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Messages - amberdoggoneit

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Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: How to keep feet White?
« on: February 28, 2008, 08:58:32 am »
Yea it is.  Luckily today when were went for our evening walk, we walk around a 2 acre pond and he decided to take a drink and his paws got wet and all the mud and dirt was mostly off by the time we got home :)

Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: How to keep feet White?
« on: February 28, 2008, 06:19:08 am »
Yea we do have a deck but for some reason it jus tsticks to him and doesnt come off.  We also have a long piece of carpet that stays at the backdoor so when they walk in they "wipe" their feet. 

I will try the bucket idea.  I mean if nothing works I will stick with what I am doing now and just wash his feet whenever they are bad. 

Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: How to keep feet White?
« on: February 28, 2008, 04:07:20 am »
haha It is alright Baxter is an English Springer Spaniel and has all the Feathering on his legs.  I try to keep his pads as short as possible. It just has been raining here alot for th pst couple of weeks and it seems like if there is any mud for a mile it will be on his feet feathering and underbelly

Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: How to keep feet White?
« on: February 27, 2008, 08:21:29 pm »
No baxter is very well trained i nthe since i tell him his feet are dirty and he runs and jumps in the tub.  Pouting the whole time of course but will stand and let me wash them.

Thanks fr all the info

Bulldog Discussion & Pictures / Re: I need your help...
« on: February 27, 2008, 10:16:36 am »
If you are speaking of an American Bulldog I love the breed.  I had two when I was a teenager.  They are great with family but are gaurd dogs. 

They will naturally bark at people that come to the house and as with any dog wou would really need to socialize from a puppy like we did.  They are pretty healthy dogs.

We unfortunatley got ours from a Backyard breeder and both dogs died at 6 from genetic heart problems.  they were Brother and sister.

I have a friend that has a male and a female. Her female is a little on the aggressive side but she wasa rescue from a man that fought his dogs.  She is great with people once she gets to know them but ify until then.  The male is a big love. 

They actually laugh becasue right up the road from their house is a school and he gets out and goes to visit at recess. 

Her kids will come home with him and tell their mom all the games he played with the kids.     

Discussions & Information on Grooming / How to keep feet White?
« on: February 27, 2008, 10:07:41 am »
I dont know how!!!!!  I have to wash Baxter's feet almost everynight when he comes in from his long afternoon in the backyard. 

I get home from school at about 3 and the dogs are begging to go out.  They go out from 3 until about 5 or 5:30 then we take a walk at 6.

His feet are black after only about 10 minutes outside.  It is getting harder and harder to keep washing his feet with my growing belly and aching back. 

I would just leave his feet the way they are but we have very light carpet all throughout the house and with a baby on the way I am trying to keep everything as clean as possible. 

Any suggestions?

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Dog barking and Baby Question?
« on: February 27, 2008, 04:35:29 am »
Thanks everyone for the advice.  I figured that just making sure our dogs had their manners in order and not doing much different would be alright. 

I think that is really interesting about letting the dogs smell them right when they get home.  It makes alot of sense.  All the trainers have said put the dogs outside and come home.  Then when you get home go and see the dogs and let them smell the baby on you.  Only after they had calmed down from that could the baby even be shown to the dogs. 

But doing it as soon as you get home and just getting it over with makes so much sense.  I figure that my dogs will be very interested at first and then just say "Ok that was cool NEXT!"   ;D

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Dog barking and Baby Question?
« on: February 26, 2008, 11:10:27 am »
Yea we were told to put a diaper on a bear which we have done. only have had one diaper incident and that was hubby's fault. 

We were also told that whenever I have the baby bring let hubby bring home the blanket the baby was wrapped in that day and put it on the bear and put the bear in the carseat to let the dogs get used to it and the smell.

A trainer also told me to get a cd of a baby crying and play it at different intervals of the day so dogs get used to the noise before the baby even arrives. 

But I know that most baby's have a different cry than others.  I know my neice and nephew both cried very differently. 

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Dog barking and Baby Question?
« on: February 26, 2008, 10:24:44 am »
I have been talking to different trainers and reading alot to get our "fur" babies ready for the new baby.  Some one told me to let the dogs bark as much as they want around me while pregnantbecasu e then the baby will be oblivious to it  after they are born. 
We have always taught our dogs that there really isnt a need for barking unless it seems neccessary like someone at the door or outside in the yard.  They do know speak and we have tried doing that but the trainer insists that the dog just needs to randomly bark like at night or early in the morning so the baby is used to it. 
Is this man crazy or does this really work?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Brute found a new home!!!
« on: February 22, 2008, 03:32:53 am »
AWwww that is great news. At least you will get Deacon visits whenever you want ;)

 God bless your dad---two weims the poor soul--hahahahahahaaa  ;)

HAHAHA ;D I told him he was crazy!  I at least was blaming my decision on being pregnant.  I wasnt thinking straight ;)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Brute found a new home!!!
« on: February 21, 2008, 03:46:21 pm »
Yea I know and I do have a key to my dad's house so anytime that I need to Puppynap him  I can ;)

No I know that it was best

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Brute found a new home!!!
« on: February 21, 2008, 02:14:04 pm »
Well my dad came by to see us this evening.  I made dinner and we were all just sitting there eating when he said, I think that yall do not need another puppy and I would love to have him. 

My husband looked at him and said its ok you can just say that you want him.  The nmy dad admitted that from day one he wanted him but saw how attached I got from the beginning. 

So Brute is now with my dad and stepmom who already have a 1 year old Weim so it isnt like they are new to the breed.  They do get along already.  Tab usually comes over once every two weeks for a playday so I guess now Brute wil ltoo.  But his name isnt goin to be Brute anymore it is going to be Deacon.

I am sad but at least I still get  to see him whenever I want and I can now concentrate on my dogs and the upcoming baby :'( :'( :'( :'(

Well my vet recommended I didnt get mine spayed until 2 so that way they would have all the time to grow.

 Also the breeder we got Bell from had a contract with us that he got to use her one time with breeding because of her color and bloodline.(suppose to have great hunting bloodline  but all she hunts are flies) ;D

She was a momma about a year ago but is getting spayed March 3

My two have slept out of crates since about 11 months. They have thier dog beds in our room so they are happy to sleep on them.  

But we still crate during the day. For some reason I am terrified to leave them out all day.  I just know that I will come home to a ruined house. haha

They are in thier crates during the day while we are gone and out the rest of the time.  It very much depends on the dog.  I know that if bell was left out all day and night then she would open the fridge help herself to some snacks and I would come home to no food!  And you just cant do that to a pregnant woman!!!! ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: NAme for my Baby
« on: February 17, 2008, 03:45:31 pm »
Well the only thing that I eat almost everyday is strawberries, but I will eat any fruit that I can.  I dont really crave it though.  If we have it we have it but if we dont then I dont make my husband go in the middle of the night and find any. 

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