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Messages - marinafb

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 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Well i don't thnk i have to worry about him as much as other people! Yesterday a man missed me by two inches as he just missed hitting a turning car and cut over to my lane just missing hitting me! I think i would take my chances with your son before the other crazies out there! Marina

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Moving Day
« on: April 19, 2008, 12:32:40 am »
Lin i am sure Miss Lady misses you more than you will ever know you and Grace were her world you spent so much time w/them how could she not miss you? You love those dogs more than most people love there kids and your pics of the pups always showed that! I wonder if she still has the bandana i made he for christmas 2 years ago? Marina

 >:( >:( >:( >:(
In the first post they had a pic of the dog he is very handsome! It really breaks my heart in the way they have worded it they NEED TO GET RID OF THE DOG like he is a piece of garbage? And they are replacing him with a puppy?  :'( :'( :'( :'(

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Boarding The Big Guy
« on: April 18, 2008, 11:10:03 am »
No but i know they will take very good care of him i do not want him in a kennel for a week wondering why! I would like him to be in someones home getting the same love he would at home! They are the very best Marina

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Boarding The Big Guy
« on: April 18, 2008, 10:41:41 am »
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Not only was the price right but they give the $ to the huskey rescue group! Well i have found a womon that is going to come to the house and take Bryce to school and pick him up and bring him home ! Then she is going to come to the house around 2pm and let Freya out. Milo is going to the vet techs house. She sounds very nice and i will meet her next week with her references. Marina

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Moving Day
« on: April 18, 2008, 10:35:55 am »
 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Oh how cute she is helping unpack i am so glad you both are happy in your new digs! I often wonder how miss lady is doing and does she get to visit miss grace? You guy take care Marina

We have a Shephard/Collie that we are looking to get rid of.

We have a Shephard/Collie that we are looking to get rid of. He is a year and three months. He is a good dog, trained, housebroken. We have to give him up because he has a lot of energy so he would have to go to a home that preferably has a fenced in yard, or someone who would be able to spend a lot of time with him.We are going to get a puppy and start all over again. We live in an apartment and it is just not enough room for him. He also has some social problems with dogs. He does not know how to greet them, but we have been taking him to classes for this and he has been improving. If you would like to continue to take him to classes we could let you know where we take him. We are going to be giving the dog away to a good, loving home for free. If you would like his crate and toys it would be an extra $75. We have all of his paperwork and he has all his shots, and he is also neutered. Please give either of us a call if you have any questions or if you would like to come meet him. He is very friendly! Dave (516) 528-0540 Kari (585) 944-3733

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Boarding The Big Guy
« on: April 17, 2008, 12:07:18 pm »

 Here is the place i would like to board Bryce when i am having surgery i called to book a spot for him and they are full that week. I am so bummed out :( :( :( it is the only place in the area i would take him! Marina >:(

Owen, I am so sorry for your loss. I can definitely see both points of view. But according to your story, Mack liked to play with big dogs and was playing with a Dane when it happened so I don't see how the Napoleon complex would have anything to do with this Tspanos. Also the fact that Mack was 4 months old, I mean that is when pups can learn a lot from other dogs not so much asserting going on just yet. Pugs, puggles, a lot of small terrier breeds and more are bruiser kind of dogs and seem to like to play with the big guys. I know Gweck (my Dane) likes to play with big and small dogs. I actually like when he plays with small to medium, he is much more gentle and less likely to try and wrestle all tough than when he plays with big dogs. Instead he plays keep away and lets the smaller dogs jump all over him. Anyways enough of my rambling. Again I am so very sorry for your loss!

I wanted to also add, I understand this is a big dog forum but that doesn't mean we can't be sympathetic of small dogs. What the main issue here is, is that a dog was killed. It doesn't matter if it was big or small. It doesn't matter what breed the offending dog is. It is a horrible scenario and should just be looked at as such. I must say this thread has made some big dog owners look like big bullies and I think it's the BPO'ers doing it not Owen. Sorry if this sounds preachy but, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. Thanks


I have to agree with Julie no matter what the circumstances are Owen lost his beloved pet Mack. Why is everyone so quick to judge? His dog is dead the lady did drive off I have heard the same story from 3 different people that were there when it happened. She knows who Owen is and has still not contacted him. Other people are coming forward and stating her dogs were viscous and had attacked other dogs in the past she did nothing to prevent it from happing. This dog park is really not supervised by anyone there are no boundaries for small dogs or large dogs. As a responsible dog owner I take my dogs to supervised play areas where the dogs must have all there shots and qualified people are keeping a eye on the pups it there is any sign of aggression the owner and the dog must leave. I posted this story to begin with so everyone was informed this could happen and did happen just ask Owen. Not so everyone could judge what mistakes Owen made shame on us. I felt so ashamed when Owen stated so people do not believe me and there judging me my heart sunk thinking how would I feel if that was me and I had just one of my beloved pups? This site is to inform and this is related to Large and small dogs as to the fact it was on craigslist just like any other posts on this site you choose what you read it is your responsibility to voice your opinion constructively! Marina


I am the owner of the dog that was killed at the park, my name is Owen. My dogs name was Mack. First I would like to say thank you to everyone that has sent there pryers and thoughts via email to us. Second We have been in contact with every member of board that over see"s the park as well as the director of the buffalo animal control, as well as the media. All of which where so support off and helpful. There is a story on channel 2 as well as Third. We where totally and completely in our rights as homeowners in the city of buffalo to have Mack there. I personally dont care how big a dog is or what breed the dog is, it comes down to being able to control your pets, and the lady who owned the dog that attacked mack was not able to do so. I have owned many dogs in my life from large to small, from "pitts to "labs". And I have seen small dogs as well as large dogs be untrained and unsocial. So to all that say why was my dog there in the first place. I responed, because he loved it there and it was his favorite place to go. And thats why he was there.

Thank you
Owen & Liz

I recieved this email from Owen an he ask me to post this Marina

From: O B []
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 11:09 PM
To: Marina F. Belknap

Hello Marina, thank you for your response. I checked out the site and I was amazed at some of the comments maid by somepeople. Some dont believe it happened at all, others think it was my poor dogs fault, and still other think it was my fault for having him there in the first place. Well when mach was attacked he was playing with his friend, a 4yr old great dane male. I hope people will realize its not the breed or size ot gender of the dog its how it was raized. If you can please post this message on that site for me.
Thank you

This was posted on craigslist under pets BUFFALO today.

As owners of a small dog, my fiance and my self were horrified to read this. We frequent this dog park with our Pomeranian and have never had an issue. Some one who has a dog they cannot control should not be there. It's one thing for a small dog to be injured after being trampled by or wrestling with a larger dog. Its another thing entirely for an dog to be attacked by another. There used to be "Abner Hours", time for small dog owners to bring there dogs. These hours where never honored by large breed dog owners. Small or large, all dogs are welcome there at all hours as long as they meet the posted rules. This Newfoundland obviously didn't. While this poor pug, as long as all shots where up to date did fall within the requirements. We were both bothered by the comments posted in response justifying what happened. To bring into breeds of the dogs that were there is playing right into stigmas some breeds have that are completely false. A vicious dog is a vicious dog small or large, pitbull or lab. We both are sorry for your loss and hope things work out for you and that something is done about this.

The dog park they are talking about is small i am sure they will  find this person since she had three Large dogs with her someone will remember something and i am sure she will be caught. I can't understand why she would't put the dogs in the car and then go see how Owen was ??? No she has to live every day knowing what the her dog did. The only other reason i could think of maybe they were not her dogs,maybe she was a dog walker even then i still would have checked out the injuries and did everything i could have for Owen sad story! Marina


My name is owen and my dog was killed today april 10th at the dog park off porter ave. He was a 4 month old pug named mack. He was attacked by a newfoundland. The lady the owned the dog had him on a lesh and the dog dragged her to my dog and he attacked. It took about 10 people to get mack free from the dog. He was barely alive and we rushed him to the vet, however he died in my arms on the way there.
The lady ran off before we could get her information, and we couldn't chase after her because we wanted to get to the vet asap. Im hoping that some one will know the lady Im talking about.
1. She is in her late 30's to early 40's, she is about 5'8"ft tall to about 6ft. She also has long blond hair.
2. She had 3 dogs with her.
The first was a great pyarense that had gray fron legs
The second was a pure black newfoundland
The third was a white and black newfoundland how's name is oliver, he is the one that killed my dog.
3. Myself and the other witness have seen her there before.
I want this women to be brought to justice and to atleast say sorry for her dogs afull act. There is a small reward for any info that leads to us contacting her.

Thank you

Location: BUFFALO NY

Thank you to everyone who sent me their advice and links and offers to help transport Molly up from GA. Unfortunatly the people from the shelter told me that Molly was turned into the shelter by a very uncaring owner and she passed away from pneumonia. I am heartbroken. But at least when I lay my eyes and set my heart on another fur baby, I have resources to help me transport if neccessary. What a sad day.

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