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Messages - Kermit

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Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Ranger's Rescue
« on: July 26, 2005, 07:56:56 pm »
Here's how things are going after having him for 8 or 9 hours now. He hasn't had a single accident in the house (more than can be said for Nigel today). He LOVES all the dog toys that are all over the place. I introduced all the dogs together when everyone seemed really happy I had just come in from the grocery store. They were all very nice to each other. Lots of happy sniffing. A few growls from the new guy but I think he was a little overwhelmed. Then he relaxed and now seems comfortable, he is just chewing away on a nylabone! Boy does he stink and he needs a serious bath but he was just neutered yesterday so he isn't supposed to get wet for a week! Yikes! But he is cute anyway and he's just going to have to stay in the kitchen until I can bathe him.
Here are pictures!
Zoot and Nigel aren't sure if they want a brother...

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Ranger's Rescue
« on: July 26, 2005, 07:34:00 pm »
Yep, this guy has double dew claws on the back legs. Craziest looking things!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Thank GOD for Football
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:21:42 pm »
I did not read that entire article because it was starting to make me pretty angry. I do not understand how anyone who loves animals could compare the removing of god-given body parts to a change of some football player's clothing.
People will come up with some pretty ridiculous stuff to defend cropping and docking. I am not buying it.
FYI this is the first time I have ever spoken my mind on this subject. I know it is touchy, and I don't enjoy arguing. But I think this article is really lame. I hate football anyways.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Ranger's Rescue
« on: July 26, 2005, 11:53:35 am »
Ok, here he is! Definitely a collie/pyr mix like they said! In person he has a long collie face, but the double back dewclaws to prove the pyrenees influence!
Everything was smooth sailing this morning, no car trouble, easy directions, easy pickup, and one gorgeous healthy dog!! No intestinal worms! No heartworms! Clean bill of health! YAY!!!! He was pretty nervous to come with me but he relaxed in the car and napped most of the way home. Then he threw up his breakfast in the back seat AS we were pulling up to my house! Poor guy!
Now he is in the kitchen, he is not sure he wants to meet Zoot and Nigel. He seems very sad and unsure, but it seems like he trusts me. When I am in there with him he is glued to me, and he sits when I tell him to. He's so sweet. Nigel really wants to meet him but Zoot is not happy as of yet.
Without further ado, Ranger!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Is this a rotti mix?
« on: July 25, 2005, 07:17:34 pm »
Whoever said that was a purebred Rottweiler has never seen a Rottweiler! Looks like a German Shepherd from the pictures. He's certainly pretty, and if he's a sweetie, that's all that matters!

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: My cute new rescue
« on: July 25, 2005, 07:02:11 pm »
What a sweetie pie! How llong does he have to be in the cast? Do they think he'll heal up ok?
He has a kinda shepherd-like face, dontcha think? Whatever breeds are in there, he is beautiful. I am a big fan of mixed breeds!

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Ranger's Rescue
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:57:12 pm »
I grew up in Georgia but I moved up north (haha) to Nashville, Tennessee. It's odd, I think it's hotter here than it was in Georgia.
And tomorrow I'm driving up to Kentucky YAY!!!! I want to go to bed right now so it will hurry up and be morning.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / How many is too many?
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:40:14 pm »
I love dogs. I want lots of dogs at my house. I was discussing this with boyfriend last night... how many dogs is too many dogs? I want each one of them to feel very special and loved. I'm not talking about how many can I afford, I am really talking about how many can I love without anyone being emotionally neglected? It's probably different for different people, sure, but I wonder what would be the limit? I don't want to go crazy or anything, but...
 I work at home so they are rarely alone. They sleep in the room with me every night. I know my two boys now feel very loved and confident. I know I could add one more. Could I add 2 more?
Anyone have some experience here?

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Ranger's Rescue
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:14:03 pm »
I used to think that all pyrs were solid white, because that was all I had ever seen. I also thought all newfoundlands were solid black. And I even worked in a pet store and a vet's office, I should have been more savvy! I guess we just didn't see a lot of those big fluffy breeds down in Georgia.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: should I adopt a great pyrenees?
« on: July 25, 2005, 03:54:30 pm »
That is one handsome dog on the cover! Dang!

Awww, that Wangus looks just like Nigel's mommy.  :)
VERY attractive.

I too am in disbelief. I can't stand the thought of losing a little soul like that. Hope you can give all that love to Pippin and he will be especially cherished in memory of his siblings. You are in my thoughts.

Oh NOOOOOO!!!!!!
I just read on the bottom of the page that we lost a member and then found out who! Poor little babies!! The heat is really getting scary!! Hang in there everyone, and let's all keep our sweeties cool and safe! I'm so sorry you had to go through this Tanimara!  :'(

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: should I adopt a great pyrenees?
« on: July 25, 2005, 02:42:23 pm »
I wonder if whoever wrote this book has ever met a great pyrenees!! Ha ha! I'm glad I have experienced people to set me straight!
I can tell everyone loves these dogs so much, I love the stories of how protective they are but still being gentle at the same time. I don't think I have ever met a dog quite like that.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Ranger's Rescue
« on: July 25, 2005, 11:30:51 am »
You know, I was thinking the same thing because wouldn't his face be so much more narrow if he was a collie mix? I can't wait to see him in real life! And dispel the mystery!
I am going to have to leave Nashville at 5 am! Ouch! I wonder what time Starbucks opens?

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