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Messages - Kelly89084

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: stranger on my doorstep
« on: March 14, 2006, 02:36:26 pm »
But, my concern is that someone is out there looking for is rare that we have wondering dogs about here.  I have two cockatoos in a very large cage here and a black lab would really, really cause a ruckus.  I would love to just take him an put him in with my son, but then Mikey and K2 would be pacing the floor all night long and I think my husband would divorce me....hey, wait, that might be a good idea. Oops, did I say that!!???

LMAO!!!  I know the feeling!  i was temped to trade my hubby in this morning. ;)

Anyway, I didn't say I wouldn't look for the owners, just that I would make him comfy until they find him.  You could always put up a notice the next morning around the neighborhood.  We found a pair of male shih tzus(SP?) puppies and brought them in the house and cared for them until their owner came to get them.  Thankfully it wasn't too long because I can't stand yappy dogs but it was nice to have puppies around again (temporarily ;D).  Now if the labs owners never show up, I can't help that (to hubby).  He needs a home somewhere. ;)  hehehehehehehe

he's so cute!  Hubby doesn't like brindles or I would already have a mastiff running round my house.  ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: stranger on my doorstep
« on: March 13, 2006, 11:36:30 pm »
hehehehehehe  I would have already made him a bed and fed him if he were here.  I just can't help myself!  lol  If he can't be in his real home, at least I can make him feel at home in mine until he can.  ;)

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Dog toy for Big Dogs
« on: March 13, 2006, 07:31:15 pm »
Wonder if it would last through Holly......... .......

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Dog Fur Sweater
« on: March 13, 2006, 07:30:06 pm »
I wonder if something like this could be done for the homeless.  It seems they could use something to keep them warm and such a waste for all of us dog owners to throw it out when it could be used like that.   hhhhmmmmmmmmmm

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Kiah's blowing her coat!!
« on: March 13, 2006, 03:07:13 pm »
Great! am sure we'll be starting here within the next few weeks...My God, last year Samson has a partial blow & we got a Hefty bag out of him...This yr. we'll get a full blow out of him & probably out of Pippin too...Rosie will bat cleanup I'm amson's breeder spins the hair & makes hats, scarves, & mittens out of it...My Great White Trio should keep her busy this!

Can I take your pippin home with me?  ;D  I just want to snuggle him everytime I see him!

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Biiiig puppy!
« on: March 11, 2006, 05:20:44 pm »
4 months old and already over 30lbs!  He's a cutie too. ;)

Get a Newf!  ;D

good with kids: YES! The best!!

able to live in the heat (although most of the time they will live in the house with ac): we have hot weathe & he is inside with the ac & in water mainly

no high energy or clingy dogs: not high energy or clingy but they love to be with their family members

protective (?): depends on the situation. if I am alone with Bear then yes...he is my forever protector

likes cats (and possibly small dogs): Loves all animals!

must get along with other dogs (we visit the dog park daily): he loves to play and romp!

calm in the house: very! sleepy, chills out with you and love to be loved!


You wouldn't be partial would you?  ;D

Actually they are one of the breeds on my list. At this point it's getting short fast.   :-\

good with kids

able to live in the heat (although most of the time they will live in the house with ac)

no high energy or clingy dogs

protective (?)

likes cats (and possibly small dogs)

must get along with other dogs (we visit the dog park daily)

calm in the house

Also, we're looking to adopt and adult (possibly senior).  I'd rather not deal with the puppy stuff if I can help it.

That's all I can think of atm.

Ok, hubby just informed me that I can get a hairy dog!  He's always said no before but I've always loved them best.  I need help deciding which kind to get!  What kind do you recomend?  What do you like and dislike about your breed?  I need ALL the info so if anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it!  Thank you!!! ;D  ;D  ;D

Kelly (can't stop smiling!)

Rare Breed Mastiff Discussions / Re: Is a Fila right for my family?
« on: March 11, 2006, 12:55:33 am »
Just thought I would pass along this unsettling article that was sent to me the other day -  not to imply the Fila's owner was not telling the truth, but if you are going to adopt this breed, beware of the stats involved.

Dog Owners Hide The Truth From Shelters About Their Pets' Behavioral Problems (January 30, 2006) ­
 Many dog owners who relinquish their pets to animal shelters are not entirely honest about their dogs' behavioral problems -- probably for fear that their pets will be put to sleep, according to a study from the University of Pennsylvania and University of California veterinary schools. According to the researchers, these behavioral problems may sometimes pose a risk to an adopting family who could unknowingly take in an aggressive animal.

full story =

I have to agree with this.  When I got my Holly from the shelter we were told she gets along with cats (she doesn't), she likes men (not so much), she has basic training (very little, if any), and she's completely housebroken (tell that to my carpet and little green machine!).  While I love Holly and wouldn't trade her for the world (but maybe for a GSD  ;D), and I was prepared for an untrained dog, if she had been a more agressive breed (like the fila), the lies could have easily hurt us.  Also, how a dog acts in the pound is rarely how they will act in their own home.  Holly was a quite dog there but when she settled in, she suddenly became a  hyperactive mess that was very hard to deal with!  Imagine if it had been agression instead. 

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Poll: Does your dog eat oranges?
« on: March 10, 2006, 08:47:32 pm »
Holly doesn't like fruit but she LOVES fruit juice.  ::)

I would absolutely say YES to at least one if they weren't so far away and my backyard was finished (hubby's requirement before adding another dog).  I don't suppose you have any pics I can bug hubby with. ;)

Wow!  How'd that happen?!  I would definately say you  need a new one. ;)  I don't have a clue what would fit 3 Pyrs though.  I haven't even looked at anything that big.

That's cute!  Fluffy did some serious shrinking though. ;)

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