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Messages - pndlake

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 ... 33
ok since a male child does not remember what it felt like to be circumcised then how do we know what pain, if any, happened.  Babies cry all the time anyway.  Common sense will tell you that it DID hurt no matter what the age.  Even unborn children feel pain, that has been proven.  To me we must assume it hurts to dock an animal's tail. It probably does not hurt for long, but it does hurt.  A puppy still likes people after they do that to them. 

  I wonder why in Europe it is against the law to dock tails or ears?  In other areas Europeans seem to have more freedoms than us.  Can you imagine how many people here would protest if a bill was introduced to prohibit docking dog's tails and ears? 


Obviously tail and ear lopping are for looks and that is an owner preference thing.  Niki has a docked tail and she is a cross breed, rotweiller and lab.  If I had her mom at the time, I would not have cropped it.  The owner of the mom said she just thought it looked better but I just don't think it was necessary.  Now I crop all of my baby lambs by putting a tight band on it and after about a week, the tail falls off. They are uncomfortable for a short time after I place the band then it is all over.  I never put the really small babies through it because I like to see them full fed and stronger before it is done.  Everybody here with sheep crops their tails, they say it is for cleanliness and I suppose so because sheep can be pretty dirty, however, in Europe they never crop their tails.  To us a sheep with a long tail just looks weird.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Getting ready for hurricane Dennis!
« on: July 08, 2005, 02:19:52 am »
Weird, Marit, sounds like that new Tom Cruise movie, exactly what you described but there were aliens in those clouds. Oh yeh, War of the Worlds.  Hope that is not coming to Charlotte but we have a little wait before it hits us on the west coast.  :o


Bills & Other Legislative Acts / Re: canine automotive leash laws
« on: July 08, 2005, 02:12:14 am »
These "cops" should have better things to do with OUR money.

Bills & Other Legislative Acts / Re: canine automotive leash laws
« on: July 07, 2005, 11:27:54 am »
I think it is great that smart people like all of you belt your dogs in.

What I object strongly to is the fact we keep getting more and more laws that govern our entire way of life.  This is truly big brother.

Very soon, if you are a smoker, there will be a helicopter hovering by your front door and a cop on a bullhorn shouting "throw the cigarettes out the window and come out with your hands up".  I am no longer a smoker, however, we all have rights and stupid laws like forcing us to tie down our dogs keep creeping in on us.  Laws should be made to protect us from damage caused by other people's stupidity, not our own. 

Now I feel better pheew


Oh lordy Nicole, what a visual.   ::)  I assume you did not try to salvage them  ;)

The human babies look almost the same.  WOW are they both cute!!!!!  You must all be proud!!!!

hahaha ;D ;D ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Getting ready for hurricane Dennis!
« on: July 07, 2005, 10:57:33 am »
I would still rather have earthquakes.  Good Luck

Bills & Other Legislative Acts / Re: canine automotive leash laws
« on: July 07, 2005, 10:55:22 am »
California got another law recently.  It is another one that we must remember correctly or get busted.  :-\ If you have a dog in the back of a pickup, it must be tied unless it happens to be a working farm dog.

 I haven't figured out how you can tell it is a working farm dog.  I have seen cow dogs in the back of trucks but I don't know how you would prove it is a working dog to a cop.  My dog is a working farm dog but she rides in the cab.  Guess maybe I will have to belt her in soon because somebody will pass a law on that too. 

I HATE these laws.


Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Sheep and the Sheepish Pyr
« on: July 05, 2005, 01:22:30 pm »
Well if there are any BPO's that live in my area (Central California near Fresno) then they are welcome to come to my place to give it a try.  We have a 2 acre spread with about 10 sheep all fenced in.  The grass is green and it is easily controlled as the sheep cannot head for the hills and not come back.  If any get loose I head out with my small tractor and Niki just comes along and gently herds.  I never really taught her, she just always is there and figures out what needs to be done.  Sometimes she figures wrong but at least she tries.


OK, now I see all the tri color Bernese.  I am reading all of the information.  Thanks for posting all of the shots, I love learning.   

Hi, I thought the tri-color was only in the Swiss Mountain Dog.  I LOVE the color too and a mix with a lab could be a fantastic helper dog.  I am looking for something like that too.  Peggy

Monthly Photo Contests / Re: July's Patriotic Photo Contest
« on: July 04, 2005, 03:24:16 pm »
Yeh, yeh, yeh, blame it on Jamie  ;D

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: New Pics of Bella & Rocco
« on: July 01, 2005, 08:50:26 pm »
hahaha he wanted to be in the jet tub.  I wanna jet tub.  great shots.

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