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Messages - nohesnotahorse

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15
Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Dog Fur Sweater
« on: September 27, 2005, 10:10:58 am »
  ??? Anyone know how to make a dane grow long hair??  LOL  ;D

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Strange toys
« on: September 25, 2005, 12:02:49 pm »
Hmmm....we don't have any strange toys in the toy box but Bear loves everything he has so we do have lots of animal limbs in the box. That's right- in an ear here, leg there, empty stuffingless toys, etc.  It is hard to throw thing out and the funniest part is that he actually does play with the random ear or empty body....he is such a wierdo!

That's not too weird, or if it is there's another wierdo dog out there.  Although Feste only will play keep away with toys, Chance adores his stuffed animals.. in fact he 'loves them to death'.  He has decapitated and amputated so many now that i finally had to do a round-up and toss the worst of them las week.  And yes some of his favorites were the legs off a sqeeky-duck from target  (had a stretchy middle and squeekers in all of it's appendages; 5 in all!), as well as the outer shell off a large stuffed crawfish that he de-stuffed a month ago - he carried that around like linus' blanket! 

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Soft Poop Anyone
« on: September 25, 2005, 10:51:42 am »
Feste and Chance both have fairly loose poop.  Puck, who is 30 -35 lbs. and eats the same food (Diamond, Large Breed), has what I would consider normal consistency.  I've noticed that the big boys' seem to get looser when it gets really hot or if they have been on a very long walk (2-4 miles).  Since I've not had Feste or Chance during colder weather yet, I'm waiting to see if that has any effect.  According to the vet, all the tests are normal and there are no issues so he left it to me to either tolerate it or keep trying different foods.  I pretty much have learned to live with it (hoses down easily), but I do keep an eye on it for any major changes.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Let me introduce ourselves ...
« on: September 25, 2005, 10:37:12 am »
 :D  Welcome; this is a great group, you'll enjoy it here.   I'm Tom and I have a Dane, a Rott-Chow, a Great Labra-Dane Retriever, 2 cats, 4 chickens and a leased Appaloossa (horse).  Your Lucas is a very handsome boy.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: i'm new-- what a great site!!!
« on: September 25, 2005, 06:03:01 am »
 :D Welcome, you'll enjoy it here!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Need Input on Letter
« on: September 25, 2005, 01:26:40 am »
Here is the letter:

September 21, 2005

To Whom It May Concern:

   The riding of dogs is currently being promoted by certain people, most notably on a website:, owned by Mr. Tim Veldboom of (unknown town to be filled in),Wisconsin, although there are others.  This website promotes the riding of dogs by children, by posting photographs, videotape clippings, and written stories about these rides.  There are webpages with collections of these, in addition to one about “Teaching a Kid to Ride a Dog.”  Despite the recommendation found on the website that a dog can carry only 20% of its own weight, there are videotape clippings and photographs of large, older children appearing to weigh well over 40 lbs. riding small dogs.  In particular, the videotapes of the pit bulls and the young Great Dane show children riding dogs when they are far too large for their dogs.  Despite the recommendation, the presence of such pictures and videotape clippings on the website can only be taken as approval.
   This, if permitted to occur more than once or twice, could conceivably cause serious damage to these dogs or, even worse, the children.  The Great Dane, for example, shown in the videotapes, does not even appear to have finished growing; if this is the case, his bones could be severely damaged by the trauma of carrying a girl upon his back.  He is also quite nervous and appears to be afraid, a situation in which dogs have been known to bite in self-defense.  Even mature dogs should not have a significant amount of weight placed upon them for any length of time, excepting a properly fitted backpack. (
   Such actions may even constitute abuse, in the sense of using something contrary to its intended use, as dogs’ basic structure is unsuitable to bear weight.  They differ from animals capable of bearing weight, such as horses, in that their lumbosacral joint is quite flexible and even their backs flex when running, whereas horses have a much less flexible joint that allows far the back to flex far less. [Susan E. Harris, Horse Gaits, Balance and Movement (New York, New York: Howell Book House, 2003): pp. 23-24]  Thus, the practice of riding dogs may result in injury to the animal’s spine.
   This practice needs to be discouraged and spoken against, particularly by those people who have greater authority in the eyes of pet owners.  Veterinarians, in particular, have the obligation to inform their clients of the dangers of such practices.  It is my hope that they do, and that neither dogs nor children are injured as a result of this website and similar ones.


Sofia Arango of Mission, Texas

Any suggestions to improve the content or polish the expression of this letter would be appreciated.  If you would like to add your name to this letter or copy it to give to vets or trainers, that would also be appreciated.


(Edited to change one word in the letter.)

Please feel free to add my signature - Tom Andrews, Mobile, AL.  I am also going to forward this link to a couple of friends of mine who are with the SPCA and Local Friends of the Animal shelter , so that they can gt the word out.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Where'd you get your dog?
« on: September 25, 2005, 01:04:24 am »
Most of mine have either been foundlings, orphans or rescues.  Of the 3 that I have now, 2 are from rescues and 1 showed up on a neighbor's door as a very young puppy (probabaly just weaned).  In order earliest to latest order and with 2 special mentions at the end:

1) Puck - the foundling; he showed up on a neighbor's door not quite 4 yeas ago (can't believe it's been that long).  I had Spot (very dog aggressive) at the time and Carol (the neighbor) thought he might do well with a puppy, since I was considering getting a second dog with Spot aging.  Well, spot did take to him, so Puck stayed.   We think he's a Rott-Chow mix.  Puck is my ADHD dog... completely scatterbrained and bouncing off the wall, though at about 4 he is starting to settle down some (whew! finally).  Loves to swim.  He is very dog agressive and although he likes to dance a round an show off to people, he quickly get over it and moves on to other things.  Knows all the major commands and will do them if he is in the mood -maybe. Puck's pic:

2) Feste - All Dane All Heart.  He came from a rescue in Ft Walton Beach, Fl (about 2 hours east of Mobile).  Is apparently a well -bred boy, as he has a breeder's tatoo in his ear, but I've not been able to learn which breeder the tattoo goes to.   I had just lost my previous G. D. a couple of months before, and I was looking through, not intending to actually get another dog at the time, when I came across him.  He was so goofy looking in the picture that I couldn't resist.  I had to go see him.  He had been through 3 homes in less than a year with 2 trips to the local high-kill shelter in between.  All this and he was less than or right at, 1 year old.  Was scared of his own shadow when I met him but he has a charming personality and sweet disposition that still managed to show through.  I adopted him and brought him home that day (yes, I had gone to 'just look').  Feste's pic:

3) Chance - the foster Great Labra-Dane Retriever.  - I am fostering Chane for the same rescue that Feste came from.   He is a Charmer of the First Order.  Just as sweet as you would imagine a lab-dane mix to be and very playful... also digs lots of holes and chews up stuff left and right (though this seems to be waning (yay!)).  If we find him a good home then I will be happy; but everyone here likes him, so if we don't that is fine too.  Chance's pic:

Special Mention 1: Spot:  My sweet boy.  He was adopted at about 3 years old from a pet adoption at a local grooming/boarding facility.  He was 1/2 Lab and 1/2 Australian Shepherd.  Absolutely adored going to the beach.  Totally devoted and protective of me. The only thing he was afraid of was thunder.  When he passed from cancer at 10, it broke my heart.
Spot's pic:

Special Mention 2: Alexander: My 1st Dane- I got Alex from a vet in Louisiana who had rescued him.  Alex only lived to 3 1/2 years old.  The 1st 2  1/2  years of his life were terrible.  He had been abused (burns and someone tried to yank his tongue out of his head) and neglected and when the people finally took him to a vet, when they were informed that he had stage 3 or 4 heartworms, they advised the vet to euthanise him, as they weren't going to pay to treat him.  The vet refused and got them to sign over custody of him.  She then treated him from her own pocket and when he was strong enough began to look for a home for him.  A mutual friend brought us together.  Alex still had some recuperating to do when I brought him home, but he was so gentle and trusting that he stole my heart and that of anyone else who met him.  He loved to go anywhere where there were people and other dogs.  Because of that he ended up on the TV news and in the paper.  My friends all called him the newshound because of that.  He loved having his picture taken and would search out any camera wherever he was.  Unfortunately, the heartworms had left him with an enlarged heart and in the end, it just couldn't hold out.  He died of heartfailure the day before my birthday this year.  His pic was taken the day before he died:

O.k. for some reason the pics didn't post  the way I inserted them, so here they are in order:

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Our beautiful new (temporary) foster dog!
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:24:05 pm »
He's a very handsome boy... I know how they can grow on you.  Good luck whichever way you go. ;)

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Pray for my baby Tonka!
« on: September 21, 2005, 09:25:15 pm »
 :-[  my thoughts and prayers are with y'all.


Great Dane Discussions / Re: Tenchi in the WC lol
« on: September 21, 2005, 04:07:17 pm »
 ;D  LOL - what a great pick-me-up at the nd of a long day!  I hope Tenchi got the big 'good boy' treat at the end of that photo shoot!!   ;D

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Then and Now
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:57:48 pm »
 :D  These are GREAT!! Everyone's then and now pics are just wonderful!  Almost makes me want a new dane puppy... lol.  But 3 boys are enough for right now!  Since I got Feste at a year old, back in May, I don't have baby pics of him.  But the 1st is of him a week after I brought him home from the rescue (taken 5/28) and the second and third are from last weekend.

Tom, Feste's 'papa'

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Graduation Day For Dixie & Sugar Bear
« on: September 11, 2005, 08:20:06 pm »
Congrats to Dixie and Sugar Bear!  They look quite fetching  in their graduation caps!   :)

Tom, Feste's 'papa' 

Bills & Other Legislative Acts / Re: Dogs Drown in Sewer By City Worker
« on: September 11, 2005, 02:26:53 pm »
#6584 - i can not even begin to image what any of these people were thinking!  The should all be given the max that the law will allow!

Tom, Feste's 'papa'

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: ABD Rescue Worked to Get Puppy
« on: September 10, 2005, 09:36:21 pm »
::)  Well, some really good news.  The American Bull Dog Rescue of PA worked w/me to get a puppy into my arms and home.  I would really like to thank the ABD Rescue for their faith in me, especially Jodi who really wanted me to have Pavon.  I go this week to pick her up.  The ABD Rescue DOES work to get pets and families together and THEY REALLY CARE!  Thanks to all you for your support, to ABD Rescue and Jodi for all you do! 
I will be driving to pick up Pavon VERY soon - maybe a few days.  :)

What a beautiful Girl!  Congratulation s and best wishes for a long and happy time together !!

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