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Messages - Kermit

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Siberian Husky Discussions / Re: Another Sibe in the bunch
« on: June 30, 2005, 08:05:14 pm »
In regards to the off-leash topic, I agree it might not be possible with huskies. In the many years I kept my two spayed females, they ran away I think over 50 times, no exaggeration. They are master escape artists, and if you happen to live with other people who aren't careful about closing the door behind them, you're in trouble. Even if the dog loves you, they are way more excited about the chance to run run run like they were designed to do rather than come back home again. It can be really frustrating, but as we all know they are the sweetest most beautiful dogs, they are worth it.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Any raw feeders on BPO??
« on: June 26, 2005, 10:00:48 am »
I think I am making the switch to raw. I'm not sure how long it will take, but I am really excited about it. I absolutely love going to the store and buying meaty bones for my dogs! And they really do have to work to eat, and honestly I have never seen Zoot so happy as he is when he's finished eating a meaty bone. He just sits there smiling, I mean a big huge ridiculous doggie grin, like he is fully satiated. After he eats a bowl of kibble all he does is look around the kitchen for more food. But the bones wear him out and make him so happy.

Moonlit, I know the website of which you speak and I bought that e-book on how to train your dog a hundred english words. I really like that woman and all she has to say, she's pretty funny and realistic. The e-book turned out to be really cool and you know I haven't actually taught my dogs many new words yet, but I realized how many they already know.
Has anyone read that book Give your Dog a Bone? I'm thinking about buying it and I'm wondering how good it is. The local bookstores don't have it for me to browse through. Or really has anyone read ANY good books on the ol' home-made bones and raw-food diet?

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: how big will he get?
« on: June 25, 2005, 03:40:00 pm »
Oops I forgot to put his picture!

Siberian Husky Discussions / Re: Another Sibe in the bunch
« on: June 25, 2005, 03:05:26 pm »
Beautiful dogs! It must be great to have them where it snows! I used to live in Georgia and had 2 huskies that I rescued, they were always so uncomfortable in the heat and I felt bad for them. I don't even know why people breed them in the south! Here's a picture of Porscha, my schnooky-schnook who is waiting for me in heaven. (Cause I plan on going to the same Heaven as dogs.)

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: newbie
« on: June 24, 2005, 10:05:12 am »
Welcome! You will love Club Big Paws.
I have some experience with crate training, it's how I trained my dog Zoot. It worked like a charm for him. He was potty trained in record time- I think less than a week. But my new pup Nigel? Heavens no!!! First thing he does when I put him in there is take a leak, and then if he's in there much longer there will be more than peepee to clean up!! He screams and screams and really freaks himself out. So it just doesn't work for all dogs. When I leave the house I confine him to the kitchen with my other dog, puppy-proof the whole room, and give a million chewtoys to him. It has worked much better then the crate for him.
Hope that helps!
Here's a picture of a rottie that I used to have. She was an amazing friend and companion. I adopted her when she was over a year old, and we were still able to develop a very deep bond. I believe rotties have good hearts. If you treat them well they will do everything to please you.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Neutering
« on: June 24, 2005, 09:46:56 am »
This has been a hot topic in my life lately! I have a pup who is 16 weeks and people are recommending to me to do it within the next few weeks. Some people are even neutering at a younger age now, as young as 8 weeks, because the recovery time for young puppies is astounding! There is so little trauma when it is done earlier, and you get to skip all the hormonal annoyances of having a young intact male around! My little guy has started picking fights with my 4 year old neutered male, and I think neutering will really help solve that problem too. When a male is neutered before he's full grown he may end up a bit taller, but I haven't heard of them growing up less masculine, which some people might worry about. I have also read that in many people's opinion, there is no better pet than a neutered male. Another thing to consider is that the older and bigger he is when neutered, the more money it will cost for the surgery due to anesthesia use. Honestly, I was a vet tech and a dog neuter takes about 5 to 10 minutes and is a really easy procedure, seems very safe for a young dog considering all the benefits. That's my view, anyhow. The old standard where I used to work was 6 months.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Newbie
« on: June 24, 2005, 09:37:33 am »
Heavens, Megan, I think you have better grammar than all us old ladies!!! Hahahaha. I'm 29 years old but I think I'm still a teenager and I certainly still dress like one.
You should come to the board more often and share dog stories with all of us!

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: Madison
« on: June 23, 2005, 11:07:33 am »
CUTE! Looks like those ears are trying to stand up!

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: hello
« on: June 23, 2005, 06:41:34 am »
Howdy! I used to live with a bullmastiff pup, "Athena", and she was a real sweetie pie. Do they mature pretty slowly? At what age are they full-grown? Athena was probably around a year old the last time I saw her, and she probably wasn't more than 80 lbs. Her mama was concerned she wasn't purebed since she was so slender, but do they just take a while to fill out? She was a beautiful girl, but very tall and lean, not like what I am used to seeing as a bullmastiff. I'm looking for a picture of her with no luck.
I really enjoy bullmastiffs!! :)

Coonhound Discussions & Pictures / Re: Bluetick Coonhounds ?
« on: June 22, 2005, 08:23:48 pm »
Maybe you can help me out if you know coonhounds, k9ldy. I've got his pup, they told me saint bernard and bloodhound mix. But as the days pass he is looking less and less like a bloodhound. Do you see coonhound when you look at this guy? Are coonhounds easy to train? Can you ever let them off the leash or will they take off after a scent? I would love to take this guy camping someday and let him off leash, but I was WARNED that a blloodhound will take off and go 50 miles! So I was wondering if coonhounds are the same way. I know nothing about hound dogs. They sure are beauties, though!

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Puppy Acne
« on: June 22, 2005, 04:28:58 pm »
Do you feed him from a plastic bowl? Some dogs have an allergic reaction to plastic. (Some cats too.) It can cause bumps/pimples around their mouth and chin. If you do use a plastic bowl, try using ceramic or stainless steel instead, and see if it clears up.

I'll take it! Post a nice headshot!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Pictures of my boys
« on: June 21, 2005, 12:55:18 pm »
That is quite possibly the most beautiful great dane I've ever seen. What color are his eyes? I miss my Darwin dog, he was a foster but I have that feeling like I should have hung on to him. Danes make me happy! :)

There are still alot of breeds on my wish list!!! C'mon I know there's someone out there with a great photograph of a beautiful mastiff! A fluffy newfie! A glistening white pyrenees! Somedoggie with big beautiful eyes!

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