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Messages - RMSChloe

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Anybody an expert of wild birds here?
« on: August 06, 2007, 01:19:28 am »
Did you ask the vet who amputated the wing? i know nothing about birds, but maybe theres a wild animal preservation around you? i know there is one by me, if there is, i would maybe ask if they could take him, that way he would have a place to live forever being injured and all, and they will know what the best thing to do with him is (as far as feeding and care) the preservation by me is wonderful, they have a bald eagle and some wolves and mountain lions and stuff. its really neat, you can go and look at the animals and its fun because theyre all rescued and its so wonderful to see them doing better!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Be careful what you whistle for ...
« on: August 06, 2007, 01:04:23 am »
i love it when they run at you!  the best is when you are used to it and they run full speed at a strangeR!  it's so funny to see how scared they get! lol!  but i think that's just hte owner thinking it's funny! hehe!

i must have looked like such a dork when i went to get my pup. i met her parents and the other dane bitch they had and when the opened the doors they literally "released the hounds" they came full speed at me and my man, now im used to horses doing this so i instinctually said "whoa! whoa!!" yeah ummm someone forgot to tell me, theyre dogs, not horses! lol

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Fleas :(
« on: August 06, 2007, 12:52:25 am »
I agree with the DE :)

But a quick fix to helpt the kitten would be to dunk her in water.  Keep her under the water (head out of course) for about 5 mins.  The fleas will drown and you will see them floating on the top of the water.

yeah dont drown kittie.... but hey, no kittie, less fleas! just kidding, i love kitties, ive had them all my life. i have one now, his name is Toast...

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Therapy Dogs
« on: August 06, 2007, 12:45:34 am »
thank you so much, you guys are always so much help! we started getting Chloe into class a month ago, but then when her HOD acted up, there were many days when she couldnt walk or even sit up, so we had to pull her. But as soon as shes all clear we are going to get her into more classes. Chloe has been exposed to so much already, little kids running and screaming around her, people that were old and young. Loud people, shy people... i know she still has a lot of work to do... but shes been great with every situation so far. Actually, for example... my neice who will be 2 in november LOVES Chloe. she loves to hang on her and kiss and hug her. and with how little kids are, she sometimes gets too excited and gets a little rough, and Chloe never even  flinches. The other day she tried to step over her, and she accidently stepped on Chloes foot, all Chloe did was move over a little so she could get over her. But my 1yr old nephew is terrified of dogs (no one knows why, nothing has ever happened) if he even sees Chloe he cries... one day he was in his walker and Chloe went over and put her paw on his tray as if to say "hey buddy, wanna be friends" and he started SCREAMING like someone was killing him, and Chloe didnt panic, she just backed away and went and did something else. shes great at petsmart by the way, everyone comes up to her and pets her and when my man and i are busy looking at an item, she just sits or lays down and waits. The only time she ever barks is if shes really really having a good time playing, or if she needs me and im not paying attention. she doesnt chase after any other animals at all, sometimes she follows the cat around the yard begging her to play, but she never goes faster than a walk, and isnt aggressive. she recently made friends with my inlaws neighbors whos backyard joins my inlaws, and in seppareted by a chainlink fence. her neighbor has a Pom. and a Chihuahua. The Pom is actually very pretty i do have to say, but the two came up to the fence and Chloe then went up, the Pom licked Chloes face and they got along. the Chihuahua doesnt like other dogs and barked at her very aggresively... Chloe never barked back or flinched, she just walked away and didnt bother him. sorry its so long, just trying to give you a feel of what kind of temperment she has.

hahaha yeah doggie farts stink...

« on: August 05, 2007, 04:03:01 pm »
yeah the tooth fairy.... actually i made fun of my man about that and said "ohhh what are we going to do with these things, collect them all and put them under her pillow and the canine fairy will come and leave her a new toy"... but i would like to do a scrapbook.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Therapy Dogs
« on: August 05, 2007, 04:00:39 pm »
born into it i can kind of see.... she was the "layed back" pup in the group. she was always away from the rest just sitting and watching them, occationally playing. but i think what made her special is her HOD. im not saying its a good thing that shes got it, but good things have come from it. she seems to have a connection to people who are sick, like she understands how the pain is. i would really love to get her into therapy with children, really i would love to get into roswell or something, with the children that have cancer. my cousin had lymphoma, she was diagnosed when she was 2. my mans mother had brain cancer.. both servived. but i dont know about something like that because i know that their immune systems are down and theres potential to get sick from the animals.. even if the animals arent sick. i dunno though.... shes still going to need a lot of work, ive looked at whats on the tests and i think she can do well with a lot of it. i just have to work on walking on a leash because of her HOD she really never got a chance to.

my dane sleeps like that in bed. she sleeps between my man and i and its like shes trying to be a human and sleep like us lol. she tends to get on her back like that then take her front legs and put them around one of our heads. its cute

omg boog got sooooooo big!! the last time i saw him he was just a little tyke!

Food Discussion & Information / Re: ~*To soak or not*~
« on: August 05, 2007, 03:51:34 pm »
I just put a little water over the food, not all the time, especially when they are teething. I have looked online reg. benefits of either one and just came to the conclusion that it would be best to just put a little water on it, not actually soak. We are on Solid Gold Wolf Cub now and it really does not expand. I think it just varies.

like i said, my pup is losing teeth right now, and refuses to eat anything hard. i actually have a few of her teeth saved, just trying to figure out what to do with them. but when shes done with that all she will go back to non-soaked (if i can get her back)

Monthly Photo Contests / Re: August Contest
« on: August 05, 2007, 03:47:37 pm »
yes but there are some that dont have multiples.... *raises hand* and i dont think i could ever get my dog to be able to pose with my horses... our baby horse likes to play with my pup, and i cant do that because she might kick her

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Therapy Dogs
« on: August 05, 2007, 03:40:57 am »
thanks a lot. shes very very well socialized, she goes to all parties and functions with us, and everyones house we visit she goes to. she knows the commands, "sit", "lay down", "shake", "high five", "leave it". Shes had HOD so we havent been able to work on commands like "come" and "stay" because she had flare ups every week and was being hospitalized. she couldnt walk for a while so "stay" she did all the time... and she couldnt "come".. but now shes getting over her HOD and is walking, and we are working on those commands. she mostly responds to "come on sweetie" or "come on chloe"... so i guess shes getting the command "come" but in her own way.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: ~*To soak or not*~
« on: August 05, 2007, 03:37:11 am »
i soak my pups food, i have a Great Dane. Shes 4months old now. Right now she likes it because shes losing her baby teeth, and its easier for her to eat. But I also do it to avoid bloat. I mix her food with the same brand of canned food, not a lot of the canned, just about a spoonfull to make it more enticing. i dont think theres a specific amount of time to soak it.. i just put the dry and wet together early so that its ready when shes hungry, then when i give it to her i put in the canned food and kind of mash it all up together, and add a little more water. thats all... she seems to really like it that way. but due to her HOD she has to eat small meals every 4 hours and she has to have a certain amount of calories a day to put on weight but not speed up her bone growth and blah blah blah.. yeah its complicated. but thats what i do! really, the decision is up to you, but i favor soaking so that they dont slurp up so much water after eating and make the food expand then...

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Therapy Dogs
« on: August 05, 2007, 03:19:42 am »
Hey guys, I know some of you (ok atleast I know about Lily) have therapy dogs. I was just wondering... my pup has a great disposition, with older people and with kids. My father has Alzheimers and she lays right at his feet and sits next to him so proudly and watches everything he does, as if shes protecting him. And shes great with my 2yr old neice.. shes only 4months old, but shes like one of those old dogs whos had little kids around all their life, she lets my neice hug on her and pet her and play with her lips. I was just wondering, when shes older (and over her HOD) if shes still got the same disposition (which i think she still will) I think she would make a good therapy dog. She just loves people and other animals, she just loves everything! I just wondered how I would go about getting her into something like that, or if she would have to have been started off from the day i got her.

Monthly Photo Contests / August Contest
« on: August 05, 2007, 03:13:11 am »
Hey, I havent been able to get in on any photo contests yet, I was just wondering when the August one starts

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