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Messages - amberdoggoneit

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: puppy coughing?
« on: February 12, 2008, 12:08:53 pm »
Completely agree.  Actually my husband and Her husband kind of got into it last night.  My husband was telling him how irresponsible he is and that he shouldt even be allowed to own a dog.  Yea and she is more of a coworker than a friend.  We got a little closer when she was researching the breed of a weim becasue I have one.

I figured that the puppy is far better with us than any of those people.  I thought that we can get him better maybe even housetrained and find him a great forever home but he is on 20 days worth of meds so I'm sure I will be attached by then. hahaha ;D 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: puppy coughing?(updated)
« on: February 11, 2008, 02:05:09 pm »
Well now we have a new problem.  My friend can no longer keep the pup.  The breeder wont take it back and her husband wont let her keep it. 

So even though 5 months pregnant my husband and I  are probably going to have a new member of our family tonight.  I know that I am going to regret this but I cant let an 8 week old perfectly healthy puppy get put to sleep.  That is what everyone has decided on.  Vet included!!!!

Her husband decided that it was too much money to put into a "dog".  All he needed was about 40 dollars worth of meds for 15 days.  Then go see the vet agian.  I think that it is ridiculous that they spent 400 dollars on a pup and now they are just going to put it to sleep the first thing that happens. 

I told her all the things that have happened with our dogs and how much money they are probably worth from surguries to allergies to everything else.  So in about an hour we will have a new 8 week old Wiemaraner.  It is a boy so I will need help to find a name.  They had had him 2 weeks and hadnt named him yet so any suggestions? 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: puppy coughing?
« on: February 11, 2008, 07:41:56 am »
Well the puppy has broncitis.  Poor little thing

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / puppy coughing?
« on: February 11, 2008, 04:43:31 am »
ok My friend just recently got a puppy weimaraner.  The puppy is 8 weeks old.  She has had it for about two weeks now.  Well on friday night the puppy started to cough.  It would cough until it gagged and nothing would come out.  The chest was very clear and there was no drainage from the nose or eyes. 

 Well the next morning on Saturday she took the puppy to the vet.  She said it wasnt her usual vet because the vets at the practice take turns on saturday.  Well she waited there for an hour with the pup and they then took her back to a room.  The vet came in looked at the pup and I guess because it wasnt coughing at the time said that there was nothing wrong with it and that the coughing would pass.  He held the puppy up to his ear and said no the chest sounds fine!!

Well taking the vets advice they went home with the pup and it started to act a little more normal but still coughing.  Yesterday the poor little puppy wouldnt eat or drink.  She said that she was cooking everyhing in her house trying to get it to eat something and it wouldnt touch it.  He simply laid on his bed and slept most of the day and only woke up to go to the bathroom. 

Well this morning took him back to the vet and her regular vet was there.  He took a look at the pup and said that there was nasal drainage he was weezing and they ended up admitting him for observation. 

I was eondering what in the world could this be?  It progressed so fast.  We thought maybe kennel cough but she has two other dogs and neither are coughing.  We also thought maybe allergies because the pine pollen is very bad right now but wouldn't he get releif from being inside?  Let me know what yall thnk

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Bell is having skin allergies
« on: February 02, 2008, 02:45:41 am »
ok we live in a very small town (3 red lights and two resturants).  We have always fed our dogs very great food but then had to switch to por plan which is still a good food.  But then we couldnt find it anymore so we had to switch to Iams. 

Our dogs have been on it for 3 weeks and our wiem Bell, her skin and fur look horrible.  Alot of her hair has fallen out on the sides and when you pet her it comes out even worse.  It has just become really bad this morning.

  My husband goes out of town for work and whenever he goes by a petsmart or any other pet store he immediatley would buy bags of food but he hasnt had to go out of town for about 3 months and we need to change foods fast. 

Does anyone know of great foods that you can have shipped or anything that you can make yourself.  I was looking things up online and I have seen alot about the RAW diet.  Didnt know if anyone knew anything about it. 

thank everyone so much

Yes I completely agree with everyone.  I really couldnt believe that he was asking this of me.  But I tried to talk to him about it and he was like if we get it now then it will be housetrained by the time the baby comes. MEN!

I told him that just because our two dogs housetrained very early(they havent had an accident in the house since they were ten weeks old) that it probably wouldnt go so well with a new puppy.  Also I told him that yes the puppy might be housetrained but it would be in the middle of teething when the baby came, chewing up everything and if I found a whole bunch of stuff chewed up I would probably loose it. 

But i feel like i am talking to a brick wall because right after our conversation then i found him online looking at pug breeders and when I asked him he was like well I would like to see who we will eventually get one from.(yea trying to be smooth)HELP!!!!!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / My husband wants a puppy!!!!!!
« on: February 01, 2008, 11:56:10 pm »
ok I am five months pregant we have two dogs already and my husband came to me last night (very seriously I might add) and asked if we could think about a new puppy.
Now he knows that I am a sucker for dogs especially puppies and I would have every dog in the world.  but I had to think logically about this for a minute.  I then asked what it was he was wanting to get.  He then tells me a Pug. 

He had a pug when we first got married and it died at the age of 14 years old.  We then got our two dogs that we have not to replace the pug but to fill the void. So I feel bad now.  He always wanted one agian but said that it would take a while before he could gert another one.  Well now it has been almost three years and he wants one.

Should I tell him maybe after the baby is born or should we just go for it.  I just know I am already having to work with Bell about her jumping I just dont want to make my life a lot harder with a new baby.  what do yall think?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Baby and Hyper dogs?
« on: February 01, 2008, 11:41:47 pm »
she is very well trained she was suppose to be my husbands "hunting" dog so we did all the training with her for that. though we discovered that we fell in love with her so much I couldnt stand the fact that he was going to take her out in the cold to hunt. she is walked everyday.  so it isnt so much that she has alot of pent up energy.
I dont know if this will cause it because I know any new situations you need to train more but she was very good at not jumping and then about 6 months ago we bought our first home.  So we moved an it is much bigger than the last house we had the same amount of yard but the jumping got much worse.  Then a month later I found out that I was pregnant and we started training with her all over agian.
We started last night and are hoping that maybe the sit stay will work.  I know it wont be right away but i am trying.  Also I dont know if I should start with treats or without.  I get great results with treats but dont really want to have to wean off of them later. What do yall think?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Baby and Hyper dogs?
« on: February 01, 2008, 12:48:03 pm »
yea I am hoping that is what it is that she knows that these childern are older and can "hang" with the big dogs.  I also think that maybe since the baby is ours she will react differently.
 Yea we got one of those jumpy things about a month ago she kept getting out of it and then my husband wasnt paying attention to her and she got it from the counter and destroyed it. 
I will try the sit stay approach and see how that goes maybe it will be that simple.  We might just be thinking to hard about it but we will definatley keep yall posted.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Baby and Hyper dogs?
« on: February 01, 2008, 10:13:11 am »
we have our dogs trained that they have a specific "chair" to lay on which is just a red blanket on the ground in our den.  The only thing that worries me is that whenever small childern come over or anything like that they beg me to put up the "big" dog because she is rough with them. I was a dog trainer at petsmart and fortunatley got to take my pets with me everydayy so the exposure to kids was from day 1.  She is just rough with childern.  Knocks them over while going past them and jumps at thier face trying to lick them.  I am very thkful that she likes kids because I would hate if she didnt i think this process would be alot harder but she likes them so much that I am a little worried about her.  We have uped the obedience and are trying to work with her on jumping but nothing is working.  Someone has told me to use a shock collar for the jumping but I am not sure what do yall think? 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Baby and Hyper dogs?
« on: January 31, 2008, 06:01:16 pm »
It has been so long since I have been able to get on here.  But here is my question.  I am about 5 months pregnant due mid july.  What is the best way to get a somewhat hyper dog that has no idea how big she is to calm down for a newborn?  We have a weimaraner and an english springer spaniel.  Our weim is much more hyper than the springer.  She is also still really bad at jumping up so I dont know if it would be a good idea to not allow her in the babys room so she doesnt get used to jumping on things.  We are having her spaued next month and didnt know if that would help at all.  I would love everyones imput because we dont have much time until our new arrival is here and want our "fur" babies to apart of this experience as much as anyone else.

i am trying to talk my fiance into keeping him!!!  But isnt going so well because we already have a deposit for a baby pug.   :'(

I have had him here with our dogs for the past three days.  We have an unnuetered male and female that was just in heat and everyone is getting along great. 
Our nieghbors have three chihuahuas and he has played with them also.  We have cats that are nieghborhood cats and he is fine with them.  He barks cause he wants them to play with him but when they get up to him his little (or should I say big tail) .  I am going to send some picks of him so yall can see what he looks like.  We have been calling him Muddy.  He seems to know how to sit  and Lay down.  And if you have food he will shake and speak.  So we have been trying to see what he likes and doesnt like.  O by the way he LOVES baths.   ;D

My best friend called me last night ans told me about this breeder that lived next door to her and had 7 chessies.  Well he ended up moving three months ago leaving 4 of the dogs there and all were from a litter he couldn't sell.  My friend has been feeding them about a week after the guy moved.  She has maaged to find homes for the three girls not the boy (who is by far the biggest).   She said that he is 7 months old and wieghs about 90 lbs.  He is Very sweet with kids.  she has a four and a five year old and the kids just lay on him.  He is very affectionate.  She said that everyone that comes out to see him loves him the most but realize he is just going to be too BIG!  I don't think that would be a problem here!   ;D   

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Storm 5 months old ~ beach pics
« on: June 16, 2007, 10:19:51 pm »
  I cant stand it looking at these beautiful newfie babies makes me want one so bad!!!!!!!!!

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