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Messages - SadieA

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Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / a few newer pics of Sammy
« on: May 24, 2008, 06:21:43 am »
Here's my big guy!!! He's 82 pounds now, as of yesterday, and almost 11 months old- his birthday is the 4th of July. The First and last pictures are a couple months old, but he's not growing too quick anymore, so he still pretty much looks the same. I need to take more pics!

Oh, I am so jealous!! It looks like he had a great time! I love Acadia. Used to work for the park service actually, so I've hiked all the trails there many times! I'm hoping to make it up there this summer with Sammy.

I bet he's tired now!

Good news! The lady in charge of rescue at the club got back to me- she's already heard of this situation, and she is arranging a new home for the pup.

OH MY GOODNESS. I just LOVE her!!! What a cutie. She must be a little less wild than Sammy was as a pup- no way he'd ever have rested calmly next to a plate of food, even if the kibble pieces were technically too big for him to eat- he'd have been wolfing them down anyway!

I know, me too. I forwarded the posting on to the rescue folks at the Nashoba Valley Berner club, and also sent the poster this link, about financial assistance at a local pet hospital.

I hope that they find help!

Oh, I'd be willing to bet he can hear something outside. My dog can tell when people walk by in front of our house, and he's not got a low enough window to see them... I think he can hear their footsteps or something, even when I'm sitting next to him and I can't. My guy (Sammy) has had similar problems sleeping through the night, and I posted about it recently and got some great advice (mostly about his crate likely being small for him) if you want to search that thread and read it. I have also seen Sammy be bothered in the house by wind he can hear outside- maybe wind at night is bothering your guy.

By the way, when is your little Berner coming????

This is just so sad to me, having a young berner myself.... Maybe someone on here can help, or knows someone who can.

good news! he does not have a blockage. He's starting to feel a bit better, I'd say- his energy is back, but he still has  bad diarrhea, poor guy. The vet has him on special canned food for a couple days, and I added a  bit of pumpkin to it yesterday. I hope he's really better soon!

Yesterday, a guy who saw me walking Sammy asked if he was "part Himalayan Mountain Dog," by which I assume he meant Tibetan Mastiff?? But he wasn't mean about it or anything- seemed proud of himself that he had "recognized" my dog! So I said, no, he's a Bernese Mountain Dog, which I'm sure made the guy think he was at least pretty close with his guess. Maybe, after all, he was thinking of that rare breed, the Burmese Mountain Dog! Because Burma is kind of in the same part of the world as the himalayas...

And then he said "gosh, he's going to gain another 60 pounds or so, isn't he??" Good lord, I don't think so. He weighs 85 already. hahaha.

Thanks for the kind words! I haven't heard from the vet yet...  but doing a little research online, I don't think nylabone makes a peanut-flavored bone except for an edible one. So I'm hoping maybe that's what my mom got, in which case maybe the stomach upset is just that his stomach didn't like the bone, rather than a blockage!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Worried about Sammy- GI blockage??
« on: May 19, 2008, 08:24:18 am »
Sammy is sick! He's at the vet right now for x-rays, because, long story short, he might have a blockage in his GI tract. A few days ago, my mom got him a brand-new peanut butter flavored nylabone, and gave it to him before leaving for work. When she came home, it was GONE. He'd been in his large crate, so no question about it- he ate the whole thing. Yipes. So of course, he had diarrhea for the next couple days, but I thought that would be the extent of things.

Well, for the last two days, he has refused to eat, which is NOT like Sammy AT ALL. He's also been pretty low-energy, and I am so worried about him. So the vet is checking to see if the nylabone caused a blockage, and if it did, she'll have to operate to pull it out. Poor boy! He is already scheduled to be neutered on friday, so this may be a big week for him, surgery-wise.

I am so worried about him! Has anyone else had a dog eat a nylabone? Or had a dog who had to have a blockage removed? I guess I won't be giving him any more nylabones- he has one unflavored one that he has chewed on here and there for months- I guess he just really loved the peanut-butter flavor, and it didn't even occur to me or my mom that he might EAT the whole thing. Poor little dude.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Advice on sleeping??
« on: May 19, 2008, 08:17:30 am »
Thank you all SO much for your helpful ideas. I think that problem may be, as several of you have suggested, that he is really getting too large to be comfortable in his crate for the whole night. He's 85 pounds, and really can't stretch out in his crate, which is definitely big, but not huge. He will sleep well out of it- the main reason I still have him sleeping in there is because I will shortly be moving to an apartment with a roommate, and I want to be sure that I am able to have a place where he can hang out and be away from the busy-ness, both to help him be more comfortable with the move, and also to keep him out of my roommate's hair, if necessary. However, I do have a bigger crate I will be using when I move. It is in fact HUGE. It's a wire crate, and is about 3.5 feet wide by 4.5 feet long, and probably close to five feet tall. I actually think it might be designed for a pony or something (haha)! But certainly, he could sleep in there- the only problem is, it's in the basement at my parents' house as it doesn't fit anywhere else! I'm planning once I move to put it in my bedroom (I'll have a big room) and maybe even loft my bed (carefully! strongly!) over the crate, so he can sleep in there, where he'll have tons of space to stretch out, right in the same room as me. I know he will like being in the same room as me- in the past, he has slept in my room, and has been happy and quiet. At my parents' house, he sleeps in the crate in the kitchen, because that is where their dog sleeps. So yeah, there are a LOT of potential distractions for him there- the other dog, cars passing on the street, any noises he can hear outside. No wonder he is having trouble sleeping!

Thank you all so much! I think for the next couple weeks until I move, I will try having him sleep in the large crate in the basement. It isn't ideal, but he can't sleep in my room, as the dogs aren't allowed on the second floor (my parents' rule) and he can't sleep loose in the kitchen because he would spend the whole night trying to play with my parents' dog, who he ADORES. Actually, I could try letting him sleep loose in the kitchen. My fear is that I want to have the option of crating him in the bigger crate for the night, and I am afraid if he gets used to sleeping loose, he will be unhappy going back to the crate, even if it is a larger one. thoughts on that?

sorry for the novel!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Advice on sleeping??
« on: May 16, 2008, 06:12:52 am »
Sammy is 10.5 months old now, and he's still having trouble pretty regularly with sleeping. I think a big part of the problem may be that we've been staying with my parents for a while now, so that's a change of scenery for him from his apartment that he knows. He sleeps in a crate, as he has every night since he was small, and he's good about it- he goes right in when I open the door at night. But lately, he's been waking up barking and whining in the night. I take him out, and he does usually pee, but he'll wake up again, and do the same thing again. I don't think it's because he HAS to pee-  other nights he is just fine. I wonder if he's  barking because he wants to get up and play, and a few times I've tried ignoring him for a whole night, to see if he'll learn that barking won't get him out of his crate. I've actually found that works pretty well, at least for a while, but he does eventually return to the barking and crying at night. I don't want to just let him bark and cry away, and the noise wakes up everyone in the house if I let it go on too long. Does anyone have advice for what I might do to teach him not to be so loud at night?? I'm already planning to start taking him for a late walk, shortly before he goes to bed, to make sure he is pretty tired out.

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Drafting with my Sweet pup
« on: May 07, 2008, 12:56:09 am »
I don't know anything about carting, but oh my goodness I am excited to see pictures of her!! My Sammy is ten months old, and there aren't too many Berners on this board, so I'm excited to see another pop up!!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Hiccups
« on: May 06, 2008, 08:53:22 am »
When he was a little pup, Sammy got the hiccups like CRAZY. I thought something was wrong, the amount of noise they made. But he's already outgrown it, it seems, at ten months.

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