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Messages - Tspanos

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Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Kali and her POOL!!!!
« on: June 17, 2006, 09:11:12 pm »
I took Kali to a friend's gunite pool today. Before you ask I don't have any good pics as I was in the pool but she wasn't as into the waer as I had hoped. She would come down the stairs upto her chest and then just stair at me like come on dad get out of the water don't make me come in. Then I went to the deep end and she began running frantically around the pool coming up to the edge then taking off. One of her jaunts to the side of the pool I think she thought there were stairs there and when she went to step in she ended up diving in. She started swimming right away but didn't surface quick enough for my liking so I went to her and pulled her up to the surface and showed her where the stairs were so she could get out. She preceded to run around the pool again and as soon as i was in the deep end in she came again. This time she dove in full speed and went under probably three feet, surfaced, swam to me, and I led her to the stairs. She spent the rest of time either on the lawn watching me like a hawk or on the stairs, with me tauting her that I needed a real water Newf like Winslow.

I don't know alot about roses, all i can say is that the fertilizing them with the rose specific fertilizer does wonders. Hopefully someone here has a little more help to offer.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: jumping on the counters???
« on: June 15, 2006, 11:12:09 am »
Kali could care less about the pebbles in a bottle. It really makes a nasty sound that drives everyone including Lacey our ausie crazy, Kali just doesn't care about it. Just a warning it doesn't work for everyone.

Monthly Photo Contests / Re: Vote Here for the June Photo Contest
« on: June 13, 2006, 10:35:50 pm »
We need Kali votes she needs a Jamie original BPO bandana!!!

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: cut on the ear
« on: June 12, 2006, 09:31:57 am »
Hehe  drove to the beach for salt water.  What we won't do for our pups.

Tina you have to understand the Cape is only like 6 miles wide where the girls live, so they can go to the ocean or the bay in less than 5 minutes. Although I imagine it could take a little longer now with the tourists.

A little note for the girls and Fumbs, the New England Newf Club is having a get together I believe the weekend of Sept 17 in Barnstable so it will be your neck of the woods. We also need to start planning something for the kids B-Days Winslow is June 28 and Fumble is July 9? so they are approaching.

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: cut on the ear
« on: June 12, 2006, 09:05:47 am »
i can only imagine how i'll be when my future first child sneezes for the first time!
Everybody in the car, to the ER at twice the speed limit, screaming at the Triage Nurse on arrival telling them its a imperitive that your child be seen immediatly. The flip is Fumble might well get you over this whole process and you might be at the point of the "It's a long way from the heart." mentality.

How is it we leave you two alone on the Cape to clean and you end up maiming(sp) the Fumbs. It sounds like you did everything right except the salt water, while it will undoubtedly work, saline solution is what you were most likely thinking of when you thought "salt water" to flush the cut.

Is that Bell and Hovis's van in the first pic, if so it looks incredible and we need more pics. Looks like you had  fun as we did although leave it to you, a seasoned exhibitor, to bring the wrong dog into a class. At least you found Shannon to carry your weight.

I don't know how you feel or really even what your going through at this moment but I will make a satement about almost everyone here on BPO and thats that they all care.

I also would ask do you really question yourself so much as you question Rosie. You know how she is normally, that is how she has been, my question would be what else is out of character recently. Your upset so you definitely didn't see this coming. Think during feeding time, her interactions with the rest of your pack and other family members, even the amount of sleep she's been getting? When you take her in for the health check be sure to let the vet know the reason for the visit. Hopefully they can find a reason other than Rosie being a "lost cause" (I hate this term like most but its the best description I can think of as type this) because that just isn't going to help.

You guys look you all had a blast.

Amber how much is a teeth/mouth cleaning by Mr. Baxter? Who by the way I believe to be Sophie's pup.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: New England Newf Day June 11th
« on: June 10, 2006, 08:13:50 pm »
To Eiren,
Leave Stacey she's the cleaner, come on, come on, ya have ta come.
Actually I mapquested it and it is 1 mile less than it is for us to come out to you guys on the Cape, (123 vs 124 miles and more than two hours) so we totally understand your not coming on that point alone. Never mind the fact that with a Newf and two twenty somthin girls living in that house I can imagine its current state.

Erin told me to offer to return with you guys and we would all spend the afternoon cleaning until I mapquested it and discovered how far it actually was. :o We love ya but 350 miles in one day is a bit much. We will have to get you guys down here sometime before the end of the summer. We also need to plan Winslow and Fumble's B-Days.Tim

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: New England Newf Day June 11th
« on: June 10, 2006, 04:34:15 pm »
We will be there.
Hey Rich, Erin and I were talking and are wondering if Dawn isn't just a figment of your imagination, get where I'm going. Will Dawn be coming with you and Winslow tomorrow?

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Angus and Abby at the dogpark
« on: June 10, 2006, 08:19:44 am »
Angus has a girlfriend! Andrue how did you remember her name or did yiou just make it up when you posted the pics.

I have to start here with Stella OMG your family is horribble I can't imagine having that happen.

As for Doggylover thank you so much for the entertainment this morning it was absolutly great to wake up to this.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: New England Newf Day June 11th
« on: June 09, 2006, 02:54:25 pm »
We should be there, i have to run into work tonight and confirm my day was given away but it shouldn't be a problem since when I called last night it was all but done.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: eeewwiie grrooosss!!
« on: June 07, 2006, 12:07:41 pm »
If your really dead set at eradicating the ticks there is an organic granule that basically repels the bugs (maybe on Rich's link) or you can go commercial and apply an insecticide but you will have to keep Fumble off the area until at least the first rain, and you have to be really careful yourselves.
My general suggestion would be go with the insecticide but maybe wait till you can take a long weekend and visit your Mom and us in CT.
Apply it and depending on the product recomendations, possibly water the lawn to activate the granule.

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