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Messages - amberdoggoneit

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FAQs about puppies / New Show puppy
« on: April 04, 2008, 11:53:34 am »
Ok Buble is going to be a show dog hopefully!!  He is 8 weeks old.  When should we start the training with him? 
Do I need to go ahead and get a show lead and start with that or do I need to teach him to stack first?

Does anyone know the block technique?  This is when they learn to stand on wooden dumb bells and learn that if they put thier foot in the wrong position they might loose thier balance.  Our breeder said she used that technique but wasnt sure about it. 

Also we have a show that is coming up in a couple of weekends near our house.  Can we take him to get used to the atmosphere?  I know that usually you cant take dogs unless they are entered but everyone I have ever been to there were always dogs there that we obviously not entered. 

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Sibling Rivaly?
« on: April 04, 2008, 11:47:40 am »
Thank you
I just didnt know if they needed time to cool off.  Yes Buble does not know any boundries whatsoever!!!! Poor baxter is really a good dog.  I was making muffins this morning and turned to see Buble with Baxter's long ear hair in his mouth and Baxter just standing there looking at me like "O I hate my life". 
Bell is different though she never lets buble get away with anything.  She is constently moaning at him.  But I will say that she is alot more impatient with him then she was any of her puppies that she had.  Should I worry about that? 

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Sibling Rivaly?
« on: April 04, 2008, 09:22:29 am »
What if the older two start to snap at him?  This morning Baxter and Buble were playing wrestling on the floor and Buble ran over to Bell who was laying down and tried to play with her too.  She moaned at him at first and he didnt stop so she snapped at him and grabbed his face a little bit but you could tell it wasnt hard just enough to tell him enough. 
Should I punish her for snapping or just leave it alone?  I am scared that it will escalate into something. Then we always put Bell up when we eat because she begs so bad and Baxter and Buble were out.  They were playing and everything was fine when all of a sudden Baxter rolled him and snapped at him. 
I do understand that Buble needs to be punished for bad doggy behavior and I allow it but wasnt sure if everyone should get a timeout after wards to cool down or just let it be?  I just want to avoid an injury to anyone. 

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Sibling Rivaly?
« on: April 03, 2008, 02:17:48 pm »
thank you
I was really hoping that it wasnt the case

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Sibling Rivaly?
« on: April 03, 2008, 12:46:31 pm »
OK well as most of yall know we got Buble about a week ago.  Well we introduced him to our dogs on nuetral ground and everything was fine. 

We then took them all for a short walk because that seems to help our dogs in meeting new friends.

Everything has been fine.  Bell moans to him him he get in her space which is a huge bluff.  and Baxter who is our wimp ( I love him anyways) just rolls over and lets th puppy do whatever. 

Last night Buble was playing with Baxter as usual when all of a sudden Baxter jumped up and snapped at Buble.  Well astonished my husband jumped up and grabbed the puppy who was continuing to annoy poor Baxter. 

What should I do?  Buble is a very outgoing confident puppy and that is very important for the show ring but we get on to him and put him in time out when he does stuff like that but he continues to do it.  Does he already sense that Baxter is lower on the hierarchy and is trying to one up him at only 8 weeks old?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Crate training question
« on: March 30, 2008, 05:52:55 pm »
he is 7 weeks old

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Crate training question
« on: March 30, 2008, 04:24:58 pm »
Yea that is pretty much what I thought would need to be done. 

The only thing about the short periods of time is that the moment you shut the door he starts screaming so should i wait until done to get him or go get him after five minitues even though he is screaming?

yea I totally agree that I couldnt believe the breeder let him but I guess since we are friends she thought it better with us. 

Luckliy I have only gianed about 12 lbs so far do to the fact that I was very sick in the beginning.  O I think that hubby is going to have alot of fun potty training!!!!

Thank you he is pretty awesome.  I told him when we got married that he was going  to have to be the one to tell me no about getting a dog because I would have them all! 
Looks like he is going to be no good at that! ;)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Crate training question
« on: March 29, 2008, 09:33:42 pm »
ok it has been a couple of years since I crate trained.  Bell and Baxter were pretty easy to train but Buble is more difficult. 

As soon as you shut the door he starts this horrible screaming like someone is killing him and then starts to howl until his voice starts to go horse. 

I know that you dont go in the room until they have stopped crying and you dont let them see you because they feel like their crying has worked.  The only thing is that it is breaking my heart to hear him. 
My husband said the pregnancy has made me loose my edge because I used to be the one telling my husband not to go in the room because they would continue to cry.

My question is do I let him out as soon as he stops crying? or do I leave him in there a certain period of time? 

I know that he needs to feel like we are coming back and it is only his first week from his brothers and sisters :'(

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: i think i am way too emotional
« on: March 29, 2008, 08:31:14 pm »
I dont think so. Bell always got really moody with Baxter and was really needy.  We bought the biggest size pullups training pants and put it on her so that way she still had run of the house. 

I am sorry that your baby isnt feeling good :'(

No I guess that I cant but I just keep thinking that in 15 weeks we are going to also have a new baby.  O well I guess the more the merrier right?

O I forgot to say his name is Buble (BOO-Blay).  After Michael Buble the singer.  I am in love with the man!!!  My husband told me I couldnt have Micheal ;D, so I decided for the next best thing to have a puppy named after him. Plus all the pups in the litter had to be named after a jazz singer.

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: Post-neuter question
« on: March 29, 2008, 06:26:39 pm »
Well I havent been so lucky.  Bell and Baxter got spayed and nuetered last friday.  Bell has gone perfect has not touched her stiches and has healed great.  Baxter on the other hand has now pulled out his stiches 3 times and has also pulled out one set of staples!! 

We finnaly got an e collar that fits properly so I think everything will turn out now.

Ok we went out of town for Easter to visit family.  Well my Springer's breeder called and asked if we wanted to come by and see her new litter of pups.  My breeder and I are very good friends after I got Baxter so I said sure. 

Of course they were absolutely adorable and I wanted one immediately but I do have some self control.  My husband and breeder got to talking and she was telling us about the pick of the litter puppy whom she very much wanted to keep but really wanted to keep her kennel small. 

Without me knowing he and my breeder made a deal that if we got the puppy she could have breeding rights to him if he finished in the show ring!!!!!  So I came home a day before him and he returns with a puppy!!!

I am almost 7 months pregnant!!!  He is crazy!  But the puppy is cute here are some pics of him

Pit Bull Discussions & Pictures / Re: GOT my New Baby Amstaff :) PICS!
« on: March 18, 2008, 11:21:39 am »
OOOO your baby is soOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!

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