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Messages - aggghgmom

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Monthly Photo Contests / Re: BPO's "Best Eyes" Photo Contest Info.
« on: March 25, 2008, 07:13:36 am »
Well in the 6 years that I have had Harley I have never gotten a picture where his eyes show - they usually just show up white - almost yellow.  kind of yucky.  I look forward to seeing everyone else's beautiful eyes!!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Happy dogs in Costa Rica
« on: March 24, 2008, 03:16:43 pm »
Welcome to BPO Richard, and a special welcome to Lucy...

I am the mother to a 6 year old, crazy, whiney, flat coated retriever named Harley...he is very jealous of Lucy since we live in western ny where it is still 25 degrees and it snowed yesterday...wh ere is spring??

Welcome - looking forward to photos!!

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: Yes, it was a Monday
« on: March 24, 2008, 02:30:03 pm »
I thought you were going to tell me the doggies had figured out how to get in the fridge and ate the ham ;D

I give you kudos for planning dinner in the first part and coming up with an alternative - I would have taken those two incidents as sign from G_D that it was time to go out to dinner!!

Give the naughty ones a pat for me and ask them to stay away from Harley he doesn't need to learn any other naughty tricks!!


Borzoi Discussions & Pictures / Re: Introducing "Desa"
« on: March 24, 2008, 02:26:15 pm »
OMGoodness they are so cute together.  They look like they will be fast friends.

Congratulation s on your Easter Bunny??

I look forward to lots of pictures of her growing up!

Randy & Harley

I am so glad that you came out when you did and reacted so quickly and did all the right things (by calling for help etc.)

Poor Annie and Cisco that had to be so scary; as for you I can't even imagine what I would have done in your situation; I'm sure I wouldn't have handled it as well.

I was talking to one of my friends about what happened and she wanted to know how come they weren't charging him with an additional charge of animal cruelty?  But from the update I see that they are.

It just kills me that people have so little values and morals that they see something they want and just take it...what is wrong with some people.

Please give hugs and kisses to all of your beautiful babies for me and I hope Annie gets over her fear of the car.

Randy and Harley

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Do you have a GPS (O/T)
« on: March 22, 2008, 07:23:39 am »
Well I bought a GPS last night - Magellin 4260 or something like that - it was more than I wanted to spend but I want the GPS for dummies model - I want it to speak turn by turn instructions - large screen (4 inch) and bluetooth so I don't have to wear that annoying ear piece.

I actually don't know if I will keep this one the guy at best buy seemed knowledgable but seemed to be going back and forth between the two models I was looking at.  This one was on sale so I brought it home, maybe the other one will be on sale this week?

I saw the pink one - hubby said "I don't think so it is bad enough there are stuffed bears all over the truck - the pink GPS doesn't go with the Harley stickers!

Holly - That is so funny!!  I think my GPS will go out the window if it starts getting snitty with me!

Thanks again,
I will report back with updates for people who are considering buying a GPS


Holiday Things / Re: HAPPY EASTER!!!
« on: March 21, 2008, 06:37:15 pm »
yeah!!  Peeps, jelly beans and chocolate that is my kind of holiday.

Traditionally Easter falls on Passover and my family and I can't have any of the goodies that my MIL makes (my husband isn't Jewish) so my family brings matzo and chicken and watch everyone have the good stuff...BUT this year Easter is earlier so my son and I are planning tons of candy and lasagna at MIL house!!


Happy Easter Everyone!

Randy and Harley

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: AAHHHHHHHHHHH I hate men!!!!
« on: March 21, 2008, 06:23:06 pm »
My husband just walked by saw the title of the thread and wanted to know what he did wrong now??

I think he has a complex?


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Do you have a GPS (O/T)
« on: March 21, 2008, 09:45:24 am »
Thanks for the advise - I am going out today to look our first baseball excursion is in a few weeks we are going from Rochester NY - West Virginia!


I had an elkhound quite a few year ago, here name was Margo she was so beautiful - but she wasn't very nice : (
We got her after we were married only about a month and we lived in a small town where you could bring your dog many places with you, so she was very socialized, we went to obedience school, so she was trained, and she still wasn't nice.  She prefered to be outside alone than to be with us, when we came home she would walk up to me wag her tail one time and walk away and she totally ignored my husband.

In defense of elkhounds we think something was wrong with her we bought her from a vet at what we thought was 9 weeks when her papers arrived she had been 15 weeks.  We also think she may have been interbreed (at that time we weren't into checking into histories and visiting breeders we saw her she was gorgeous and we took her home...we have learned alot!)

A friend of my sons has an elkhound also prefers to be by herself but at least she will greet you and then walk away.

For those of you with elkhounds I don't mean to criticize your breed!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Do you have a GPS (O/T)
« on: March 20, 2008, 12:30:00 pm »
Hi everyone,

We are looking into buying a portable GPS system for our car.  It looks as though we will be doing some traveling this summer for my sons baseball team and I am GREAT at getting lost.

I know I want a 4.3" screen and voice command...but that is all I know so if anyone has a GPS they love or hate or just suggestions as to what I may look for please let me know.

Harley isn't overjoyed about this new travel but thankfully we have a WONDERFUL neighbor who will take excellent care of him!!

As always thanks for any advise


So not to upset anyone and because we all think this about our babies - I thought my Stoli (Eng. Springer Spaniel) was the cutest puppy in the world (sorry Harley you were strange looking!)  I look at pictures of Stoli and my heart just melts (sadly she is gone)....anyway back to the point, I now think that Lucca is probably the cutest puppy I have ever seen (he even gives Stoli a run for her money!)  I will have to scan in a puppy photo of her.

I just want to hug him!!  I would be a horrible Mom to Lucca as I would just melt and give in to whatever he was doing - eating my shoe - but look how cute he is, stealing the trash...who cares look how cute he is.

Please keep the pictures coming!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

WOW!!  Congratulation s and congratulation s on your new additions!!

What did whiskey think?  A brother and a siter all I can say is WOW and congratulation s!!

Randy and Harley

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Here we go again!
« on: March 17, 2008, 02:20:20 pm »
Harley seems to have beef allergies - he gets all itchy (although I've never seen hives) Beef also seems to dry out his skin (thus making things more itchy!)

We feed Canidae (sp?) chicken  he seems to like it we did feed natural balance duck and potatoe that worked also but was quite a bit more money, was involved in the tainted dog food scare and then we heard about canidae here and decided to try it.  So far so good

Best of luck that certainly is a big baby with lots of room for hives!!

Randy and Harley

Oh this is the WRONG place to try to get talked out of any dog!!  Especially when we all know what a great home you will give the little darling

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