with the boys and found 7 of my 10 chickens that had met their demise.  Quite cleanly killed, with no damage to their bodies.  Guess I should take up duck hunting?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Your Dog's Best Feature...
« on: November 10, 2005, 10:44:06 pm »
Feste's best features are his 'smart knot' on the top of his head and his fur under his neck and on his ears... it's like velvet, it's so soft.  Chance's are his big old exuberant tail and happy, happy eyes.  Puck's are his little purple tongue and his curly tail.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: I'm New
« on: November 10, 2005, 10:07:17 pm »
Hey there and welcome.  What a handsome 'little' fellow you have there!  I don't post a whole lot, but this is a great site and bunch of folks.

Transporting & Traveling With Dogs / Re: east coast dog friendly beach
« on: November 05, 2005, 10:12:58 am »
Sullivan's Island, SC allows dogs on the beach. I'm not sure if it's during certain times or not, but you can google to get the # to the police station there and they can tell you (it's a small community and they'll be happy to talk to you).  The Island is located just north of the Charleston harbor and there are tons of things to do in the area.

That sounds lke something, we'd enjoy.  Do have any info on it?

Sorry to take so long to post some pics.  The festival was a great success; it was a beautiful day and great fun was had by all.  The kids enjoyed pupmkin hunts and a game booth, as well as meeting all the great pets there.  Don't have the final #'s yet, but a number of dogs got microchipped and reduced-rate vaccinations, thanks to the folks at the animal shelter.  Everyone enjoyed the pet costume and talent contests, as well as the sweet treats at the pastry booth.

Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Re: Must have dog books.
« on: November 02, 2005, 08:05:29 pm »
I second 'Amazing Gracie' (Dan Dye & Mark Beckloff) - totally awesome book and a fast read.  Beware, you'll shed a few tears (good ones) before it's over.  Another that I have enjoyed and returned to frequently is 'The Dog Listener' by Jan Fennell.  it's written in a straightforwar d manner with good illustrative examples that can be related to issues that we face.  It's also a great book for those of us with multiple dogs. She writes a lot about pack behavior and how to both deal with it and use it to your advantage.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Dog Friendly Restaurants!
« on: November 01, 2005, 05:27:45 am »
We need one of those here.  I live near our downtown area and frequently walk down there with the boys.  I'll sometimes stop and get dinner and eat outside with the boys, if they have outside dining, but it would be great if we had a place I could take them into so we wouldn't have to give it up for the winter. :)

Luckily, my 2 big boys like people, crowds and all that goes with it.  Feste in fact spent 3 evenings out of the last week at the Fair, being, petted, pawed, etc... on behalf of the animal shelter. 

Puck, my little one, is not quite as gregarious and I just usually tell people he's kind of cat-like and not really friendly, and they usually will focus on one or both of the others.  If they persist and Puck acts disapproving, I'll tell them he's got chow in him and, having given them a warning, that if he bites them I take no responsibnilit y for their stupidity (yes, I usually put like that). 

On rare occaisions, Feste has acted fearful or even bristled at someone; I have absolutely no problem whatsoever telling them to back the h*** off - NOW.  That goes for family, friends, strangers or whoever.   Like Gr*dame, forget about the dog, but you'd better watch out for me if you threaten them!  Anyone who knows me, knows and accepts this aspect of my personality, and anyone who doesn't can go hang.   I haven't had too many people go beyond that and persist.   

Well said.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Uh oh... Am I becoming a petfinder addict?
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:11:15 am »
It's hard to not be able to save them all.  I know I'm at my limit now... and it just wrings me out to know I cant take them all in. I've started volunterring with the Friends of the Animal Shelter and SPCA which helps to take up some of those feelings.

My BP went up just reading that... how sad  ???

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: The Newf Whisperer
« on: October 17, 2005, 09:44:57 am »
 :D What an awesome trick!  Go Drake!

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