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Messages - nostaw

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Games & Jokes / Re: Alphabet Animals
« on: January 05, 2006, 08:44:42 pm »
Hovis says that she is quite fond of cats but really she much prefers to eat the ducks on the river.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: The "E" Word
« on: January 05, 2006, 08:39:20 pm »
Too Late, a deal is a deal. Now if only I could get those kisses sorted out I could be the saviour of Yorkshire.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: The "E" Word
« on: January 05, 2006, 08:29:25 pm »
Done, but you'll have to wait for the kisses, its gone midnight here and I currently have 2 black rugs at the side of me one of which snores!!


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Dream Job?
« on: January 05, 2006, 08:24:45 pm »
Us old and wrinkly folk are just retiring from 30years in law enforcement and computers, I'm trying to come up with a dream job now and I've decided they're all very tying hence my plans are to sell on the internet and devote my life to my Wife and Newfoundlands. (Lizzie would say I have put those the wrong way round).

So if anyone knows of a cheap house with lots of land and water.....

Andy Bell and Hovis

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: The "E" Word
« on: January 05, 2006, 08:04:15 pm »
I think we could get a deal going here, for the past couplke of weeks we've been lifting ice off the river, thats not happened since the 80's.

Hows about 150 puppy kisses and a load of yorkshire water in solid form (I don't want to wear Bell and Hovis out).

and you are right it is Watson backwards

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: The "E" Word
« on: January 05, 2006, 07:36:54 pm »
If you don't want the sun, can you send a bit over here, my girls are turning white after swimming in the river and icing up. if you can arrange it, an hours sun in the morning and the same in the evening would be great it would save them from the cow dryer!!

Andy Bell & Hovis

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: cherry eyes?
« on: January 05, 2006, 09:29:14 am »
It could well be that his skin has outgrown his bones so to speak. At 5 months newfies are growing fast. when you pull the bottom lid down, the eye should be a nice healthy pink, if its red its probably irritation and a little bit of "dry eyes" ointment might help particularly at bed time. Keep an eye on it and if it persists or Fumble shows discomfort I'd get the vet to check it.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

Andy Bell and Hovis

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: PRAYERS FOR PHINNEY
« on: January 05, 2006, 09:11:29 am »
Hang on in there Phinney,

Bell and Hovis send cuddles and slobbers, you are in out thoughts.


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: cherry eyes?
« on: January 05, 2006, 09:05:42 am »
Sometimes with newfs the bottom eyelid can turn in on the eye and hairs that should be on the outside face in towards the eye causing irritation. This might be the cause, if it is, their eyes can also be a bit runny. When Bell started with it as a puppy I would  pull the skin down below the eye at every opportunity to stop the irritation and hopefully to train the muscles below the eye. It didn't work. At 18months she had to visit the vets for a face lift, they cut a small section of skin beneath each eye and pulled it tighter before sewing the cut so the bottom eyelid was in the right position. You can no longer see the scars and wouldn't know she had had it done.

18 months of age seemed a good age to me to do it as she was near on full grown so the condition was unlikely to go away and I combined the op with getting her hip scored so there was only one lot of anaesthetic.

If it was my dog I wouldnt be overly worried at this point, I would wait and see if it would clear up and possibly pull the skin down below the eye to see if the lid turns out. However if there were signs of distress present, rubbing the eye against the carpet or furniture or trying to paw the eye, or excessive runniness then it would be off to the vets straight away. if not, from a home remedy point of view I would visit the pharmacy and get saline eye drops that us humans use for dry eyes and try that, as if it is only a small scratch on the eye that will heal, it will lubricate the eye and the saline will keep it clean. But remember at the end of the day it is your call, if you are really worried seek reassurance from the vet.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: help/ideas?
« on: January 05, 2006, 08:24:29 am »
Just keep doing what you're doing. Socialise, socialise, socialise its the only way. Remember too that your dog will sense your emotions too as he would a pack leader. If you are tense and worried about meeting a dog he'll sense it.

I know when out with my two on leads and I see a strange dog coming I will stop, take a few deep breaths and start talking silly to my dogs as when I'm playing or cuddling them, just to get me to calm down. Ive found that if I expect trouble the dogs will sense it and try and protect me. They seem to sense the tightening of the lead because you are worried your dog will do something wrong and want to stop it before it starts.

I'm sure the locals must think I'm a sandwich short of a picnic but this works for me. Examine what you are doing when YOU meet a strange dog, are you relaxed?

Hope this helps, lol Andy, Bell & Hovis

I was laughing once I got home, showered and dried ;D


Reading some of the recent posts about people crossing the road to avoid B.P.'s, I got to thinking. I've been photographing newfs for 2 or 3 years now so surely there must be a picture of an aggressive newf somewhere.

Well I found it! well almost, I think bell was really playing and I still remember the thud when I went over backwards and landed in the river. :)

Games & Jokes / Re: Rules for Dogs
« on: January 05, 2006, 05:17:16 am »
This is the first time i've seen it, thanks for reposting, I'm going to give it to my wife, Liz, then maybe she will understand/beat me about the head, one or the other, usually the other where it's dog related.

Andy Bell and Hovis

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: What do you do for a cold
« on: January 04, 2006, 08:22:42 pm »
To get totally off topic as per some of the other posts, may I just say that everybody has opinions, I respect those opinions. I do however pay my vet for his advice and knowledge. Knowledge that in the U.K. and I expect the U.S. has been gained only through years of hard work and study. I do not always accept my vets advice, on those occasions I ring another vet for a second opinion and will if necessary get a third opinion if that is necessary to settle the matter. I am wary though that there is only a finite number of vets in an area and I would listen and never dream of saying well vet so and so says although I might say what do you think of?

I honestly feel that a Forum should deliver reassurance, or in the case of a minor ailment that is known to the dog owner, opinion on methods they have tried to sort the matter out and the effectiveness of those methods.

These are my opinions. Please do not get on horses however high, or get upset by other posts, it does not help the forum or the person asking the question.

LOL Andy Bell and Hovis

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Sliding Drake
« on: January 04, 2006, 07:36:40 pm »

I'd love to see a double newfie on the yellow slide though, I think you should make it your next challenge for the Park!! :)

Andy Bell & Hovis

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