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Messages - Kermit

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Sorry I can't get that link to work anymore either. So if you go to www.petfinder. com, type in a search for great pyrenees, age: baby, size:all, and city:Nashville TN. That should take you to the page I was trying to link to. They are so adorable. I hope anyone who is interested can find them and have a look.

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / How does this happen to pyr babies?
« on: July 11, 2005, 02:02:38 pm »
I am so confused. Obviously there is dog overpopulation, but how on earth do little 3 month old cute-as-a-button great pyrenees puppies end up without homes? I don't get it. If breeders don't sell all their puppies, do they dump them off at the pound or at rescue organizations? I am always browsing around on petfinder, and I am shocked every time at how many purebreds are on there.
I have been in frustration mode for quite some time now, it seems the dog drama is surrounding me more than ever before. I have enough stories just in the past few days to fill this whole board! Everything form the 2 doors down neighbor's dog being stuck in a wire fence for nearly 24 hours, my downstairs neighbors with a horribly bred litter of pit bull puppies, and my next door neighbor fashioning a "harness" out of a chain wrapped tightly around his puppy to keep him tied to a tree... it seems like it will never end.
Anyway, I posted on another thread but just to make sure, there are pyr babies!
www.petfinder. com/pet.cgi
Hopefully that link works.
Take care everyone, and kiss your well-loved pooches for me.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: 7 month old Pyr male
« on: July 11, 2005, 01:34:35 pm »
Hey Gypsy if you are still looking for a little pyr female there are at least two on in my area, Nashville TN. The two I was looking at were called Marilyn and Ginger. And for anyone else looking for a baby for that matter, go to and type the search in for a baby great pyrenees in Nashville Tn and they will come up in the search. SOOOO adorable, makes me want one...
This might work...
www.petfinder. com/pet.cgi

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: OH MY! Nigel!
« on: July 08, 2005, 06:17:10 pm »
Saaaay, are you talking about my little Nigel?
If you were in the room with him right now you wouldn't want a puppy!!! He's having his early evening crazies, which involve a lot of weird yapping, play-attacking the other dog and the cat, and stuffing his face in the couch and barking as loud as he can.
Other than this time of day every day, he's quite the angel.
I'm glad everyone else thinks he's as cute as I do.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: How about big mutts?
« on: July 08, 2005, 10:21:22 am »
I think that's the cutest chewfie I have ever seen!
Honestly, I am a huge mutt fan, I like to call them non-purebreds. They are so unique and I find them to be absolutely gorgeous. I have two myself, a great dane/pointer mix (we suspect) and a bloodhound/saint bernard pup. I LOVE THEM. I used to have some purebred dogs, but I'm lovin' the mixes these days. I have my eye on a ridgeback/deerhound mix that needs adopting... not sure yet though.
Here are my boys.

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: how big will he get?
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:51:41 am »
Just in case anyone was wondering how cute my puppy is these days, here are some new pictures. He weighs 45 lbs now.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Yikes! Fleas
« on: July 05, 2005, 09:39:37 pm »
Frontline and Advantage are the two big options for best flea control. I use both back and forth but seem to have better luck with Advantage. I bought one dose the other day for a whopping $16.00! Ouch! That lasts a month. If you buy a pack of 6 I think it ends up being cheaper. Of course it costs more for bigger dogs. Last I checked you have to buy it through a veterinarian, but my Petsmart has a vet clinic in there so that's where I got mine. It will kill every flea that's on your dog for several days after you apply it. I think it kinda fades away after that, but they claim that it works for a month.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Fireworks
« on: July 05, 2005, 08:17:46 pm »
I think I had more anxiety from the fireworks than my dogs did! It was like a war zone out there! This is the first year I've ever lived in a state where fireworks are legal, and I was really shocked. Who knew? The dogs were curious and have been a little overprotective since, but honestly it was me who suffered the most!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Yikes! Fleas
« on: July 05, 2005, 08:04:56 pm »
I, too, am feeling the flea pain. My animals are all on Advantage, but apparently my neighbors who have 7 dogs have never heard of flea control. Their fence backs right up to my fence, and just starting today every time my dogs come back from that area they have several fresh new fleas just getting comfortable on their legs. It's already making me crazy and I am afraid it has only just begun. Luckily I have no fleas in the house, so if I can just figure out some way to keep the fleas from crossing the border into my yard, all will be well... hehe fat chance... but I'm sure gonna try!!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Eating Sticks
« on: July 04, 2005, 08:46:53 am »
Just as I was reading this post, I looked over at my Nigel and he had something in his mouth. I went to see what it was, and it turned out to be a stick he brought in from outside. He LOVES eating sticks. He is teething so of course he loves to get his teeth around anything, but sticks really make him happy. He destroys them and eats some pieces for sure. So far no problems. I want the little guy to be happy and not frustrated, so I let him chew on all the sticks he wants.   Of course he has "dog toys" too but often he just wants to shred them. That's when we go outside and look for sticks. The chew toy that nature abundantly provides for dogs!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: day 3
« on: July 03, 2005, 08:52:35 pm »
Ok, well I just have to add in that I heard a cute advertisement on the radio the other day about something called Comfort Zone (I think?). They say it's a plug-in thing that emits a pheromone like the one a mother dog emits when she has puppies. Supposedly it reminds the pup of being safe with the mother and helps calm them down. I haven't used it or even seen it in the store but the ad made it sound like something nice to check out. They said you can buy it at Petsmart and other pet stores. Worth a shot, eh? Plug that thing in close to the crate at night, and who knows?

I'm using Solid Gold wolf cub (for large breeds) for my pup and Nature's Recipe venison food for my adult dog. Neither has any beef in them, so I guess I feel safe. The meat in the Solid Gold I use is bison and salmon, and of course the Nature's Recipe is deer meat. Seems safer than cows in this day and age...

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: American Mastiffs
« on: July 01, 2005, 03:42:46 am »
That reminds me of all the "rockweiler" owners in the south!

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