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Messages - Kermit

Pages: 1 ... 117 118 [119]
My dogs sleep on the bed with me, and Zoot absolutely has to be snuggled right up to me. In the winter he is under the covers and keeps me warm. I wouldn't make it through cold nights without him. Luckily my boyfriend lets his dog sleep in the bed with him too, because that is sure one thing that can ruin an otherwise good relationship between two people! I used to date a guy who wouldn't let my dog sleep in the bed. I should've known the relationship was doomed!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Do any of you ever get this?
« on: June 16, 2005, 03:26:04 pm »
I have lived in my neighborhood about 6 months and hardly anyone ever spoke to me until I got my foster Great Dane. Then neighbors were coming out of their houses to talk to me and people driving by would stop to make comments. It was pretty amazing. Everyone was nice, it made me think about how animals can bring people together.

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Feeding a BIG puppy
« on: June 16, 2005, 09:57:29 am »
I have a friend who feeds Diamond lamb and rice to all his dogs from a 20 lb terrier to his 2 great danes, and all his dogs are beautiful and healthy, with shiny coats and sparkly eyes and great dispositions. I think that speaks well for the food.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: HELP WITH MY DOG WANGUS......
« on: June 15, 2005, 05:50:11 pm »
Here's my saint bernard mix! He really is. I saw the mama dog. He's doing his best bloodhound impression though...

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Looking for large dog collar?????
« on: June 15, 2005, 04:54:01 pm »
I have been buying all my doggie-gear from Earthdog. Their stuff is made of hemp so it's soft and doesn't seem to mess up my dogs' coats, and the leashes don't burn my hands. The designs are really cool too, not like anything I've ever seen in a pet store. The website is www.earthdog.c om. I'm not really sure how big the largest size is, does your dog really have a neck over 30 inches? Wow. That's bigger than my waist. Anyhow, they've got other cool stuff on their site too like beds, toys, medalions, and whatnot. :)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Yellow Grass
« on: June 12, 2005, 08:19:21 am »
I am having the same problem with grass turning yellow. I have all male dogs so they go pee in the same spot over and over. I looked in Petsmart and saw those pills you can give your dog, seems sketchy, but on the shelf underneath that I saw some stuff that you put right on the grass, maybe it's some kind of fertilizer. I didn't buy any, but the situation is getting bad in my yard, so I might have to try it. I'm amazed my rose bush is still alive!

I have found something that really seems to help scared and nervous dogs. It's called "Rescue Remedy", I have found it in natural food stores like Wild Oats or Earthfare, if you have anything like that nearby. It's natural homeopathic and completely safe, not like a tranquilizer at all. It just calms them down. I think it's about $10 for a bottle and the dose is just a few drops in the mouth or in the water bowl, so the bottle lasts a long time. It's for people but it works on animals. It's made by Bach Flower Essences. Hope this helps!


With that in mind about dog food companies trying to push their products so hard, and even lying, it makes me more inclined to believe in a raw food diet or home prepared diet, because the folks who have done that research aren't going to make any profit at all if you feed your dog home-prepared meals. There's nothing in it for them, they just really honestly want your dog to be healthy.

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Am i the only one????
« on: June 09, 2005, 08:22:22 pm »
are you kidding??? I love when my dog licks my face. I have always loved having dogs lick me. Since I was a kid. It has always made me feel so loved, and I have always been a person who felt that dogs were my best friends, better than my human friends. I don't think it's strange at all that you let your mastiff lick you! I know some people think it's unsanitary but I have never gotten worms or anything that I know of. Hehehe.  :D

Everyone should read that article. It is so depressing though. I thought I was doing a good thing by feeding my dogs Nature's Recipe! AAAAHHH the frustration! Time for operation:diet change to begin at my house!

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Hi New Here, Ices Dad
« on: June 08, 2005, 05:42:19 pm »
I love Danes! Here's Darwin looking happy. He is similar to Ice in color but he is considered to be "blue merle".

Mixed Breed Pictures / how big will he get?
« on: June 08, 2005, 01:45:47 pm »

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Goliath Pix
« on: June 08, 2005, 01:08:18 pm »
how much does that guy weigh??? what a face!

Mixed Breed Discussion / Howdy, I'm new!
« on: June 08, 2005, 10:15:29 am »
Hello fellow dog lovers!

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