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Messages - pndlake

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Golden Retriever Discussions / Re: New here
« on: July 01, 2005, 08:46:20 pm »
I know Goldens can be very intelligent and the way you talk about him, Thor, will be one of the smartest ones.  Congratulation s, now you have a great avatar.


I would be a mixed breed, Tramp from Lady and the Tramp.  One who dumpster dives, hides under tires  and does things their own way no matter what others think.   ;D


Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Why is this?
« on: July 01, 2005, 12:49:22 am »
hmmmm maybe people will try to analyze this behavior but I find it kinda funny.  Hey, just like people, dogs are all different and do things their own way ;D  That is my thought if it is worth anything.  You gotta admit, it is interesting.


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: July 01, 2005, 12:05:31 am »
Hi Luvmenewfs, you are right it takes a lot of different people in the world and if we all felt the same, then it would be a very boring place to live in.

I just do not believe that we need a law to cover every possible situation. There can be so many laws that we will need a book to review on a daily basis just to keep from breaking any.  My dog is perfect in public, loves people and stays by my side at all times, unless directed to do differently.  I have never had a complaint.  I started Niki on a short leash and halter when she was a pup.  I have never made a "circus" of her as stated by whiteshepard.  Sure some morons were not given any common sense direction by their parents and make it hard on all of us but that happens everywhere (per Marit) and the advantage of having more freedom with our animals far outways a few problems.  Here is an example and a true story:

I was working as a customer service rep for a major airline.  During my training, they told us the story of a 200 lb pig that had a certificate that it was a therapy animal and must accompany its owner on a flight from Chicago to Seattle.  The owner approached the customer service rep with the paperwork and demanded that the pig accompany them in the cabin.  The customer service rep was not sure, so checked with his supervisor.  The supervisor was not sure so checked with the station manager.  The station manager was not sure so checked with the crew of the aircraft.  The crew checked with the captain who OK's the animal on board.  The pig (200 lbs. remember) was loaded into the first class compartment and given a seat in front of the bulkhead.  Everything was fine until the plane landed in Seattle.  After landing, the pig squeeled wildly and started running through the coach section pooping in the aisle.  After the jetway was put onto the aircraft, the pig squeeled more and ran up the jetway depositing huge amounts of feces that all the passengers had to step around.  The airline was sued by at least five of the passengers and guess what, the customer service rep. was fired but the captain was not.

We can have rules until we are blue in the face, but you never know. :-\

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Jabear Bear trap
« on: June 29, 2005, 11:46:48 pm »
Oh Coonie, that is sad for the baby and daddy.  Will they hold her until they can get the baby and reunite them?  Do they have facilities to do that? ??? Keep us posted.


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 29, 2005, 11:34:39 pm »
Yes, and I searched under Therapy Dogs International, nothing.  Tried the Newf site too, no help.  I am a terrible surfer so I need more hints.  Thanks.  Niki's training is so extensive that I am sure she could work with the program. 


Golden Retriever Pictures / Re: I Just Love this pic
« on: June 29, 2005, 09:20:00 pm »
almost says "waiting for mom and dad to get home" very nice


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 29, 2005, 08:11:08 pm »
Yes, bring us to the light.  Still no reply.  Oh well, maybe she got too close to a smoker and blew away.   ;)

Thanks Newflvr, I am definitely going to search for more information on this therapy dog thing.   8)

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Drake in Tahoe
« on: June 28, 2005, 11:56:25 pm »
Great shots.  I know the area well.  There is still a lot of snow for so late in the season.  Bet the water was cold.  That is not a stick, a scotsman would call it a caper that you would lift carefully before throwing.  Did you name him after Sir Francis Drake? My old school.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Fear of Smoke Detectors
« on: June 28, 2005, 08:54:57 pm »
Dang, smoke detectors should never go off in the middle of the night unless there is a fire!! That is the whole point of a detector.  If it does for no reason - Get a new one!!!  Peggy

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Fear of Smoke Detectors
« on: June 28, 2005, 08:27:40 pm »
HaHa if your smoke detector goes off so often that it is a problem, better get a new one or train to be a better cook.  If they get upset when there is REALLY a problem you will count your blessings.


In all fairness ladies, there are some pretty good guys that post here.  We all vent and what I really have to say would get me kicked off the board.  Please don't read it guys (Newf and the others).  If _______ could take out the garbage, we would not need men for anything.  Now do you feel better.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 28, 2005, 07:47:29 pm »
Hey Newf:  HaHa, if they just have a cape on, who bothers to read what it says, they just accept it, right?  We don't have any pet therapy here, where is it in Marin.  I would like to do it. Let me know, I am on my way.

" Respecting the laws of your community is your personal responsibility to the public."  quote Per white shepard dog.

Sorry, I have a real problem with laws that I don't have a chance to vote on that are crammed down my throat.

I went to France and I do not remember "dodging any poopies anywhere".  I did notice, however, in Paris that dogs were everywhere, in stores, streets and more. 

Did you know that almost 75% of the people in American that die from a heart attack get out of bed on the left-hand side and, therefore, we need a law stating that it is illegal to get out of your bed on the left-hand side. The government needs to protect us from our stupidy you know.  :P

Whatever happened to common sense? 

German Shepherd Discussions / Re: Nice looking board
« on: June 28, 2005, 03:47:59 pm »
Hi, nice to see so many from Canada.  They  always have such lush green grass and trees in the photos, not to mention the good looking dogs.  Welcome, Peggy

hope you had a great one.  Peggy :D

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